Again thank you, you've helped me figure out how to set it up with the nickname plugin with your explanation. It now looks like this:
There's just one tiny thing wrong now, the for loop I circled doesn't seem to be working properly. What I did is in my CSV string I also stored the coordinates that the pieces of each prefab need to spawn at and I parse them with semicolons. The string looks like
So it gets the prefab name, the piece of the prefab, then it can parse through each piece and get the coordinates.
It's returning the data properly if I just look at the individual tokenat statements ( example: int(tokenat(tokenat(P,loopindex,","),2,";")) ), but the for loop I circled doesn't seem to be executing properly. I need it to cycle from 2 (where the first piece's name is stored) to the last one, and I thought that would work but it doesn't. Any ideas?