Chupup Games's Forum Posts

  • I think it may be even more easy for you if you use the timer behavior:

  • You need the effects of the light layer really on everything? If you want a effect like night and day, maybe it's better (also performance wise) to change the images of your background graphics. Make one image with darker shades for night, and the same image with bright shades for day.

  • You could also use the System Condition Every X seconds. Make a variable, for example enemyJumps = 5, then Every X seconds subtract 1 from enemyJumps, with X being 1.0, this means every second enemyJumps gets 1 smaller.

    Then you make another condition that compares enemyJumps > 0, if this is true you make an action: sprite enemy jump. With this the enemy sprite would jump 5 times. This was only an example, you can use it in the way you need.

  • for number 1) try to change your bounding box/collision polygon of the player sprite or even better: make an invisible sprite that is set at the position of your player and handles the collision/physics, and turn collision/physics for your player sprite off

    for number 2) without seeing your code i don't know, but physics is always problematic, special in fast action games. I always try to avoid physics and only use it, if i don't find another solution for getting the behavior i need.

  • Ruskul: can be i don't take all your points, english is not my native language and can be i don't get all right what you said and also sometimes it's hard for me to express exactly what i want to say.

    Anyway, i understand your issues. I just want to say C2 has a way it is and you can not push it too much in a direction without changing it too much and it's losing it's spirit and just gets another game engine, like hundreds already existing.

    If they improve the api, so you can code better plugins or tweak the output to your liking, this is something i wish too. But please no changes for the event system! Because this is what makes C2 great.

    That you can not making something like metroid without the sdk or coding is just not true. I am currently working on a platformer with some nice game mechanics and some bells & whistles & i don't use either the sdk nor some magic. And my event sheets don't overhelm me more, like when i work on c# code in VS or javascript in brackets. When i publish a preview everybody can have a look.

  • You just want to make some stars visible or? If you make the star layer transparent and put the stars as a tiled background then i don't see a problem because it's over your other stuff..

  • I only just wonder what is your point? If you prefer writing code, then you are free to use a framework, where you can code. I mean, the point about C2 IS the event system. Sure, there are things to improve and that could be made better in future releases, but if you put too much in it then all the philosophy of C2 is getting lost...why should C2 turn into some Unity 2? Because Unity we already have and it's ready to use. C2 is meant for easy, rapid & uncomplicated game making and you can make big projects with it, but sure it must be in a relation to the engine.

    I like what people trying to do and to achieve, but a complex RTS or MMO is maybe not in the scope of C2, but a great arcade adventure like Metroid or a Zelda like adventure game is possible for sure & games like this are really huge projects for the most people here.

  • There is some true points in this, but you can not generalize. For some people code might be easier to maintain, for others the C2 way is more clear and manageable. And if you talk about really big projects, they can become a mess in pure javascript or another framework like phaser (for we stay in the html5 content) very fast, too. Only because for you code is more easy, doesn't mean it must be for all people. (And i code long time in all kinds of languages, so i know the other side). Anyway, i think C2 is perfect for small and middle projects, but an experienced developer also can handle big projects with it. Everything has it's pros & cons, some things are more hard to do in C2, others are lightning fast to set up, and like i said before, everybody need to find out on his own what he/she prefer.

    And really, comparing unity to c2 isn't really fair. This is like comparing Photoshop to C2 is more for the solo indie developer or small teams, that can make big projects with it in their scale, and Unity is used by the big players and teams with 20 or more people (not saying one man can not use it to make his dream game).


    Time -> Compare Time

    You can use this for making a timer.

  • Make a separate layer for the stars on top of the light layer and turn visibility on/off.

  • The ball is a separate sprite from the player? Just make different frames for the ball and change the frame.

    The icon for a graphic object is always the image you create/load. I think you can not change to a different icon.

  • This is always a hot topic and there are a lot of articles and blog entries about this in the net. I think you just need to experiment (try it out) what works best for your target audience and test your game on every device you can get your hands on. What i know is, that it is normally better to scale the graphics down than up. So make your assets in a higher resolution, that scales down on smaller device screens.

  • This is not possible, at least i don't know how. What are you trying to do exactly? I think there are

    ways around to find a solution for your case, but you should give more details.

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  • I think the most important thing is if you feel comfortable with the engine of choice. Sure, both Unity and C2 have a lot of technical pros & cons (i use both, too) but more important is in which environment you feel more at home and this everybody has to decide on his own. I think you can also make bigger projects with C2, you just need to organize yourself better, with this i mean re-use eventsheets, use families, groups, custom folders and also comment your code. This helps me a lot. Special the structuring and reusing of event sheets can make life much more easy.

  • Thanks desjardins2014, but i already figured out that it works as expected with the start animation action, i had only a logic mistake in my event sheet that prevented the animation to play.

    Topic solved.