Colludium's Forum Posts

  • Awesome! I'm too careful with the pennies to splash out on Dropbox pro for my hosting! Tom, this might be of interest to you for the arcade since Spriter objects don't display there (at least they didn't a month ago....).

  • I suspect it's the website causing the problem somehow, at least for my example - because my Umbra demo works fine as an html5 export hosted by Dropbox... This is not my area of expertise so I'm not able to offer any possible solutions I'm afraid.

  • I noticed that the Spriter animations weren't visible in the scirra arcade.... I've not tried other sites yet - which did you try?

  • This is a thing of beauty! And when I checked - the event sheet was empty - lol.... Not an overlap or collision check in sight. Sigh... I can see myself dividing my time between 2 projects soon.

  • Problem Description

    This happened once. I created a small project as the second project contained in one instance of the c2 editor. It contained 3 layouts, a text object and a tiled background object - to test if different create methods caused different on start of layout times (I had a problem with this on another project). There were no differences in on start of layout times so I closed the project without saving it, by right clicking on it in the projects tab. The editor crashed with the following message. I have been unable to reproduce this failure, hence the limited bug report.

    Attach a Capx


    Description of Capx


    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • I have been unable to repeat this check failure, hence no capx or description, other than the description above

    Observed Result

    See image.

    Expected Result

    No crashing on project closing.

    Affected Browsers

    • N/A - editor problem

    Operating System and Service Pack

    W8.1 x64

    Construct 2 Version ID

    r210 64 bit

  • So I'm a bit slow on the uptake here.... In case anyone else has found that the darker themes don't go with the light colored editor and didn't realize that you could change it(!): select View - Style dropdown - visual studio styles - visual studio 2012 dark - it complements some of the darker themes here. And it means that my eyesight is no longer in jeopardy!!

  • Noncentz705 - thanks! That was way too hard to find!!

  • Dammit - lol - that's much more efficient Noncentz705!!! I'm going to have to update my tutorial.... :/

    Edit - as you're a css guru - how did you edit the c2 editor to display in black with white writing?

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  • At first I thought it sounded very much like a manual, but when you mentioned 3rd party plugins and wrappers, I think this would be great! Most plugins and wrappers are not easy to understand for the beginners. And if it is like wiki in that other people can contribute, people might even be able to share their performance stats regarding those plugins and wrappers. Especially likes the fact that everything will be on 1 page or area which makes it easy to find and study.

    Yes - thanks - I think that one of the strengths of c2 is the community (if it is not THE strength). In fact, if the community was like some others I've experienced then I think c2 would be dead in the water....

    I accept that moderating a c2 wiki could be a challenge - there are plenty here with a rep of < 1000 who know way more than I ever will about c2 or javascript and, conversely, there are some with a rep of > 10000 who I don't think should be allowed anywhere near such a valuable stash of information. Perhaps some champions could be selected to add bits of various useful info after a collective has been agreed in the forum. I don't know - I don't have a monopoly on ideas, I'm just experimenting with potential solutions to a limitation.... Ramble over!

  • Ooooh - shiney! Thanks R0J0hound - checking it out now!

    OK, not quite what I was hoping for unfortunately. Looks a bit neglected - no bad on the author who did a great job of setting it up - maybe it needs some love?! But I am cautious about 3rd party solutions (as always) because what if the server's bills aren't paid - what happens to all of the data etc. I would much prefer a solution.

  • I know, I know, there was a thread in 2013 about this and it was suggested that the tutorials were probably a better place to store community knowledge.... so the idea died with that conclusion.

    I think history has shown that maybe the tutorials are not the best place to store community/collective knowledge. Aside from the fact that they have been closed for a while now - they were not configured for data input by multiple users and the very broad indexing means that it's hard for anyone to browse to info they might be interested in learning about.

    What I request is that the establishment of a c2 wiki is considered (and implemented ). This would allow information regarding 3rd party plugins and wrappers - like and nw.js - to be be kept in one easy to read and accessible place. If someone discovers a new method of beating a chrome driver denial system then they could add it to the exporters/html5 section. Presently, most really useful info is often embedded inside one of many multi-page forums - and some real gems are hidden away. Anyone know to quickly find the latest nw export hacks, for example? No - me neither...

    The sharing of c2 info could be better in this regard.... and I don't think an off-site non-scirra solution would benefit the community. So, do you also think that the establishment of a c2 wiki would be useful?


    • Post link icon

    This info in this thread is gold - it should be installed in a wiki page.... Maybe? I wish that scirra would enable an addendum to the manual to that effect - run/edited by members of the community for the community. In fact, that gives me an idea!!

  • See the link below for my how-to-set css tutorial.

  • Copying events between projects can be frustrating. You have to first create the variables in the new project, with exactly the same names, then paste in the events you wish to copy.

  • The int() expression turns a float (number with decimals) to a whole number, rounded down to the next lowest whole number. So, int(1-5) is the same as int(-4) which equals: -5. Probably not what you were hoping for... The c2 event system is incredibly powerful and will filter/pick all instances that satisfy a condition or conditions that you define.

    So, for your example, are the sprite.HP values all integers (ie whole numbers)? If so, you could use this OR condition to pick all of the relevant sprites:

    Sprite.HP > 5


    Sprite.HP < 1