cesisco's Forum Posts

  • It would be great to have an action to set the "layer background colors" in HSL values.

    This would allow to create procedural colors in a much more intuitive way, and with better results.

    Ashley there's any technical issue that prevent this to be implemented? Thx

    Other solution would be generating the random/procedural HSL values, and then convert them to RGB , but I can't find a conversion formula that works for me.

  • > Ashley thanks, this method is so much better!If you like(for debugging purposes)i can search in which release this started to happen, otherwise i will stick with this solution.


    Hello !

    Do you have the Capx? the link is broken right now


    Arcanebits here's the link

    capx link

  • OK thx, it seems that the performance dropping issue only happens in iOS 7

  • Hi Ashley , in fact I'm on iOS 7.

    But the example only performs bad when the layout angle is 45 degrees.It costs more to draw a tile background at that layout angle?

    Anyway I'll update to iOS 8


  • Im getting 60 fps Ipad3, 30 fps Chrome on my desktop, and 50 on FF.

    Chalk it up to hardware and os.

    Hi newt, those results are with the WallTile image size 64x64, or 4x4?


  • Hi, I made a simpler example, maybe I didn't explain myself too well,

    I'm not trying to achieve a better performance in this particular example, I know the best practices in game design.

    I just want to figure out if when the layer angle is 45, it's not supposed that the performance should be equal than when the layer angle is 0.

    I deleted the background tile just to make the things simpler.

    Test the default capx in iPad2-see the results.

    Then resize the WallTile to 4x4 in the image editor, and test it again.

    What I'm seeing is when the WallTile is 64x64 the performance is good in all angles, but when WallTile is 4x4 ,the performance is good in angle 0, but very poor at layer angle 45.

    I'm just asking if it should be good at both angles or not.

  • Hi, I just found some strange performance issues on mobile browsers when you rotate layouts or layers with Tiled Backgrounds in the project.

    Maybe these issues are related to my mobile devices, I don't know...

    Layout rotate test

    This example consists in rotate the game layer by 45 degrees steps, every 5 seconds.

    Objects in the project:

    -WallTile (64x64 Tiled Background)

    -Sprite with bullet behavior

    Issue (iPad 2 safari)

    By default, everything is smooth(60FPS), but if you go to WallTile image editor, and resize the image to 4x4, the performance become really bad when layer angles are not 0,90,180 and 270, with FPS around 13/14FPS.

    Smaller power of two Tiled Background image result in horrible performance at specific angles.

    I was wondering if anyone could take a look and test the example, and share the results.


  • lennaert Beaverlicious

    Hi guys, somehow I missed all of your posts.The link is live now.

  • Hi imaffett,

    Can you estimate when CW11 will be live in Intel XDK?

    Can I expect weeks or months ? I am stuck with this for about 6 months.

    I have a big 4 digit offer for an exclusive license for one of my games, but I can't wait another 6 months.

    I know you guys are working hard to solve the problems, but I just need to know if it worth to wait, or I have to find another solution?


  • Ashley , maybe a sticky thread with all the links to your reports would be useful.Not to spam them, but just to follow.

  • Well, I found the relevant bug report:

    https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issu ... ?id=424174

    With the jank issue, we managed to push bug 42200 into the top 25 bugs on the chromium tracker, by star count. That's out of 72,000 open issues. It also got the problem mostly fixed (for now... <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="Confused"> ).

    Maybe it's time for another round of 'let's nag Google'. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green">

    It seems a good tactic <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

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  • TiAm

    OK, but maybe we have to fill a bug report in Chromium, I don't know if anyone reported this to Chromium.

    The only way to measure lag is to shot a video(see my video), import to a video editor, and each frame of delay between the action in C2 and the sound represents 33ms for 30FPS videos(1/30*1000).

    I only have 2 Android devices rigth now, but we have to know if this affect all Android devices and OS version, because Ashley said his Nexus 5 was fine.

  • Yeah, I still get this on chrome mobile, and also on crosswalk export, even with version 7. I've been meaning to file it as a issue on the chromium tracker, but just haven't got around to it yet.

    It's odd too, because I can pretty much go nuts with web audio effects (and I don't have the greatest android device), but that lag just won't go away no matter how much I strip things down.

    I wrote this post back in June 2014, and it seems that the problem still exists in Chrome for Android and Crosswalk.

    I made this

    with lag measurements.

  • Great job on this nice seeing my assets in action!

    Thanks, but your assets makes everything look better than it is

  • 1000x1000 should be doable since its just one instance.

    Then again you do have to take the time needed to generate everything into account.

    Dunno, aim for half that maybe.

    Yeah thanks, I tried , but I found very tricky to do the isometric projection with tilemaps, maybe I'm doing the wrong way.