CJK's Forum Posts

  • Hi Everybody,

    Is it only my weird W10 config, or is it something that anybody can confirm?

    * Add new JSON file within C3

    * Open it in internal editor

    * add a key and a value

    => last value in the file will (possibly always) have "\n" attached to the string.

    I just can't get rid of it - I'd be grateful for suggestions.

  • Thank you, Tom !

    And good luck to all Jam submitters!

  • Hi MATAGUIRIS - not angry at all, merely dare to disagree a little

    it would be unfair that now some were given more time than others They have not had.

    it seems to me unfair that some have more time than others for the same contest, the rules are to fulfill them.

    1) It would be enough for Scirra to re-open the Jam licensing for just one hour, to allow exports & uploads - note that without the Jam license, nobody who exceeds the "free" limits cannot spend any time improving their game.

    2) I agree, rules should be to fulfill them. The rule clearly says "Deadline again is May 28th, 11:59 PM EST."

  • Ashley - let me just say that I'm disappointed with the trick you played on us with the timezone. I have checked on Newgrounds in the Jam rules that the timezone was not Greenwich (which you obviously used), but rather EST.

    Silly me , I wasted another hour trying to figure out what was wrong with a seemingly broken export - the application does not notify about the deadline, and I kept attempting re-exporting and trying to figure out what is wrong. Only re-launching C3 revealed the problem.

    EDIT: +1 to extending the Jam for another 24h.


  • ScrollRight does work perfectly, but, unfortunately, it now does not minify, and I can't figure out why ;-( Anybody can help, please?


    • Post link icon

    Now Godot 3.0 is something that Scirra should really worry about

    There is one area where I was unable to find anything even remotely close to what C2 & Scirra has - and certainly Godot stays behind. The core runtime of less than a megabyte in HTML5 export. This is plain amazing from my viewpoint. GO SCIRRA!

    (and I sincerely hope C3 will not change this in any significant way, that the runtime stays tiny and lighting fast to load).

    My ideas of top 3 C3 changes I'd love to see:

    • automated testing My projects tend to have a couple of thousand events, and no matter how good I try to organize them, if I shelf one for 3 or 6 months, coming back to change something is a bit of a nightmare making sure nothing was broken in the process.
    • named function parameters - same reason, with big projects current solution is painful. I learned to rely on descriptive constants to be used in function arguments wherever possible.
    • Scirra hiring RexRainbow . Thank you,

      rexrainbow !!!

  • Thanks, a very useful plugin!

    I need a ScrollRight action for my project, so I used PlayLive's modifications to add two new actions: ScrollLeft and ScrollRight, and it seems to be working ok. Revised version (1.3.3) below.


    function GetPluginSettings() 
       return {
          "name":      "Listview",
          "id":         "Listview",
          "version":      "1.3.3",
          "version modified":      "2",
          "description":   "Listview.",
          "author":      "HMMG",
          "modified by":   "PlayLive",
          "help url":      "https://www.scirra.com/forum/plugin-listview-header-sorting_t124360",
          "category":   "Addon",
          "type":      "world",         // appears in layout
          "rotatable":   false,
          "flags":      pf_position_aces | pf_size_aces,
    // Parameter types:
    // AddNumberParam(label, description [, initial_string = "0"])         // a number
    // AddStringParam(label, description [, initial_string = "\"\""])      // a string
    // AddAnyTypeParam(label, description [, initial_string = "0"])         // accepts either a number or string
    // AddCmpParam(label, description)                              // combo with equal, not equal, less, etc.
    // AddComboParamOption(text)                                 // (repeat before "AddComboParam" to add combo items)
    // AddComboParam(label, description [, initial_selection = 0])         // a dropdown list parameter
    // AddObjectParam(label, description)                           // a button to click and pick an object type
    // AddLayerParam(label, description)                           // accepts either a layer number or name (string)
    // AddLayoutParam(label, description)                           // a dropdown list with all project layouts
    // AddKeybParam(label, description)                              // a button to click and press a key (returns a VK)
    // AddAnimationParam(label, description)                        // a string intended to specify an animation name
    // AddAudioFileParam(label, description)                        // a dropdown list with all imported project audio files
    // Conditions
    // AddCondition(id,               // any positive integer to uniquely identify this condition
    //            flags,            // (see docs) cf_none, cf_trigger, cf_fake_trigger, cf_static, cf_not_invertible,
    //                           // cf_deprecated, cf_incompatible_with_triggers, cf_looping
    //            list_name,         // appears in event wizard list
    //            category,         // category in event wizard list
    //            display_str,      // as appears in event sheet - use {0}, {1} for parameters and also <b></b>, <i></i>
    //            description,      // appears in event wizard dialog when selected
    //            script_name);      // corresponding runtime function name
    AddCondition(0, cf_trigger, "On selection changed", "Listview", "On selection changed", "Triggered when the selected ligne changes.", "OnSelectionChanged");
    AddCondition(1, cf_trigger, "On clicked", "Listview", "On clicked", "Triggered when the Listview is clicked.", "OnClicked");
    AddCondition(2, cf_trigger, "On double-clicked", "Listview", "On double-clicked", "Triggered when the Listview is double-clicked.", "OnDoubleClicked");
    AddCondition(3, cf_trigger, "On mouse over", "Listview", "On mouse over", "Triggered when the cursor is over the Listview .", "OnHover");
    // Actions
    // AddAction(id,            // any positive integer to uniquely identify this action
    //          flags,            // (see docs) af_none, af_deprecated
    //          list_name,         // appears in event wizard list
    //          category,         // category in event wizard list
    //          display_str,      // as appears in event sheet - use {0}, {1} for parameters and also <b></b>, <i></i>
    //          description,      // appears in event wizard dialog when selected
    //          script_name);      // corresponding runtime function name
    AddNumberParam("Index", "The zero-based index of the Row to select.");
    AddAction(0, af_none, "Set selected index", "Row", "Select Row <i>{0}</i>", "Select a Row in the listview.", "SelectedRow");
    AddComboParam("Visibility", "Choose whether to hide or show the listview.");
    AddAction(1, af_none, "Set visible", "Appearance", "Set <b>{0}</b>", "Hide or show the listview.", "SetVisible");
    AddAction(2, af_none, "Set focused", "Listview", "Set focused", "Set the input focus to the listview.", "SetFocus");
    AddAction(3, af_none, "Set unfocused", "Listview", "Set unfocused", "Remove the input focus from the listview.", "SetBlur");
    AddStringParam("Text", "The Row text to add (to add \":\" use \\:). Exemple 3 Column       \"Item1:Item2:Item3\"");
    AddAction(4, af_none, "Add Row", "Row", "Add Row <i>{0}</i>", "Append a new Row to the listview.", "AddRow");
    AddNumberParam("Index", "The zero-based index of the Row to insert before.");
    AddStringParam("Text", "The Row text to add (to add \":\" use \\:). Exemple 3 Column       \"Item1:Item2:Item3\"");
    AddAction(5, af_none, "Add Row at", "Row", "Add Row <i>{1}</i> at index <i>{0}</i>", "Append a new Row to a specific place in the listview.", "AddRowAt");
    AddNumberParam("Index", "The zero-based index of the Row to remove.");
    AddAction(6, af_none, "Remove At", "Row", "Remove Row <i>{0}</i>", "Remove a Row from the listview.", "RemoveAt");
    AddAction(7, af_none, "Clear", "Row", "Clear all Rows", "Remove all Rows from the listview.", "Clear");
    AddNumberParam("Index", "The zero-based index of the Row to Change css.");
    AddStringParam("Css", "Css exemple    \"background-color:blue;color:white;\" .");
    AddAction(8, af_none, "Change Row CSS At", "Row", "Change Row <i>{0}</i> CSS to <i>{1}</i>", "Change a Row css.", "ChangeRowCssAt");
    AddNumberParam("Row Index", "The zero-based index of the Row to Change the css.");
    AddNumberParam("Cell Index", "The zero-based index of the Cell to Change the css.");
    AddStringParam("Css", "Css exemple    \"background-color:blue;color:white;\" .");
    AddAction(9, af_none, "Change Cell CSS At Row", "Row", "Change Cell <i>{1}</i> At Row <i>{0}</i> CSS to <i>{2}</i>", "Change a Cell css.", "ChangeCellCssAt");
    AddNumberParam("Index", "The zero-based index of the Row to Change add a value to.");
    AddStringParam("Key", "Key name where to store the value in the row");
    AddStringParam("Value", "Value to store.");
    AddAction(10, af_none, "Add Value at Row", "Row", "Set <i>{1}</i> = <i>{2}</i> At <i>{0}</i>", "Store a value.", "StoreValueAt");
    AddNumberParam("Index", "The zero-based index of the Column to sort by.");
    AddComboParam("Direction", "Select if the sort is Ascendant or Descendant")
    AddAction(11, af_none, "Sort Column", "Sort", "Sort Column of index <i>{0}</i> , Order <i>{1}</i> ", "Sort Column", "sortColumn");
    // PlayLive
    AddAction(12, af_none, "Scroll Top", "Listview", "Scroll top", "Scroll to the top line of this object.", "ScrollTop");
    AddAction(13, af_none, "Scroll Bottom", "Listview", "Scroll bottom", "Scroll to the bottom of this object.", "ScrollBottom");
    AddStringParam("Text", "Set Header (to add \":\" use \\:). Exemple 3 Column       \"Header1:Header2:Header3\"");
    AddAction(14, af_none, "Set Header", "Listview", "Set the header (<i>{0}</i>)", "Set the header.", "SetHeader");
    AddNumberParam("Row Index", "The zero-based index of the Row to change the value.");
    AddNumberParam("Cell Index", "The zero-based index of the Cell to change the value.");
    AddStringParam("Value", "Change value (to add \":\" use \\:).");
    AddAction(15, af_none, "Change Value", "Row", "Change value [{0}][{1}] to (<i>{2}</i>)", "Change value at row and cell.", "ChangeValue");
    // CJK
    AddAction(16, af_none, "Scroll Right", "Listview", "Scroll right", "Scroll to the rightmost cell of this object.", "ScrollRight");
    AddAction(17, af_none, "Scroll Left", "Listview", "Scroll left", "Scroll to the leftmost of this object.", "ScrollLeft");
    // Expressions
    // AddExpression(id,         // any positive integer to uniquely identify this expression
    //             flags,         // (see docs) ef_none, ef_deprecated, ef_return_number, ef_return_string,
    //                        // ef_return_any, ef_variadic_parameters (one return flag must be specified)
    //             list_name,      // currently ignored, but set as if appeared in event wizard
    //             category,      // category in expressions panel
    //             exp_name,      // the expression name after the dot, e.g. "foo" for "myobject.foo" - also the runtime function name
    //             description);   // description in expressions panel
    AddExpression(0, ef_return_number, "", "Listview", "RowsCount", "The number of Rows in the listview.");
    AddExpression(1, ef_return_number, "", "Listview", "SelectedRowIndex", "The zero-based index of the currently selected Row.");
    AddNumberParam("SubTextIndex", "subText index to get.");
    AddExpression(2, ef_return_string, "", "Listview", "SubTextSelectedRow", "The subText of the currently selected Row.");
    AddNumberParam("RowIndex", "Row number to get.");
    AddNumberParam("SubTextIndex", "subText index to get.");
    AddExpression(3, ef_return_string, "", "Listview", "SubTextAt", "The subText of the Nth Row in the listview.");
    AddNumberParam("RowIndex", "Row number to get.");
    AddStringParam("Key", "Key name.");
    AddExpression(4, ef_return_string, "", "Listview", "getValueOfKeyAt", "Get stored value of key at a specific row.");
    // Property grid properties for this plugin
    var property_list = [
       new cr.Property(ept_text,   "Header",            "",         "The initial listiew's header separeted by colon : Exemple header1:header2:header3"),
       new cr.Property(ept_text,   "Items",            "",         "The initial listiew of items, separated by semicolons ; and colomuns separeted by colon : .Exemple Row1Col1:Row1Col2:Row1Col3;Row2Col1:Row2Col2:Row2Col3;"),
       new cr.Property(ept_text,   "Colomun Width",   "",         "Set Listview Colomun Width separated by semicolons ;  .Exemple 20%:50%:30%"),
       new cr.Property(ept_combo,   "Initial visibility",   "Visible",   "Choose whether the list is visible on startup.", "Invisible|Visible"),
       new cr.Property(ept_text,   "ID (optional)",      "",         "An ID for the control allowing it to be styled with CSS from the page HTML."),
       new cr.Property(ept_text,   "Header CSS (optional)",      "",      "Add Some CSS to your Listview's header."),
       new cr.Property(ept_text,   "Rows CSS (optional)",      "",         "Add Some CSS to your Listview's Rows."),
       new cr.Property(ept_text,   "Cell CSS (optional)",      "",         "Add Some CSS to your Listview's Cells."),
       new cr.Property(ept_combo,   "Horizontal Alignement",   "Center",      "Set Columns Alignement.", "Left|Center|Right"),
       new cr.Property(ept_combo,   "Vertical Alignement",   "Center",      "Set Columns Alignement.", "Top|Center|Bottom"),
       new cr.Property(ept_combo,   "Show Grid",   "No",      "For listview Grid.", "No|Yes"),
       new cr.Property(ept_combo,   "Show Sorter",   "Yes",      "Show Sorter Icons.", "No|Yes"),
       new cr.Property(ept_combo,   "Sorter Alignement",   "Right",      "Sorter Alignement .", "Left|Center|Right"),
       new cr.Property(ept_combo,   "Fixed Header",   "No",      "Header Fixed when scroll.", "No|Yes"),
       new cr.Property(ept_combo,   "Allow Sort",   "No",      "Allow Sorting.", "No|Yes"),
       new cr.Property(ept_combo,   "Theme",   "Default",      "Select Listview Theme.", "None|Black-Ice|Blue|Bootstrap|Bootstrap 2|Dark|Default|Dropbox|Green|Grey|Ice|Jui"),
       new cr.Property(ept_combo,   "Show Y-Scroll",   "Auto",      "Show Y-Scroll.", "Auto|Yes|No")
    // Called by IDE when a new object type is to be created
    function CreateIDEObjectType()
       return new IDEObjectType();
    // Class representing an object type in the IDE
    function IDEObjectType()
       assert2(this instanceof arguments.callee, "Constructor called as a function");
    // Called by IDE when a new object instance of this type is to be created
    IDEObjectType.prototype.CreateInstance = function(instance)
       return new IDEInstance(instance);
    // Class representing an individual instance of an object in the IDE
    function IDEInstance(instance, type)
       assert2(this instanceof arguments.callee, "Constructor called as a function");
       // Save the constructor parameters
       this.instance = instance;
       this.type = type;
       // Set the default property values from the property table
       this.properties = {};
       for (var i = 0; i < property_list.length; i++)
          this.properties[property_list[i].name] = property_list[i].initial_value;
       // Plugin-specific variables
       this.just_inserted = false;
       this.font = null;
    IDEInstance.prototype.OnCreate = function()
       this.instance.SetHotspot(new cr.vector2(0, 0));
    IDEInstance.prototype.OnInserted = function()
       this.instance.SetSize(new cr.vector2(150, 22));
    IDEInstance.prototype.OnDoubleClicked = function()
    // Called by the IDE after a property has been changed
    IDEInstance.prototype.OnPropertyChanged = function(property_name)
    IDEInstance.prototype.OnRendererInit = function(renderer)
    // Called to draw self in the editor
    IDEInstance.prototype.Draw = function(renderer)
       if (!this.font)
          this.font = renderer.CreateFont("Arial", 14, false, false);
       var quad = this.instance.GetBoundingQuad();
       renderer.Fill(quad, this.properties["Enabled"] === "Yes" ? cr.RGB(255, 255, 255) : cr.RGB(224, 224, 224));
       renderer.Outline(quad, cr.RGB(0, 0, 0));
       cr.quad.prototype.offset.call(quad, 4, 2);
       this.font.DrawText(this.properties["Items"].replace(/;/g, "\n"),
                         cr.RGB(0, 0, 0),
    IDEInstance.prototype.OnRendererReleased = function(renderer)
       this.font = null;
    [code:2fv33rzn]// ECMAScript 5 strict mode
    "use strict";
    // Dropbox , Grey , Bootstap Theme dont have Sort icons
    assert2(cr, "cr namespace not created");
    assert2(cr.plugins_, "cr.plugins_ not created");
    // Plugin class
    cr.plugins_.Listview = function(runtime)
       this.runtime = runtime;
    (function ()
       var pluginProto = cr.plugins_.Listview.prototype;
       // Object type class
       pluginProto.Type = function(plugin)
          this.plugin = plugin;
          this.runtime = plugin.runtime;
       var typeProto = pluginProto.Type.prototype;
       // called on startup for each object type
       typeProto.onCreate = function()
       // Instance class
       pluginProto.Instance = function(type)
          this.type = type;
          this.runtime = type.runtime;
       var instanceProto = pluginProto.Instance.prototype;
       // PlayLive vars
       var header = [];
       var lenCol = [];
       var align = "";
       var valign = "";
       // called whenever an instance is created
       instanceProto.onCreate = function()
          // Not supported in DC
          if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
             cr.logexport("[Construct 2] List plugin not supported on this platform - the object will not be created");
          this.elem = document.createElement("div");
          this.elem.table = document.createElement("table");
          this.elem.id = this.properties[4];
          if($.trim(this.elem.id) <= 0)
             this.elem.id = makeid();
          this.lastSelection = -1 ;
          $(this.elem).appendTo(this.runtime.canvasdiv ? this.runtime.canvasdiv : "body");
          // PlayLive
          if(this.properties[16] == 0)
          else if(this.properties[16] == 1)
          else if(this.properties[16] == 2)
          var self = this;
          var ligne = [];
          var theme = "";
             if(self.properties[0][self.properties[0].length-1] == ":")
                self.properties[0]= self.properties[0].slice(0,-1);
             if(self.properties[1][self.properties[1].length-1] == ";")
                self.properties[1]= self.properties[1].slice(0,-1);
             if(self.properties[2][self.properties[2].length-1] == ":")
                self.properties[2]= self.properties[2].slice(0,-1);
             case 0 : align="left";break;
             case 1 : align="center";break;
             case 2 : align="right";break;
             default : align="center";break;
             case 0 : valign="top";break;
             case 1 : valign="center";break;
             case 2 : valign="bottom";break;
             default : valign="center";break;
          this.align = align;
          this.valign = valign;
             for(var i=0 ; i<header.length ; i++)
                $(this.elem.table).find("thead tr").append("<th width='"+lenCol[i]+"' colNum='"+i+"' align='"+align+"' valign='"+valign+"' >"+header[i]+"</th>");
             for(var i=0 ; i<ligne.length ; i++)
                var rowId = "";
                   rowId = makeid();
                }while( $("#"+rowId).length);
                var LigneToAdd = $("<tr id-row='"+rowId+"'></tr>");
                var a = ligne[i].split(":");
                for(var j=0 ; j<a.length ; j++)
                   if($.trim(self.properties[7]).length >0)
                      LigneToAdd.append("<td align='"+align+"' valign='"+valign+"' style='"+self.properties[7]+"'>"+a[j]+"</td>");
                      LigneToAdd.append("<td align='"+align+"' valign='"+valign+"'>"+a[j]+"</td>");
          if($.trim(self.properties[5]).length >0)
             $(self.elem.table).find("thead tr").attr("style",self.properties[5]);
          if($.trim(self.properties[6]).length >0)
             $(self.elem.table).find("tbody tr").attr("style",self.properties[6]);
          if( self.properties[14] == 1)
             if(self.properties[15] > 0)
                   case 0 : theme="none";break;
                   case 1 : theme="blackice";break;
                   case 2 : theme="blue";break;
                   case 3 : theme="bootstrap";break;
                   case 4 : theme="bootstrap_2";break;
                   case 5 : theme="dark";break;
                   case 6 : theme="default";break;
                   case 7 : theme="dropbox";break;
                   case 8 : theme="green";break;
                   case 9 : theme="grey";break;
                   case 10 : theme="ice";break;
                   case 11 : theme="jui";break;
                   default : theme="default";break;
             if(self.properties[15] > 0)
                   case 0 : theme="none";break;
                   case 1 : theme="blackice";break;
                   case 2 : theme="blue";break;
                   case 3 : theme="bootstrap";break;
                   case 4 : theme="bootstrap_2";break;
                   case 5 : theme="dark";break;
                   case 6 : theme="default";break;
                   case 7 : theme="dropbox";break;
                   case 8 : theme="green";break;
                   case 9 : theme="grey";break;
                   case 10 : theme="ice";break;
                   case 11 : theme="jui";break;
                   default : theme="default";break;
          // PlayLive
          if( self.properties[13] == 1)
             $(self.elem.table).stickyTableHeaders({ scrollableArea: $(".scrollable-area-"+this.elem.id) })
          var sorterAlign = 2;
          var sorterVisib = "initial";
             case 0 : sorterAlign="left";break;
             case 1 : sorterAlign="center";break;
             case 2 : sorterAlign="right";break;
             default : sorterVisib="right";break;
          $(self.elem.table).find("thead tr .header").css(
             "background-position":"center "+sorterAlign
          if( self.properties[11] == 0)
             $(self.elem.table).find("thead tr .header").css(
          $(this.elem.table).find("tbody").on('click' , 'tr', function() 
             if( parseInt($(this).index()) != self.lastSelection)
                self.lastSelection = parseInt($(this).index());
                self.runtime.trigger(cr.plugins_.Listview.prototype.cnds.OnSelectionChanged, self);
          $(this.elem.table).find("tbody").on('mouseover' , 'tr', function() 
             self.runtime.trigger(cr.plugins_.Listview.prototype.cnds.OnHover, self);
          this.elem.onclick = function(e) {
                self.runtime.isInUserInputEvent = true;
                self.runtime.trigger(cr.plugins_.Listview.prototype.cnds.OnClicked, self);
                self.runtime.isInUserInputEvent = false;
          this.elem.ondblclick = function(e) {
                self.runtime.isInUserInputEvent = true;
                self.runtime.trigger(cr.plugins_.Listview.prototype.cnds.OnDoubleClicked, self);
                self.runtime.isInUserInputEvent = false;
          // Prevent touches reaching the canvas
          this.elem.addEventListener("touchstart", function (e) {
          }, false);
          this.elem.addEventListener("touchmove", function (e) {
          }, false);
          this.elem.addEventListener("touchend", function (e) {
          }, false);
          // Prevent clicks being blocked
          jQuery(this.elem).mousedown(function (e) {
          jQuery(this.elem).mouseup(function (e) {
          this.lastLeft = 0;
          this.lastTop = 0;
          this.lastRight = 0;
          this.lastBottom = 0;
          this.lastWinWidth = 0;
          this.lastWinHeight = 0;
          this.isVisible = true;
       instanceProto.saveToJSON = function ()
          var o = {
             "tooltip": this.elem.title,
             "disabled": !!this.elem.disabled,
             "items": [],
             "sel": []
          var i, len;
          var itemsarr = o["items"];
          for (i = 0, len = this.elem.length; i < len; i++)
          var selarr = o["sel"];
          if (this.elem["multiple"])
             for (i = 0, len = this.elem.length; i < len; i++)
                if (this.elem.options[i].selected)
          return o;
       instanceProto.loadFromJSON = function (o)
          this.elem.title = o["tooltip"];
          this.elem.disabled = o["disabled"];
          var itemsarr = o["items"];
          // Clear the list
          while (this.elem.length)
             this.elem.remove(this.elem.length - 1);
          var i, len, opt;
          for (i = 0, len = itemsarr.length; i < len; i++)
             opt = document.createElement("option");
             opt.text = itemsarr[i];
          var selarr = o["sel"];
          if (this.elem["multiple"])
             for (i = 0, len = selarr.length; i < len; i++)
                if (selarr[i] < this.elem.length)
                   this.elem.options[selarr[i]].selected = true;
          else if (selarr.length >= 1)
             this.elem["selectedIndex"] = selarr[0];
       instanceProto.onDestroy = function ()
          if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
          this.elem = null;
       instanceProto.tick = function ()
       instanceProto.updatePosition = function (first)
          if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
          var left = this.layer.layerToCanvas(this.x, this.y, true);
          var top = this.layer.layerToCanvas(this.x, this.y, false);
          var right = this.layer.layerToCanvas(this.x + this.width, this.y + this.height, true);
          var bottom = this.layer.layerToCanvas(this.x + this.width, this.y + this.height, false);
          var rightEdge = this.runtime.width / this.runtime.devicePixelRatio;
          var bottomEdge = this.runtime.height / this.runtime.devicePixelRatio;
          // Is entirely offscreen or invisible: hide
          if (!this.visible || !this.layer.visible || right <= 0 || bottom <= 0 || left >= rightEdge || top >= bottomEdge)
             if (this.isVisible)
             this.isVisible = false;
          // Truncate to canvas size
          if (left < 1)
             left = 1;
          if (top < 1)
             top = 1;
          if (right >= rightEdge)
             right = rightEdge - 1;
          if (bottom >= bottomEdge)
             bottom = bottomEdge - 1;
          var curWinWidth = window.innerWidth;
          var curWinHeight = window.innerHeight;
          // Avoid redundant updates
          if (!first && this.lastLeft === left && this.lastTop === top && this.lastRight === right && this.lastBottom === bottom && this.lastWinWidth === curWinWidth && this.lastWinHeight === curWinHeight)
             if (!this.isVisible)
                this.isVisible = true;
          this.lastLeft = left;
          this.lastTop = top;
          this.lastRight = right;
          this.lastBottom = bottom;
          this.lastWinWidth = curWinWidth;
          this.lastWinHeight = curWinHeight;
          if (!this.isVisible)
             this.isVisible = true;
          var offx = Math.round(left) + jQuery(this.runtime.canvas).offset().left;
          var offy = Math.round(top) + jQuery(this.runtime.canvas).offset().top;
          jQuery(this.elem).css("position", "absolute");
          jQuery(this.elem).offset({left: offx, top: offy});
          jQuery(this.elem).width(Math.round(right - left));
          jQuery(this.elem).height(Math.round(bottom - top));
       // only called if a layout object
       instanceProto.draw = function(ctx)
       instanceProto.drawGL = function(glw)
       instanceProto.getDebuggerValues = function (propsections)
             "title": "List",
             "properties": [
                {"name": "Item count", "value": this.elem.length, "readonly": true},
                {"name": "Enabled", "value": !this.elem.disabled},
                {"name": "Tooltip", "value": this.elem.title},
                {"name": "Selected index", "value": this.elem.selectedIndex}
          var props = [], i, len;
          for (i = 0, len = this.elem.length; i < len; ++i)
             props.push({"name": i.toString(), "value": this.elem.options[i].text});
             "title": "Items",
             "properties": props
       instanceProto.onDebugValueEdited = function (header, name, value)
          if (header === "List")
             switch (name) {
             case "Enabled":
                this.elem.disabled = !value;
             case "Tooltip":
                this.elem.title = value;
             case "Selected index":
                this.elem.selectedIndex = value;
          else if (header === "Items")
             this.elem.options[parseInt(name, 10)].text = value;
       // Conditions
       function Cnds() {};
       Cnds.prototype.OnSelectionChanged = function ()
          return true;
       Cnds.prototype.OnClicked = function ()
          return true;
       Cnds.prototype.OnDoubleClicked = function ()
          return true;
       Cnds.prototype.OnHover = function ()
          return true;
       pluginProto.cnds = new Cnds();
       // Actions
       function Acts() {};
       Acts.prototype.SelectedRow = function (i)
          if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
          this.lastSelection = i;
          $(this.elem.table).find("tbody tr.selected").removeClass("selected");
          $(this.elem.table).find("tbody tr").eq(i).addClass("selected");
       Acts.prototype.SetVisible = function (vis)
          if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
          this.visible = (vis !== 0);
       Acts.prototype.SetFocus = function ()
          if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
       Acts.prototype.SetBlur = function ()
          if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
       Acts.prototype.AddRow = function (text_)
          if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
          var rowId = "";
          do { rowId = makeid(); }
          while( $("#"+rowId).length);
          var LigneToAdd = $("<tr id-row='"+rowId+"'></tr>");
          var a = text_.split(":");
          var r = a.toString().replace(/\\,/g, ":");
          a = r.split(",");
          for(var j=0 ; j<a.length ; j++)
             LigneToAdd.append("<td align='"+this.align+"' valign='"+this.valign+"' style='"+this.properties[7]+"'>"+a[j]+"</td>");
          if( this.properties[14] == 1)
       Acts.prototype.AddRowAt = function (index_, text_)
          if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
          var rowId = "";
             rowId = makeid();
          }while( $("#"+rowId).length);
          var LigneToAdd = $("<tr id-row='"+rowId+"'></tr>");
          var a = text_.split(":");
          var r = a.toString().replace(/,,/g, ":");
          a = r.split(",");
          for(var j=0 ; j<a.length ; j++)
             LigneToAdd.append("<td align='"+this.align+"' valign='"+this.valign+"' style='"+this.properties[7]+"'>"+a[j]+"</td>");
          if(index_ > 0)
             LigneToAdd.insertBefore($(this.elem.table).find("tbody tr").eq(index_));
          if( this.properties[14] == 1 )
       Acts.prototype.RemoveAt = function (index_)
          if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
          if(index_ == this.lastSelection)
                this.lastSelection = -1 ;
          $(this.elem.table).find("tbody tr").eq(index_).remove();
       Acts.prototype.ChangeRowCssAt = function (index_,css)
          if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
          var item = $(this.elem.table).find("tbody tr").eq(index_);
       Acts.prototype.ChangeCellCssAt = function (index_,index_2,css)
          if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
          var item = $(this.elem.table).find("tbody tr").eq(index_).find("td").eq(index_2);
       Acts.prototype.StoreValueAt = function (index_,key,val)
          if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
          $(this.elem.table).find("tbody tr").eq(index_).attr(key,val);
       Acts.prototype.sortColumn = function (index_,val)
          if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
          $("table").trigger("sorton",[ [[index_,val]] ]);
       Acts.prototype.Clear = function ()
          $(this.elem.table).find("tbody tr").remove();
       Acts.prototype.ScrollTop = function () // PlayLive
          if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
            this.elem.scrollTop = 0;
       Acts.prototype.ScrollBottom = function () // PlayLive
          if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
          this.elem.scrollTop = this.elem.scrollHeight;
      Acts.prototype.ScrollRight = function () // PlayLive
          if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
            this.elem.scrollLeft = this.elem.scrollWidth;
       Acts.prototype.ScrollLeft = function () // PlayLive
          if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
          this.elem.scrollLeft = 0;
       Acts.prototype.SetHeader = function (str_) // PlayLive
          if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
          var newheader = str_.split(":");
          if (newheader.length > 0)
             $(this.elem.table).find("thead tr th").text("");
             var table = $(this.elem.table).find("thead tr th").length / 2;
             while (newheader.length > table) {
                $(this.elem.table).find("thead tr").append("<th align='"+align+"' valign='"+valign+"'></th>");
             while (newheader.length < table) {
                $(this.elem.table).find("thead tr th:eq("+(table)+")").remove();
                $(this.elem.table).find("thead tr th:eq("+(table)+")").remove();
             for (var i = 0; i < table; i++) {
                $(this.elem.table).find("thead tr th:eq("+i+")").text(newheader[i]);
          var newheader = str_.split(":");
          $(this.elem.table).find("thead tr th").text("");
          for (var i = 0; i < newheader.length; i++)
             $(this.elem.table).find("thead tr th:eq("+i+")").text(newheader[i]);
       Acts.prototype.ChangeValue = function (row_, cell_, str_) // PlayLive
          $(this.elem.table).find("tbody tr:eq("+row_+") td:eq("+cell_+")").text(str_);
       pluginProto.acts = new Acts();
       // Expressions
       function Exps() {};
       Exps.prototype.RowsCount = function (ret)
          if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
          ret.set_int($(this.elem.table).find("tbody tr").length);
       Exps.prototype.SelectedRowIndex = function (ret)
          if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
       Exps.prototype.SubTextSelectedRow = function (ret,SubTextIndex)
          if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
          ret.set_string($(this.elem.table).find("tbody tr").eq(this.lastSelection).find("td").eq(SubTextIndex).text());
       Exps.prototype.SubTextAt = function (ret,LigneIndex , SubTextIndex)
          if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
          ret.set_string($(this.elem.table).find("tbody tr").eq(LigneIndex).find("td").eq(SubTextIndex).text() );
       Exps.prototype.getValueOfKeyAt = function (ret,RowIndex , Key) // PlayLive
          if (this.runtime.isDomFree)
          ret.set_string($(this.elem.table).find("tbody tr").eq(RowIndex).attr(Key) );
       pluginProto.exps = new Exps();
    function makeid()
        var text = "";
        var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
        for( var i=0; i < 10; i++ )
            text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
        return text;
    function createCSSSelector(selector, style) 
       var cssrules =  $("<style type='text/css'> </style>").appendTo("head");
       cssrules.append(selector+"{ "+style+" }"); 
  • Hi justifun,

    But how / why does making it a value of 1 then 0 immediately make this work?

    It certainly does not- impossible, because the change 1 to 0 is done in the same tick. Must be something else, but I admit I do not understand this bit of code fully.

    Some ideas (or more my questions to your screenshot): why wave1 code differs from code for waves2 and 3? Why do you call "Next" once from a sub-event, and in waves2 and 3 from the same event as "wait"? This will result in a different behaviour, when you add "wait" to wave1 - "wait" will apply only to current sub-event.

  • Hi justifun,

    The "wait" thing is a pain, if you're not careful

    Your code now works like this:

    Tick 1:

    choose randomly (e.g. group 1)

    activate g1

    start waiting - but only for the code in group 1

    Tick 2: (group 1 already active)

    choose randomly (e.g. group 2)

    start waiting - but only for group 2 code

    Tick 3: (groups 1 and 2 already active0

    choose randomly .... etc

    Can you see the pattern? wait does not stop the initial [section 1] code to be re-executed every tick!

    What you can do is e.g. add a global var "isAnyGroupActive = 0"

    Set it to 1 before "wait"

    set it to 0 after "wait"

    In section 1 add:

    execute only if "isAnyGroupActive = 0"

  • Hi Friskas,

    I'm afraid I do not understand you setup. What do you need the images for? In the item:

    1: Who is the first presiden of Indonesia Republic ?

    2: A. Habibie

    3: B. Soekarno

    4: C. Jokowi

    line 1 is question, but lines 2,3,4 are answers. In my understanding, a quiz of this type would have each of the lines 2, 3, 4 as separate buttons with text labels, that are clickable.

    What are images for in this setup? Are they big (photos) or small (icons)? Please tell me what you are trying to achieve in your project, maybe then I'll be able to help.

  • Hi Friskas

    You can store image *name* in the text file or array, and then use it e.g. to load the image from URL. You cannot store anything else than a string or a number in an array. As paulscottrobson suggested, the number can be used to refer to another object UID. But in your case this seems overcomplicated.

    If you have a set of pre-defined images, it might be easier to store them as separate animations in a single sprite, label the animations with image names, and then choose one of the images from the list. You could use the "choose" expression e.g. Sprite.SetAnimation(choose("image1","image2","image3")

    Alternatively, you can store images as separate frames of a single animation, and then show a random one with Sprite.SetFrame(int(random(Number-of-Frames))

  • Hi Odin,

    HTML elements like textbox, dropdown are always rendered on top of other C2 content - see the manual.

    The only way you can hide them is by rendering them invisible or moving them away from the visible window.

  • Hi j0hnbane

    Re: Question 2:

    the screenshot below is from a code I wrote last week for a C2 project.

    Two steps:

    1) Create a 1-d array of numbers - in the example, I'm creating "x,y" pairs to populate a grid

    2) Draw a random number from the array, and remove it. Next call to "RandomPosition" function will necessarily exclude any previously used positions.

    This technique is used (and my C2 implementation inspired by) a Unity3D tutorial:


    I was quite surprised how easy it was to to follow a Unity tutorial while implementing it in C2.


  • zenox98

    Same for me - I think the file must be faulty, not nemo PC setup. Renamed manuanlly & installed safely, without any further warnings from antivirus/antimalware scanners.

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  • Game does not lag when testing it from construct 2, also it does not lag when exported to android but on windows it lags please help :/


    I also experienced a similar problem - my best guess, NodeWebkit is unable to run in webgl mode, due to DirectX not being installed correctly. You can test it with system.renderer=="webgl".
