Caspis Sinclair's Forum Posts

  • This should totally be added to the Showreel.

  • I'm using .99.84 out of necessity but I haven't run into any problems with Construct crashing during editing or testing (outside of my own errors). I've sent .cap's and .exe's to friends and they haven't had any problems running them other than the occasional person needing to update DirectX.

    I used to have multiple versions of Construct installed and all I did was change the folder name. I imagine you can still do the same thing.

    I've mainly just been using the physics and platform behavior in different .cap's though, so maybe other people can tell you what kind of problems (if any) they have run into with the newest unstable release.

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  • The "3D" effect is done using 3D Box objects. (Which explains why I freak out every time the 3D Box breaks in a new build of Construct )

    That was my first guess. It works surprisingly well as a background image.

    (nice work with the skull boss, too)

  • Awesome!

    I liked the intro cut scene and the game's music especially. The background effect is pretty sharp, too. Did you use the 3d box for that?

    I did run into a bug, though. It happened on my first play when you get on the elevator. I got stuck on the left edge of the screen after shooting a few enemies and I couldn't get unstuck after that. I had to reset.

  • Very nice, comrade!

    I got used to pushing down on the scroll wheel to reload pretty quickly. I kind of like having to manually reload rather than just having it automatic, also. It's a small touch but it adds some strategy to the game.

  • Damn.

    I wanted to play it but my cpu falls under the old "SSE2 bug".

    Looks like an interesting game, though. Maybe I can try it out at a friend's house.

  • I really like your art style, Vanja. Great work!

    SoldJahBoy? You... you definitely have skill. We would have to be really jaded not to...



  • Heh, yeah I was just joking about that. Besides, I have it on good knowledge that conservationist chicks have terrible hygiene.

    (also a joke... )

    I'm guessing that the course is going to focus on cleaning the beach itself but not animals. You would probably need more specialized training to do something like that.

  • I found out about it from my dad and we both got confirmations for the class. The Coast Guard and OSHA will be working together to train people to respond to the appearance of the oil spill on beaches. Once I finish the training I'll be put on a list to respond to a certain area if the worst happens.

    BP is only offering it to the coastal states (Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida) but it should be interesting. I mean... I hope the spill DOESN'T reach me, but if it does it will be good to know that I can at least do a little something to help.

    Plus, chicks totally dig environmental guys. Right?


  • I don't know that there really is a solution for this, other than not using v-sync.

    It isn't really necessary to the game, so I'll just leave it alone for now. Thanks for your suggestions, though.

  • No, it still escapes. Never mind.

    Actually... I think the problem may just be that I used Construct's image editor to resize the sprite for the chicken/box. Sometimes weird things happen when I do that.

  • Shutting off rotations seems to make the problem stop. Thank you, Newt.

  • Might be getting some frame skip. That would allow it to move through solids.

    Can this be fixed with TimeDelta? The example that I posted doesn't actually have any events...

  • Ugh. No, that just *seemed* to work. After a while the ball still escapes from the top of the hollowed out box sprite (but it seems like it ONLY escapes from the top).

    Unless anyone else knows otherwise this looks like a bug.

  • Never mind...

    I tried making a single sprite and hollowed out the center, and it worked fine.
