I know, I know, there was a thread in 2013 about this and it was suggested that the tutorials were probably a better place to store community knowledge.... so the idea died with that conclusion.
I think history has shown that maybe the tutorials are not the best place to store community/collective knowledge. Aside from the fact that they have been closed for a while now - they were not configured for data input by multiple users and the very broad indexing means that it's hard for anyone to browse to info they might be interested in learning about.
What I request is that the establishment of a c2 wiki is considered (and implemented ). This would allow information regarding 3rd party plugins and wrappers - like cocoon.io and nw.js - to be be kept in one easy to read and accessible place. If someone discovers a new method of beating a chrome driver denial system then they could add it to the exporters/html5 section. Presently, most really useful info is often embedded inside one of many multi-page forums - and some real gems are hidden away. Anyone know to quickly find the latest nw export hacks, for example? No - me neither...
The sharing of c2 info could be better in this regard.... and I don't think an off-site non-scirra solution would benefit the community. So, do you also think that the establishment of a c2 wiki would be useful?