chrisbrobs's Forum Posts

  • Tokinsom@

    Well you can always have a 'cursor' or 'pencil' that creates static duplicates of itself every tick / few milliseconds as it moves, creating a "line". You can then use lerp(),qarp(),or cubic() to move the pencil how you want.

    Maybe not the best idea but if you insist on not using plugins there ya go :P

    Sounds a bit technical for me! Thanks for help.


    To get a formula for cubic look on the wikipedia page for "bezier curves".

    Here's an implementation:

    You will get better results with the canvas plugin though, which won't have breaks in the curve.

    Brilliant example as ever.....i will also check out the Canvas plugin.

    Many thanks.


    Does the Canvas allow me to draw a curved line, if for example i left mouse click and move the cursor away to another position and release the mouse?

  • Arimauit@   You can with r0j0hound's canvas plugin.

    Thanks....will check it out.

    I was hoping there might be a way to do it without having to

    to use a plugin.

  • Hi...

    Does anybody know if its possible to draw a curved line in C2 ?

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Can the usual method for drawing a line in the following example, be modified to achieve it?

    Mouse left button is down-

    Beam-Set width to distance(start.X, start.Y, Mouse.X, Mouse.Y)

    Thanks in advance

    <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Sounds good <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • You can do it this way....

    1, Increase the 'RunningMan' animation frame count to 20 (or however many times you want it to repeat) and duplicate frames 0 to 4 five times)

    2, Set repeat count to 1.

    <img src="" border="0">


    Note, I only repeated it 3 times(12 frames) in my example, you will have to add the extra frames.

  • You can also use the "Pin" behavior Kyatric ;)).

    The bullet holes are invisible!

  • Thanks Kyatric.

  • Can anybody help me with the following,

    I have a target that uses the sine behaviour, and a bullet hole that is created when the player left clicks on the target.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    I want the created bullet hole to follow the target after creation ?

    I have tried everything...but cannot work it out..HELP.

    <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Wastrel@

    Cool concept. The physics are really nice. I finally figured out I could move the snot while it was in mid-air, which made it a lot easier to control.

    I should have mentioned this in the guide


    It has a cool concept indeed, but like Somebody said needs to be polished.

    the snare/drums sound effect's too much loud and noisy. It messes my earing around.

    Agreed..the sound is awfull.


    I love it.1


    Overall, i do think the basic gameplay is ok...just needs a bit of polishing and extra levels...thanks for you imput.

    <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • harrio@

    try clicking and dragging just off to the left or right of the ball, but don't touch the ball.

    Couldn't replicate ?


    I like it but the ball gets stuck if you hit it right in front of you.

    Thats called taking a shot? <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • These are my game settings:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    When I export a game and try run it...IT WONT RUN..and i get the alert ?

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    20.51 EDIT

    An exported game will run in Firefox(with the alert)

    Chrome displays the alert and only runs the intro level(without sound), but level 1 doesn't start?

  • Guessing this isn't a bug or something that other users have experienced ?

    I am going back to R65 until I (or somebody else) can solve it...nightmare.

    <img src="smileys/smiley7.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Somebody@

    Heh, kinda interesting concept. Could be pretty fun with a bit more polish and more levels.



    Agreed. I like this idea!



    I like the splash screen as directly tryable tutorial.

    Good idea

    For the physics itself, I'd limit the amount of stretch to have to launch the snot rather than just clicking and making it bounce all over the place in expectation of major damages to bricks.

           The 'Snot' does fire at differents speeds dependening on how long you hold the mouse button down, and if you can alter the speed by clicking on a peg while the snot is in 'mid flight'

    As said, interesting idea that needs to be worked on.

    Keep up the good work.



    It's a nice game. I agree with Kyatric's idea, it'd make it bit more fun. (Not that it isn't already)

    Thanks....working on it. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Dont know if this is a 'BUG' but probably the best place to post it.

    Been using R65 since its problems.

    I installed R68 today and I am getting the following Alert message when i export a test game to my hard drive

    and try to run it? (Chrome15 and Firefox7)

    <img src="" border="0" />

    I can still run games created with R65, so it must be R68 related.

    XP Pentium 4 3.00Ghz

    2 GB RAM

    Geforce 6200

    I need to be able to test an exported the game in my browser BEFORE i upload it, plus the frame rate when previewed in Construct2 is never the same as the exported game.

    Sorry if this has already been covered.

  • Lauch the 'Snot' into the block's to destroy them before the timer runs out.

    Type-Kids Physics game.

    Click on the silver pegs to fire the snot.

    WIP...only one 60 second level at the moment.

    <img src="" border="0">


    More levels in the pipeline.