Colludium's Forum Posts

  • ryguydavis,

    Sorry, a bit too brief on the help because I was using my phone. Try something like the images below. You just need to grab the UID of the object that has been selected (in my examples I use a mouse click) and then exclude that UID from the group of objects that you wish to consider for the pick nearest action. You can use a family (that contains the selected object type) or put the UID in a local variable to fulfill this requirement - all depending on how you have your game set up. If you choose to use a variable, just ensure you Pick all so the sub-events consider more than just the selected object. Take a look at these and let me know if they make sense or not...



  • Try filtering to exclude the UID of the sprite you don't want chosen.

  • I would like to see a way of modifying a particular layer's attributes on all layouts simultaneously , if that could be possible. Global GUI objects work a treat, but layers are useful for so much more than just a HUD - and each layout has to have the same number of layers for the technique to work and so they don't 'get lost' as the player navigates around (unless I'm missing something really obvious). Thus adding an interstitial layer or changing attributes like effects, scale rate and parallax etc becomes a pain if your project has many layouts.

    So, I would like to be able to select all layers with a particular index number in all layouts at the same time. Changing common attributes would then be a piece of cake. Imagine how much time this would save on a project of 30+ layouts....

  • elNighthawk, I'm not sure how often Austin visits these forums, but I've always found him quick to respond to his work emails. Use the contact form on is my advice - good luck!

  • blackhornet, please ignore my last post. I am still having problems with the exported character set (I'm using W8.1 x64). When editing the font in GYFM2 the top window shows the correct character set. However, the exported character string is still wrong. I suspect that there could be a setting on my laptop that might rectify this, so I'll keep investigating and will let you know. For now I can just copy-paste what's shown in the window. Bill Gates' software strikes again....

  • deleted - I was mistaken....

  • blackhornet, GYFM2 is awesome, but I'm having a problem with the character set it produces in the text file - some of the digits appear to be incorrect. I've not had this problem before on my previous computer (I'm using a relatively new computer) and the error happens on normal system fonts (like Arial and Time New Roman) as well as custom fonts from the web. I've attached an example of the Arial font .png.

    Here are links to the text and png files:

    text file

    png file

    Character set: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789.,;:?!-_~#"'&()[]|`\/@°+=*$£€<>%[/code:25iuk1z8]
    As you can see, the following characters are included at the end of the character set text but don't appear in the png:     [code:25iuk1z8]€[/code:25iuk1z8]        
    Also, the "€" is missing....  
    Any advice on what's going wrong would be very much appreciated.
  • No worries!

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  • fldr - of course, I just thought it was interesting because it seems so much more resource intensive in Chrome compared with the other two browsers.

  • My game has a smattering of physics objects rather than just a few basic sprites, and I agree that space blaster is a bit basic for systems testing. Interestingly in the debugger, when I change from Inspect to the Profile screen in Chrome, the fps marches up (from 30 to 50) and CPU use goes right down (50% to 15%). The layout doesn't have that many objects on it (170) and my laptop is super-powerful with an embarrassingly high spec. Meanwhile, in both Firefox and IE11, the same game plays in the debugger at a solid 60 fps with 12% cpu.

  • I also noticed very slow performance in debug mode in Chrome 35xx (30fps / 50+% cpu). I just updated to 36 and it's improved (45 fps / 30% cpu), but still slower than Firefox and IE11 (both 60 fps in debug). Go figure...

  • A couple of times now I've found asm.js physics problems bleed over to box.2d once they become apparent - both were bug reported. Not sure if this will help but the only fix for me was to open a backup and then to not use asm.js again... I've not seen this particular problem, though.

  • I'm guessing you're looking to set a numerical value to your input to mirror a keypad. This is simpler - I've reduced the input to 4 lines. There are probably other ways of doing it, of course.


  • Hi After a system update/restart I double clicked on my .scml and suffered a few minutes of horror thinking that some of my animations had disappeared. However, when I opened the project .scon file they were all present and correct. Was this my misunderstanding of project file management or could this be a bug? I'm using the b8_2. Thanks.

    Edit to add that the files that were imported into C2 worked correctly as well - the file manager showed the last save date for the .scml as over a week ago even though I had overwritten it frequently. Having opened the .scon I have been able to successfully overwrite the .scml file....

    Edit 2. I was wrong - one animation I created has disappeared although it seems to be saving ok now. I'll PM you a zip of the project.

  • This has come up a couple of times and I had it a while ago. Do you, by chance, happen to have a Microsoft Office file saved and open in the root folder of the project (or sub-folder)?