CF78's Forum Posts

  • even though it beats just about all existing frameworks made for ads already

    I couldn't agree more.

    I see a massive opportunity here for Scirra to capitalize on a market that is primed for easier tools to develop playable creatives. In all honesty it's a win win for both parties, developers and Scirra. The ability to make a game and create a playable advert for said game, seems like a no brainer. Plus, if construct could "do it all" so to speak, there is an instant in at the enterprise level. (typical playable ads created by a vendor cost 6K and up!)

    Size is definitely an issue when dealing with an embedded uri string method - (adds about 200-300kb) Luckily these types of ads should be rather small in terms of functionality. SVG would definitely solve some of this.

    I have some more tests with the new C3 runtime. Exporting for HTML5 seems to have changed a bit in regards to the folder structure and files exported. One thing that is an issue for many of the ad networks is no outside URL calls. So I typically nuke the icons and comment out the portion that looks for icons if using the C3 branded loading screen within the runtime.

    You can also remove some of the offline stuff as well since it's not required for this use.

    I highly recommend using google's HTML5 Validator : for testing builds after export.

    Which is a great starting point and aids in letting you know exactly what HTTP or URL requests that are being made, along with any other issues that would prevent the ad from displaying properly.

    Also valerypopoff's JavaScript addon is a godsend when having to call ad network specific api's - like an exit api.

    I work in the mobile game industry at a large studio - and have been trying to introduce Construct into our pipeline. I've done some proof of concepts in this area with some decent success. Issues like a single HTML method would be a great option considering FB is a universally used ad network. ( I honestly hope they change their requirements - they seem archaic in relation to other ad networks. ) That said when I research this space - there is limited information on authoring playable ads. Phaser seems to be the industry standard due to flexibility for such cases. BUT dev time increases ten fold. I personally feel Construct is far superior in terms usage, and the overall engine in general.

    I'll continue to post my findings and test results to keep this conversation going.

  • I have been doing some testing and trying to leverage Construct 3 as my primary development tool to create playable ads(mini games in the form of an advert). I have had some success deploying playable ads developed in C2 and C3 across a few ad networks.

    There are a few caveats.. Depending on the ad network, there are a few requirements that make it a serious challenge without modifying the HTML export files. I have successfully been able to deploy playable ads on GoogleUAC, ironSource, and Unity. There are a bunch of others I know will work as well with similar requirements as the previously mentioned ad networks.

    Facebook though, has been the biggest challenge. The requirements are :

    A single file for playable ad that contains all assets as part of that single HTML file and assets should be data URI compressed. (Javascript, CSS, images, sounds).

    Aside from js, css, and/or json that's relatively easy, along with converting an image to base64 data URI as well. Is it possible to do with the sprite sheets and how C3 references the image assets? OR is it even possible overall?

  • No need to be sorry - I came off as a "can you do this for me?" noob. lol

  • valerypopoff

    Thanks again for your explanation!

    I got it to work as intended :)

  • Thank you. I am rather new to javascript. I apologize if it came off as I was saying your plugin was the issue. That is not the case, nor do I feel that it is. This is a result of my lack of understanding.

    So, the code of ExitApi.js is self-executable. You don't have to do anything to call it. When you add this script to a page, it calls itself.

    Based on the instructions provided by google - it seems an onclick event is required to call the ExitApi.exit() URL - I realize now based on your explanation that I am approaching this wrong. I am calling an anonymous function, when I should be calling ExitApi.exit() instead of the actual script - exitapi.js - it's self.


    Include the following script in your HTML <head> tag: <scripttype="text/javascript" src=""> </script>

    Then make the following JavaScript call to enable your final URL: ExitApi.exit()

    • For example, send a consumer to the final URL, using a standard anchor:
    • <a onclick="ExitApi.exit()">Learn more</a>

    I'm going to give it another go - I don't want to post my project file publicly so I will message you directly. Again, I really appreciate your explanation and help. My goal is to learn more and obtain an understanding of javascipt. I will be donating to your patreon.

  • Hey! Thanks for the response. I apologize for my lack of information.

    I've never used ExitApi.js

    The exitapi.js script is essentially included with an interactive / playable advert that allows for a specific button to be clickable and send a user to a desired URL - Without it the entire advert / playable ad becomes clickable - breaking any further interaction.

    I don't understand what you mean by "I modified it to be: "function exitScript()". What did you modify? Why would you do this?

    The reason I did this is because the script as is is looks like this:

    	(function() {
     var a = function() {
     this.exit = this.b;
     this.close = this.close;
     this.delayCloseButton = this.a
     a.prototype.b = function() {"", "_blank")
     a.prototype.close = function() {
     window.console && window.console.log("Exit API: Close requested.")
     a.prototype.a = function(e) {
     e = Math.min(e, 5);
     window.console && window.console.log("Exit API: Close Button will not appear for " + e + " seconds.")
     var b = new a,
     c = ["ExitApi"],
     d = this;
     c[0] in d || !d.execScript || d.execScript("var " + c[0]);
     for (var f; c.length && (f = c.shift());) c.length || void 0 === b ? d = d[f] && d[f] !== Object.prototype[f] ? d[f] : d[f] = {} : d[f] = b;

    In Construct I trigger calling the script with a touch event - I'm assuming I have to name said function in order to call it??

    So I modified it by changing the first line so I have a named function to call.

    (function exitScript() {

    In the console I get this error :

    ValerypopoffJS plugin: Error in 'Call function' action


    JS code: exitScript()


    exitScript is undefined

    I greatly appreciate your help!

  • Great Addon!

    Curious how to implement google's ExitApi.js for interactive HTML5 ads.

    Normally you Include the following script in your HTML <head> tag:

    <scripttype="text/javascript" src=" "></script>

    Then make the following JavaScript call to enable a final URL: ExitApi.exit()

    - For example, send a consumer to the final URL, using a standard anchor:

    - <a onclick="ExitApi.exit()">Learn more</a>

    Rather than include a link to the ExitApi script I included it as a .js file and then attempted to call the function on touch tap.

    The ExitApi.js file is a global "function()" - I modified it to be: "function exitScript()"

    It doesn't seem to work. Wondering if you or anyone else has experience in getting this to work.

    Thanks in advance!


  • I made some tests for assets I am creating for a project I'm working on. I quite like these

    Can't wait until I can put shading on it

    I like these too! great style - look forward to seeing more

  • Ah yep, that nailed it. I overlooked that. Thank you facecjf. I really appreciate it!

    No problem! Good luck.

  • Mobile Shump Template — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    <p>Mobile Shump Template with AdMob support & Self hosted Leader Board! Over 150 Space Styled pixel assets. Everything needed to launch a mobile shump game. Player animations, FX + 3 enemies w/ animations. PNG sprite sheets and source file PSD included.</p><p>One touch control mobile endless shoot'em up</p><h3>Includes:</h3><div class="deshr"></div> <p>

    • AdMob support
    • Player Sprite Animation (left, right, strait)
    • 3x Enemy Sprite Animations
    • FX Sprite Animations
    • Power Up Sprite Animations
    • HUD Sprites
    • Source Artwork (PSD, and PNG formats)
    • PHP files for self hosted leader board
    • Commented / Organized for ease of use
    • 147 Events (requires personal license or greater)

    <h3>Don't Forget to Rate :)</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Mobile Shump Template

  • In your capx Change "On Created" to "On Start of Layout"

    Then add the action

    System | Set PlayerHP 3

    Seems when you killed the player, you were not resetting the global variable "PlayerHP" back to 3

  • Hi All!

    I'm currently offering freelance design services for game art and illustration.

    I am also releasing a few items in the Scirra Store. Pixel (various game styles) UI kits, Tilemaps, and some Character Animations sets.

    I also wanted to see what the community as a whole is interested in and looking for in particular when it comes to game design assets.

    I have over 15 yrs of professional design experience. I specialize in User Interface Design and Illustration - but I am able to create just about anything.

    I've done work for Ubisoft and the Museum of Science & Industry of Chicago.

    Feel free to post or contact me directly with any ideas and/or requests.

    Links to work :

    Current Available Assets

    Upcoming Assets

    Some examples :

  • Accidentally stumbled upon this yesterday and i'm in love with it..

    It's titled as a Procedural Tile Generator but can be used for pretty much any kind of pixel art plus it has onion layers ^^ and it's free <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    Really Neat! Thanks for sharing <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

  • Further progress on my mobile shmup template. Self hosted leader board is working

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • some more WIP Mobile Shmup Template work... I've never targeted mobile before. So far so good. Works really well on both iOS and Android.

    Start Screen

    Game play & Scoring