Chadori's Forum Posts

  • blackhornet - The outcome is still the same without the "Obstacle.PickedCount = 0".

    But I do understand what your point is. So you mean that the "Pick by comparison - Obstacle.Signature = 'Active'" is the same as "Obsctacle.Signature = 'Active'", that it doesn't

    run if the condition is false.

    That makes sense since there are 0 instance in the layout that has the Obstacle with Signature = "Active".

    Nice. Thanks, I get it now.

  • lucid - Good thing you already knew about this so that I don't have to make a .capx file reproducing it, it makes it easier for my part. This bug doesn't really affect me at the moment so I'll just wait for the next Spriter Pro Version Release as long as it doesn't take 5 months, by that time I'll have to release my game. Thanks again.

  • Why can't we create object if there is a pick condition:

    Look at the event below:

    Another example, if you have a "pick condition" on a "create object" action even though the picked object doesn't have anything to do with

    the create object. It still avoids object creation.

    Look at the event below:

  • If you are talking about Admob Reward Video Interstitial Ad. Then you can use Josek5494 's plugin:

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  • A simple boolean/variable limiter can make it work. But I'll just stick with number variables and I'll use the touch object instead of the mouse but it still works the same with the mouse object.

    For example:

    Global Number Variable named "ClickCount" .

    *On Touched Object1

    . -----> Add 1 to Global Variable - ClickCount.

    *ClickCount less or equal to 2 & *On Touched - Blow Tile.

    . -----> Call Function ("Blow")

  • lucid . I got another object which has a different size. I don't know the exact size but I know that it has a portrait size with the width of 96 pixels. So the problem again is the same with my previous post but now it becomes invisible when 75% of it's size is not seen on screen.

    Maybe it is getting some problem finding out if the scml object is still on-screen. I can provide you the scml & scon file if needed via email. Thanks again.

  • lucid - Also, there are 2 "set visible" actions at the action dialog.

  • Hello again lucid . I encountered an unusual problem with a spriter object I have in C2.

    Here is the problem's description:

    I have a specific Spriter object on Construct 2 with a size of (225, 125) and the object doesn't show up when it's body is not visible by approximately > than 50%.

    It's unfortunate I reported this without knowing the specific cause but I can email you the scon/scml file if needed.

  • anty21ro - I didn't see your .capx buy you can simply do this by making 2 (2x2) tiled backgrounds with, for example if the Los angle is 90 degrees then the 1st tiled background should be 45 degrees and the 2nd one should be -45 degrees.

    In measuring the distance you can do this by trigonometric formulas or simply make a 3rd (2x2) tiledbackground in the middle with 0 degrees and the width/height is your distance.

    This is a method for accurately checking the los range and angle. But yeah, I agree this feature premade in the editor with an option would be great also.

    Sorry if it isn't clear and I couldn't give you any samples since I'm only using my phone.

  • 99Instances2Go - I forgot to close this post but that's what I did long before I made this post. The thing is, this feature would save us the time in making 2 los object (stated above) but now I think there is a reason this option is not made, mostly because of optimization but I am not sure. Regardless, this post is already null.

  • Thanks guys, I get your point now. But how does it even know where the function is if it doesn't search through the whole sheet? Yeah a noob question but I just got curious again.

  • lucid - Ok. I'll keep reminding every 2or3 weeks in case you forget.

  • I have been wondering about how functions work efficiently and I didn't see in the manual any explanations so I came here. In normal programming, User-defined functions are always placed above the in the code sheet, this is because it works efficiently that way since the cpu reads codes from top to down. And scattered functions can actually cause non-noticable delays.

    For example: (Both of them always have their functions above)

    An HTML code:

               Javascript Function Sample
             function MyFunction()
    C++ code:
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <conio.h>
    void MyFunction()
            printf("Function Test"); 
    int main(void)
           return 0;
    I sometimes think that if we put functions in the middle of the eventsheet especially with a big project containing about 4000 events. It will make an unnoticeable delay but if pushed through, it might just make an unexpected delay. My point is that event sheets are read by the cpu from topwards to downwards. That means if 
    a function is right above the call then it will travel 150% the normal distance, so basically it read longer by 50% and that is 1.5 * tick cycle travel. (See the below image) Is my observation right or does Construct 2 handle functions differently? 
    Summary: So should C2 functions be always on top?
    Thanks for your time.
  • I saw an animation contest on spriter forum and I just wanted to share. The prizes are really big. The Grand Prize is worth $1,000.00 <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked"> ... and-prize/