Rodrigo Bezzi I can't really tell without trying. Although, the Mobile Master Ads do have an option to change the Google Play Services version, which is the solution to the common conflict experienced by old Cordova plugins which aren't updated, like the Cocoon plugins. I assume that is the conflict you are talking about. Well, I think that is the case, since I noticed that vulnerability when I was still using Cocoon plugins.
As a matter of fact, all the Cordova plugins in the Mobile Master Collection under the Construct Master Collection all have safety features to avoid the common Google Play Services version conflict. I made that feature with documentation after the breakout of that conflict where it was announced by PhoneGap themselves.
At first it was an addon to add to the project to solve the conflict. But eventually, I've updated all the plugins to prevent the conflict in the first place, designed individually for each addon. And new addons were automatically added with conflict prevention. Including the Mobile Ads Collection.
But still, only testing it will confirm.
I did provide a small package of the addons, with only the 14 monetization addons included, for a cheaper price. This is to provide support for startups who can't afford the full collection. You can use this package for your testing.
I hope that helped. Have a nice day!