Chadori's Forum Posts

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  • Has anyone made a Math Plugin on C2 or anything similar:

    For example, I want to put an equation in a textbox and I want it to calculate the result.

    Did anyone make this?


  • > It's working fine... Are you using the latest version of LiteTween ?


    Of course, use the latest version (1.7 liteTween and Release 237 of C2) and the fault exists.

    Are you sure you understand the failure to which I refer?

    Yes. I do understand. I'm not as retarded as you think. But I'm not perfect so correct me if I'm wrong:

    The events are running well.

    Proof: (The "Now" does show)

    If you are asking why the red circles aren't destroyed. I'ts simply because at the time that the 3rd Else If (Condition) is ran, all the red circles have already finished running litetween. It's a subevent trigger, so the else must run first before the Litetween ends.

    I have asked your liteTween version since the author (lunarray) fixed many bugs on the older versions and it might be the reason why you're having problems.

    I'm also using LiteTween v1.7 & r237 Beta Release.

  • It's working fine... Are you using the latest version of LiteTween ?

  • Uhhmm. Construct 2 is currently only usable in WIndows OS. Ashley (Co-Founder of C2) promised that he will include support for Apple OS & Linux on C3 (which will be released someday).

    I don't own a MAC so I don't know what extensions you use, but I believe it won't come out as an app, it will only come out as an installer file.

    And I believe you can't use an IPAD to make games, practically. It's not designed to do that.

  • Disabled Groups are forever disabled if not reactivated unless you restart the application (Considering that you didn't save & load the game state)..

    In other words, groups are persistent.

    The only way you can re-activate them all is to do it manually. You can also use loops to shorten the event count in activating the groups.

  • Ignaci - Nice Idea. But you should have made the game stable. I found a bug on my first try. The Yellow Guy doesn't get hurt when hit.

  • skymen - Will it work well with mobile games? Does it have high / low cpu usage?

  • Are there any shaders that works well with mobile? Or are shaders just not for mobile?

    For example, if I were planning to make a warp. Can I use WebGl shaders?

    Thanks a lot.

  • Some people might not be able to use it if, like me, their licences are associated with a closed email address. Tom told me to leave it and wouldn't migrate my account, so here I am, looking like a non-buyer....

    Ohh yeah.... Website problems.

    Why am I not surprised!

    PS, On topic, I think electron sounds new and shiny, but I doubt there'll be any major difference between it and nwjs. I would love to be wrong, but I saw nothing in that comparison other than it being slightly more limited than nw is.

    I think so too, I would normally say that we have more important C2 problems to deal with and it would be better to focus on finding a way to improve NW.js. BUT since there is someone that kindly volunteered to develop some alternative. I wouldn't want that to go to waste.

    Like glerikud said, the more options the better.

  • Hello Guys, I am sorry to be out of the blue here. But I have a suggestion though.

    Ashley , if you can get Tom to add the exporter + plugin to the store as an additional item on the Scirra Store Download Item Page to those who bought the Personal / Business License. I think it will be safer that way.

    What do you think?

  • It crashes if you set your PowerPlan to Power Saver mode, I solved it by setting the mode to Balanced or Max Performance.

    I think it has something to do with the pc setting the GPU performance to the lowest.

    EXACTLY! Good to know that I'm not alone.

  • I don't know about Kongregate but since this topic is more about the Mobile IAP.

    First, I actually agree with you all that Scirra should hire developers to make C2 third party plugins.

    But still, regarding the Mobile IAP, there is no problem monetizing. I have tested them all and they are fine!

    You see, you are over-complicating things. Scirra is actually designed like this and we can't do anything about it, you can wait for C3 (but I have a feeling it won't make any difference with the plugins) , buy an expensive program with complete features or use free Unity also with full features but you need to code, it's just like making C2 plugins in the first place.

    If you need 100% free admob plugin: ... -free.html

    If you need a free admob plugin that has reward video interstitials... The only downside is that 2% of profit goes to the developer but you can just buy it for $20.00 for all earnings to be yours: ... obpro.html

    If you need an IAP that is 100% working (Paid) : ... ugins-1662 its only $10.00 or you can email cranberrygame for a discount if it's too much for you. The pack include 90+ usable plugins that will suite yor needs in mobile development.

    Now that you have the links. You can now monetize properly. I don't think the program / team itself is the problem. If you have been reading around the forums & using google as it was intended, then you wouldn't have any problem in the first place. Instead of complaining, find a way!

    And we all know why we use C2, it's because it's 'cheap' and easy to use. If you want free & full-packed features then there is UNITY 2D but you need to work harder to learn to code. Or you if you are rich, buy buildbox!

    PixelPower - The people you mentioned that left C2 , they have left because C2 is purposely intended for starting game developers. Once you earned money and bought the Business LIcense, you then need to find a better program to suite your bigger needs. That's why I am here.

    Just in case you don't know, Buildbox forums is deserted.

    Artpunk - I don't know what's happening with PC or Browser exports, so I feel sorry for your situation right now. That sucks.

  • nguida - That happened to me too. And I made a bug report on that + discussion before. Sadly it was closed and unresolved. But I managed to make a workaround.

    It's caused by the update of r233 (high-DPI improvements) that may have increased the load on laptops / ultrabooks. But by pushing the PC to it's maximum

    prevents the performance drop from happening.


    1) Reinstall.

    2) Construct 2 Button -> General Tab -> Press: Reset Dialog (Button)

    3) Construct 2 Button -> Misc -> Change Icon Mode to : Cache unique icons (Best Performance).

    4) Reset the Dialogs again: Construct 2 Button -> General Tab -> Press: Reset Dialog (Button)

    5) Select a Power Plan : (Balanced Performance or High Performance).... Avoid using PowerSaver or anything like that. Better yet disable that from activating when power is low if you are using a laptop or ultrabook.

    I'm not sure why it actually works except for the changing the power plan. Changing the PowerPlan just pushes your cpu to it's max to support C2's additional cpu usage.

  • 80mB of memory usage? memory usage shouldn't be a problem

    also how do you intend to make a big game with 80 mb of usage?

    some games need up to 400-500MB per layout to work..

    i don't think it's a memory problem it's more of a game design problem and people wanting to do more then can be done.

    Well, memory usage is actually one of the most important factors in achieving good performance in mobile next to cpu usage.

    I thought it was already obvious when I said "memory usage" that I am not implying to dormant memory considering that devices these days have more than 1GB of RAM.

    That means that I am referring to the images that are currently inside, non-destroyed & present in the layout. 80mb is an actual limit of 'active' graphic memory usage to achieve good performance.

    Regardless... Regarding what you said about the Total Graphic Memory Usage. I am quite surprised.

    400- 500 mB for mobile is too heavy. .... I certainly do not agree that it will work out on higher range of mobile devices...

    I actually tested it on low spec devices.


    1)It will take too long to load & impractical.

    2)If you have a 1GB Ram memory device. It doesn't mean you can use them all for your game. A phone's system already consumes about 40% of memory to run & 5 to 20% for background processes. That means for apps, you only have 40% or less to spare. That is 400mB left or less and that's the common reason why app crashes happen due to lack of memory.

    Will it work: Yes, theoretically. No, practically.

    Effects: Crash.

    But I have only tested this on low spec devices before. Devices Tested:

    Samsung Galaxy Win (Android Jellybean): Crash

    Samsung Galaxy E7 (Android Kitkat): Very Slow Loading & huge performance impact.

    Samsung Galaxy J7 (2016 Model) (Android Marshmallow): Slow Loading & moderate performance impact.

    My Recommended Mobile Total Graphic Memory Usage:


    Stretched Limit: Less or Equal 250~300. (Honestly, I didn't test this one )

    Recommended: Less or Equal 150 to 200.

    Your recommendation is more like suitable for PC games in my opinion.

    Since every tester have different test results, I won't argue with your opinion. But in my test result, I believe having a 'Total Memory Usage' of 400-500mb can only

    work on high spec devices. And that will limit your game's download rate.

    BTW. I replaced "memory usage" to "active memory usage" to avoid confusion. That may have triggered you to question what I posted.