Calfuso's Forum Posts

  • I know that this question is though to understand. I don't know how to explain it better then this even though this explonation isn't very clear. Basically whenever i try to make a sprite begin by having a sine and then disable it after a while and enable another sine the first sine doesn't get fully disabled. Sometimes it doesn't get disabled at all and get disabled a while but not as long as it should. I may share a capx that just contains one sprite tat displays this problems if this post isn't clear enough.

  • How do you make a 8 direction sprite move in 157 degrees and 247 degrees? I know that you use the bullet behavior and make it change angles but the sprite doesn't move in the rigth direction all the time if you do that. Instead of moving 157 degrees it moves in 135 degrees most of the time for example.

  • I didn't think that would be hard..

    Just a bit of basic programming..

    on start of layout -

    > set the timer for 3 seconds

    > sprite set direction = 3

    timer on timer > set timer for 3 seconds

    -- sprite.direction = 3

    > sprite set direction to 9

    -- else

    -- sprite.direction = 9

    > sprite set direction = 3

    It worked. But if you want you can answer a follow up question. How do you make the sprite move in one direction longer then the other?

  • I'm not sure what you mean..

    Something like this? ... ction.capx

    The capx was helpful and made me get a good idea of how to change 8 direction sprites direction. But i want the sprite to move diagonally down and left in 3 seconds and move diagonally up and left in 3 seconds and then reapeat the process all the time. How do i do that? The capx didn't help on that part enough.

  • Title explains it all. If not tell me.

  • I'm not sure what you mean..

    Something like this? ... ction.capx[/quote > > If i give a sprite the 8 direction behavior and make the event is on screen and follow it up whit the action simulate control left and simulate control down. Now the sprite moves diagonally left and down. Then i want the sprite to move diagonally up and left after tre seconds has passed. How do i make that work? I have tried multiple things but i can't make it change direction. Is this clear enough?

  • For example if i want to make my sprite move to the left in two seconds but then move down. I have tried alot of things to make it work but the sprite won't change direction. So how do you do it?

  • I made a sine sprite that moved horizontically left and rigth. I gave it the bullet behavior and set it to disabled. I made the event every 10 seconds set Sine inactive set bullet enabled and bullet angle of motion to Player.Angle.

    After ten seconds has passed the sprite just moves to the rigth instead of moving against the player. What's wrong here?

  • If you could give a better explanation of what you want it would be easier to help..

    Would putting the enemy on a layer with 0,0 parallax and having it move on it's own be what you are looking for?

    My enemy doesn't move like this but let's say the enemy moves up and down . The enemy should keep moving up and down it should keep moving up and down but it shall always be on screen. Basically the enemy should always be on screen.

  • How do you make a platform move down when you stand on it and move up to it's original position when you don't stand on it?

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  • When i have read things in these forums i have came across the term string. Apparently you can make a string as event and make actions for it. But how do you make one? I can't find it anywhere.

  • what do you mean by shooting in half a circle?

    How many bullets?

    Should the bullets shoot at the same time?

    The turret should shoot in this ( movement. One bullet at a time. The bullet should shoot one by one. I know that you probably use some offsets whit the sine behavior and mix it whit the bullet behavior but what offsets?

  • I have a enemy that consist of the body and the arm. The body is it's own sprite and the arm is it's own sprite. Obviously so should i pin the arm to the body. This is where problems start. If i make the event on start of layout Arm Pin to Body position and angle it works for one version of the body sprite. If i make more then one copy of the body sprite the arm doesn't pin. And i want to have multiple copies of that enemy. Since the arm only seem to be able to pin to one copy of the body sprite i made multiple sprites of the body and the arm whit the same image and animation properties. So everywhere where a copy of the body sprite was located i placed a new body and arm sprite. I made every new arm pin to a new body. So far everything sounds well. But when i tried to run the game the problems came back. The arm sprites animation has 93 frames. And every frame has a image that takes relativly high amount of memory. The arm sprite takes up 100 MB. So for every new arm sprite i make 100 MB get's added to the project. Whit all arm sprites i need the project takes up so much memory that i can't run it anymore and i don't think alot of others would be able to either. So i can't create multiple versions of the arm sprite. So i erased all new arm sprites and only left the first one intact- My next solvation was to have multiple versions of the body and pin the first arm sprite to every single one of them. That doesn't work becuase if i pin the arm to one then one sprite the arm doesn't pin to any sprite. How am i going to solve this?. I want the arm to pin to the body and have multiple versions of the body and the arm. Why doesn't the arm pin if i make a copy of the body sprite. Why doesn't it do it?

  • I want my turret to try to be at the same altitude as the plyer by moving up and down. It should after 2 seconds stop moving and shoot.¨

    Here is my event sheets. The problem is that the the turret just moves to the ground and never shoot instead of moving up and down according to the player and shooting sometimes. Why does it do this?

  • I have different animations for jumping ducking and so forth. My problem is that when i try to duck after jumping the character doesn't duck directly and instead rotates in it's default animation. I can duck when i am walking just fine it's just when i am jumping it doesn't work. My character has a the rotate behavior. Here is the event sheets and the default, jumping and ducking animation.

    Default animation:

    Jumping animation:

    Ducking animation:

    I want you whit this information help me how i can make the character duck immediatly after jumping instead of rotating.