Demo version. )))
controls help for english users:
w,s,a,d - movment
R or Middle mouse - reload
left click - attack
right click - alternative attack
yeah , that's really nice !
nice storyline and graphics.
but it surely needs more balance , afterall it's a demo so it's ok.
Thx Nosoul U can read story line its wery cool)). I Try do best story like Mass Effect
read my pm to you.
and reply , if possible )
Apart from it having a bunch of typos and overall somewhat broken Russian, and apart from this issue (just kidding), it's pretty good. The only things that bother me: the lack of automatic reload and that the walking animation looks completely out of place when you are strafing.
?? ???? ?????
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
AstroNeon two-faced one ! )))
you've got much to do so keep it up !
Shviller, you should not call all TDS games ghost shooter clones.
IMHO, of course )
good to see the controls mentioned in this post;)
There's a very nice look and feel to the demo, but the reloading feels a bit awkward, the spacebar would be more convenient to use than the R key
Very nice, comrade!
I got used to pushing down on the scroll wheel to reload pretty quickly. I kind of like having to manually reload rather than just having it automatic, also. It's a small touch but it adds some strategy to the game.
you need a time alloted to the reload. you can repeatedly tap "r" and never actually have to reload while continually spraying bullets.
also for some reason it takes me an unnecessarily long time to load the game. i dont know if thats something to do with windows 7 or what.
Hmm i work on windows 7. Game loading fast. May be some trouble with system.
A sugestion to pass the second level?