Congrats2u's Forum Posts

  • Hello there!

    Ive a question about iframe scrolling. In my game - i use them to show up websites with informations. But the weird thing is: Some times i can scroll inside this iframe with one finger but than i need to use two fingers.

    The i frames change, when the user calls differend sections - this problem appears, when i open differend iframes in the same scene - i recognized, that every time i return or load the menu (where the iframes are embedded) i can scroll inside them with one finger - after switching them - you need to touch with two fingers to scroll.

    Has someone an idea how to fix this? Or where i would have to pay attention on? Note: I Build the apps with cordova for android and ios. So my target platforms is mobile.

    Do i have to set something up in the index.html file or in the app.xml file?

    Thank you very much!



  • I cant access my old posts, the new page is completly confusing. What was the basic idea behind that chaos? And much more important for me: How can i open my questions and answers again?

    And how do i can see all my questions i ever asked in one history like i could on the old page? So if i get an answer here where do i have my overview?



  • Hello There!

    I have a Question about the IFrame_Pode plugin iam using for showing webcontent on my IOS/Andoird App. I recognized, that on IOS you have to use two fingers to scroll down the content, iam visualizing inside the iframe. Thats new - before you could scroll down with one finger. The thing is: The first scroll works with one finger, after you stop scrolling you have to use two fingers on each iframe.

    Has someone an idea why? And much more important for me: How to avoid this? Is this an issue i can solve in my config.xml file or my index.html file?

    Thanks for each suggestion / idea!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • C2isthetruth

    sorry i worked on another project, so i wasnt online in the construct forum a while. It depends on the informations you want to open with the socialsharing tool - in this case i needed the informations to share the screenshot with the email on mobile.

    The benefit on the social sharing tool is, that your mobile device will open all possible sharing tools - also the download local method (in my case it worked on both IOS and Android).

    Did you followed the guide to bring the canvas snapshot to work? Note: I worked with phonegap, where you have to make a reference for the socialsharing plugin in your config.xml file too.

    my case:

    <plugin name="cordova-plugin-media" source="npm" />

    <plugin name="cordova-plugin-file" />

    <plugin name="cordova-plugin-http" />

    <plugin name="cordova-plugin-inappbrowser" source="npm" />

    <plugin name="ionic-plugin-keyboard" source="npm" version="2.2.1" />

    <plugin name="cordova-plugin-whitelist" source="npm" />

    <plugin name="cordova-plugin-splashscreen" source="npm" />

    <plugin name="cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing" source="npm" />


    "window.plugins.socialsharing.share('This is the message.',' Topic ','" & CanvasSnapshot & "', null)"

    you forgot a ' behind the ... & CanvasSnapshot & " (here), ...

  • In my case the most important plugin was the liteTween plugin - it would be awesome i guess, when this would be a standart construct2/3 behaviour. But i guess the most of you have other project specific important plugins.

  • Havok

    i totally agree with you.

  • Thats true, would be a nice Team for construct3 and a benefit for all users. But thats only a suggestion I have to say that iam also happy with this community and the Feedbacks, help and ideas i get, when iam asking for things.

    Basically this is the environment for creating nice games, everyone needs.

    Have a nice day All

  • Lets start a petition - so he will have to continue!

    Update: He wrote "Goodbye" in his bio....:/

  • Phacanu

    Nice! Thank you for your link!

    I havent tried it out right now but the first look is very promising! Ill try it out when i have less stess Because currently it works with the help of dop2000 feedback.

  • It works! You have to make a reference in the index.html file, after that you can reference to every javascript file and get those functions to work.... aweseome....

    It was difficould to understand the communication between construct3 and JavaScripts - but after you get it once it is awesome to access your own code.

    Kind of love this engine and Ashley `s perfect support.

  • Javascript librarys with the embeded codec cant be read - i guess - or doesnt seems wo work. We tried to include a cryptojs library with needed functions, but it doesnt work.

  • dop2000

    Thank you very much! With your help i can now understand how it can be done! Very nice!

    Now i have another question, depending on the encryption. The secret encryption needs the HMACSHA256() algorithm, this is part of a library, and not only javascript native programming.

    Is there a possability to include a library into construct3 - For example Crypto.js, it contains hmac encoding functions? Or do you know what would be the best way to achieve hmacsha256 encoding?

    Again thank you so much for your answer! Youre the best!

  • Any Help would be awesome and very important for me..

    Em i right if i include a javascript file into my folder called "files" and in this script is a function like i described above, it should be possible to call the function with some parameters and return a value from it - with the browser.execute("myfunction();") method? Otherwise i dont get it, how to run some JavaScript can generate a JavaScript file in the files direction, but you cant Access it?

    Set WebToken variable:

    Browser.ExecJS("(function(){ var header = {'alg':'HS256','typ':'JWT'};

    var stringifiedHeader = JSON.stringify(header);

    var encodedHeader = btoa(stringifiedHeader); altert(encodedHeader); })")

    Doesnt work either.

    I checked 100 of differend posts but i dont know why there is no tutorial or example or something, that can provide a guy who never did this before.

    Thanks again for any help!

    I also loaded the JSShell plugin from Rex, but there is no documentation available, with some examples or something. The construct3 files cant be downloaded, because the link isnt actual.

  • gibbon

    Hey! Did you bring this thing to run?

  • Hello there!

    Can someone explain how i could send a variable to a function in my JavaScript, i have added to my Project? There are some calculations i would have to do within this function and then return a string to construct3 again to set it to an variable in my game.

    Can someone tell me how to do that?

    Thank you very much!


    I have the score and a string (a scecret), i want to send to my crypto.js script. (there is a function inside, which should encrypt those values). Then the function should return a value i would have to return in construct3 and save it, to post this to an url.

    Values in Construct: Score (int), Secret(string).

    Send values to JavaScript: ExecuteJavascirpt(Crypto.js(Score, Secret))

    JavaScript return values to construct: String(XXXX.YYYYY.ZZZZZ) ---- (This function generates a huge string (webtoken), with the encoded values, i would Need in construct to send it to an url)

    Please tell me, if there is something unclear

    In Construct3:

    global variable WebToken:string;

    Set WebToken to (Browser.ExecJS("crypt("&highScore&","&secretVar&");"))

    JavaScript Called Crypto.js, saved in Files folder:


    function crypt(score, string){

    var header = {

    "alg": "HS256",

    "typ": "JWT"


    var stringifiedHeader = JSON.stringify(data);

    var encodedHeader = btoa(stringifiedHeader)

    return encodedHeader ; (or even a test retrun "string" doesnt work)



    I want to get the generated string from the JavaScript (encryptedString) to set the webtoken varialbe to this value. It does not return anything... is there something wrong? How could i check if the JavaScript function will be triggered?



    Found this: but why is this not working in my case?