> And i told you to not comment on my project. Telling me that my images are too big and that i have too many sprites and shouldn't call them all sprites is commenting.
I'm sorry for giving unsollicited advice..
Pinning works like
blackhornet explains, actually all events do..
You have to reference the sprite you intend to do actions on in the event..
So if you use the pin action, it should be clear which instance of the object you want to pin to..
This is called picking..
In your case you could use overlap or pick nearest..
If there is only one instance of the object to pin to on the layout, automatically the right object will be selected, ofcourse..
Since i am too stupid or not good enough whit using Construct 2 i don't understand how to do that so if you wwant to help me you need to create such a event that makes the pinning work and share it.