I've built a prototype (in C2, no less!), got an artist, getting my pre-production stuff out of the way. I'm going to build a game with multiple levels, lots of mechanics and player tools, dialogue, all of that fun stuff. C2 is really easy to use, and I have experience in it, and I have a license; all of these things incline me towards using it. Plus, every new builds brings with it exciting and awesome new features.
However, there's no debugger, some things are harder to do than if you had access to the code (bulk-updating lots of events to point to a different object, for example), and I'm sure you've run into issues in your own games. It's possible that these are no longer issues with upcoming builds, or that these have already been fixed, of course!
It has ups and downs, everything does, but I'm wondering if it's powerful enough for a large game that I'd actually be able to sell. It's a really new piece of technology, which is another thing that gives me pause. We're all C2 fans and devs here, so the temptation to evangelize this engine is probably pretty high, but I'd really appreciate an honest opinion. I would hate to go full steam ahead with C2 and find that this was the wrong choice. (Plus, I'm already a licensed member!)
In short, are you or would you make a large-scale game in this engine? Why or why not?
Thanks for your replies!