cesisco's Forum Posts

  • My game was #43 overall(COMPO), i think it's fair for my first LD48 COMPO.

    Rating and playing more than 200 games was like a mini game designer course.

  • > Just an interesting report.It would have been interesting, if it were reported by a neutral organization and not an online gaming network <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    ....i said interesting, not reliable <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Just an interesting report.

    State of gaming by Spil games

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  • HI, finally i made it, my first LD Compo.

    The final result was not what i expected... bit i did my best.

    You only get one Path

    <img src="http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/wp-content/compo2/308734/15361-shot1.png" border="0">

  • We have no plans to improve it right now. I'm not clear how we can actually solve the seaming in a reliable way, and just pixel rounding and letterbox integer scaling should be enough to solve the seaming. (I think even with linear sampling those settings should solve the seaming - point is just to guarantee it really.) Why not just go with that?


    Ashley, ok thanks. i'll go that way.Keep up the outstanding work <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Insist that the main developer responds, knowing how busy the guy is? Really?

    Some people :(

    First, my name is not "Some people", is C?sar/cesisco, you can call me that.

    I was only asking a 2nd time because, Ashley maybe missed the post, i don't like to just "bump" the post.

    In the last 5 years i spent over 20.000 Euros in software, and i never kwew a company with better costumer support, but of course i can understand if they can not answer every single question, what i can not understand, is someone giving the answers for them.

    For the last 4 years, until now i have been polite in these forums, and i would love to remain like that.

  • Ashley , sorry to insist, but can you answer the question above?

    Just to know if it worth to wait a little bit for some Tilemap improvements.


  • Ashley, should i expect any improvements to the Tilemap object(the "seams" problem)in the near future?

    Because it will be a lot harder to revert the Sprites to Tilemaps in a later stage of my game development.


  • I'd rather we find a way to fix the tilemap object so you can use it, since it's designed specifically for this type of thing already, than add other features duplicating what the tilemap can already do. Are seams the only reason you don't want to use tilemaps?

    Ashley, yes the seams are the main reason.The tilemap without the seams would be almost perfect.Better than that, i can only imagine the tilemap object with an autotile option <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />.When enabled, just draw any tile , and let the Tilemap auto tile them correctly.


  • If you don't use the same settings as the tilemap object, you'll have the same problems - the sprites will seam along the edges. And it will be slower, because the tilemap object has unique optimisations. So why not just use the tilemap object?

    Hi Ashley, with the sprites i can make them 1 or 2 pixels bigger, and i don't have the seams problem anymore.

    like this:

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46383802/report/tiles1.png" border="0" />

    About the performance, i only use the Auto tile sprites in the edges of the "terrains", and those sprites will be only a fraction of the total graphic assets, and i aim mainly for PC games with much better performance than mobile.

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46383802/report/tiles2.png" border="0" />

    Take a look at a structure like this, even with the Tile map object it would take a few minutes to figure out how to assemble the correct graphic tiles, and if you draw the sprites directly and use the auto tile function, it would take just a few seconds.

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46383802/report/tiles3.png" border="0" />

    But don't worry, it seems like i am the only one who would take advantage of this...


  • Tiled, the tilemap editor from which Construct can read files, can do about just that and even more, although you cannot directly try your game after that.



    Hi, yes i know, but most of the time level design it's all about trial and error and it's a downside to export/import the level, and using the Tilemap object is not an option with fullscreen with linear sampling.No big deal, it was only a suggestion.


  • People seem to forget that when making suggestions, Ashley asks for reasons why the suggestion would benefit the majority of users.

    Personally, I see no need for this and would rather Ashley spends his time developing more generic things for the masses, such as the recent Tilemap and the forthcoming physics replacement for Android.

    I can not speak for the masses, just for myself<img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />.I am working on a library of Auto tile terrains(100 terrains), and this would be a good implementation in my case, i am not demanding anything, if everybody knew what the masses wanted, nobody would post suggestions here, because Ashley would know as well what the masses wanted.

  • You can make your own editor that does that.

    Hi, yes i can, but it would be awesome to do this out of the box.Maybe i am too spoiled by scirra, that allows me to do most of the things so effortlessly <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • ...and then my workflow would be somethin like this


  • Hi, I would love to have the ability to draw sprites in the editor(like in the tilemap object).This would be handy when i use autotile textures(and i have a lot of them), of course i could do the level design with the copy/paste shortcut, but is not as fast or intuitive like drawing the sprites directly.

    I can not use the Tilemap object because the "point" sampling and the integer scale is not an option for the most of my games.

    If i had the "draw sprite" tool, my workflow would be:

    1-Draw sprites in the editor by the grid factor, 16,32,64, etc.

    2-Auto tile them, and you have an entire level in seconds.

    I would like to know if this is viable to have
