Chadori's Forum Posts

  • paulxx I really liked your game. I really have been waiting for it's release and now I saw it and installed it. It even runs in my Jellybean android phone smoothly and that made me a bit surprised and amazed. What window size did you use for your game, if I may ask?

  • Ashley - I've relinked the correct .capx file since the previous hyperlink directs to the backup .capx. Please check it again.

  • roguecore - I like how you made 3D possible by just using events . But there are still many bugs on scaling, field of view and movement. Sometimes when I scale, the sprites becomes inverted (If scaled too small, I think) and when I increase or decrease the field of view when I move the objects tends to follow the players movement so they move away from the player. But I still like it, a little more fix and it'll be amazing.

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  • Intersting now all the alerts are gone on my google play developer console. hope that is a good sign.

    Yeah noticed it too.

  • - Do you know when is the release date?

  • So sad that all of you are starting to pack up while we are just beginning to master the event editor. Well keep us updated XD

  • Wow! Godot seems like a dream editor. Have you seen how you can easily add sprites and curve it XD Godot makes you feel you are a real developer but I think it's too late to learn something new if you can just improve yourself in a specific program. You may not know, Construct 3 might be something like this, but not native...

  • Hello,

    Sorry to ask what is probably a stupid question. I'm not knowledgeable about phones at all, you see.

    If, based on the optimal dimensions in the answer above, I create a game with a windows size 1280 * 720, how will that display on a medium grade quality (854 * 480) phone? Will it resize to the screen or will the game scroll off the phone's screen? Should I create three versions of my game to cover all eventualities?

    Many thanks in advance

    It will look the way it is but it depends on your Fullscreen Mode. But if you are asking whether it will adjust or not, It will adjust so do not worry about the display. I would be worried about the performance of adding a HD (1280p*720p) game to a smaller scale because it tends to become slower and in worst case in scenario, it will not run, show seams between sprites or tiles and show blackscreen(If it doesn't have WebGL support). But it is unlikely if the Phone is (854*480) but it's specs is fine and most importantly it includes (Webgl support).

  • - Thanks for sharing . Now I don't have to move to Cocoon.IO anymore XD

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    CanvasToLayer, LayerToCanvas

    Yeah I found it XD. Thanks for the fast reply.

  • I have a cursor that is on a layer that has parallax(0,0) and I have a character that is on a layer that has a parallax(100,100).

    I want the cursor to be in the X & Y of the character but since they have different parallax, they differ on location.

    In other words, how can I convert an object's coordinates from a layer to another layer? (which has different parallax)

    Thanks to anyone that can help .

  • neverk Good Game Engine. I'll await the results of Construct 3 and if it doesn't come to my liking, i'll try this Godot Engine for android but I still can't replace construct 2 for web games. Like you said, Construct 2 is better for web games but poor on everything else.