bscarl88's Forum Posts

  • I'd like to start to make a metroidvania style beatemup game for PC and possibly OUYA, but I'm afraid of performance problems with using C2. For one, I have an artist that hand draws high resolution images, and we're wanting to have multiple high resolution backgrounds objects (think of Dust An elysian tail, and Guacamelee as a quality/resolution reference).

    Dust layouts for, example, can stretch almost 6-7 screen widths for an entire layout/level with hand drawn art. Would C2 be able to handle that without memory or other hardware issues?

    We'll be adding lighting effects and other sword of effects C2 utilizes. Most of my experience is that Mobile performance is bad, I'd like to make sure PC won't have this problem. The only other problem is the way it's controlled, is requires a controller due to certain in game mechanics.

    Are these problems I won't have to worry about on PC that only affect mobile devices? If so, that still means OUYA could have memory problems

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  • Ashley but the temp folder is where the file is missing, if that's just where it extract it, how does it go missing when it just put it there? Could the cause be something like CrapCleaner deleting temporary folder stuff?

  • Ashley : I understand I can't recover it, thats not why I opened up the bug report. I'm trying to figure out what happened that it made it corrupt, and keeps happening randomly.

    Here's some helpful information:

    -The image in question isn't even being used in the events, and was deleted from the project, so why is it affecting it?

    -And why is my image being stored in a temp folder? I'd imagine after a computer reset, or some automated cleanup, the temp folder data would be cleared which could be causing the issue.

  • how do I prevent this from happening, seems like things are being stored in the temp folder. I saved everything as a single file, so why would it be relying on external resources? The Fire.png isn't even being used in any of the code.

    also, i have backups setup, but none of them open or work. I just really need this to stop happening because I'm having to backtrack on certain days

  • Problem Description

    Projects keep saying "Failed to open" after many hours of work. Happens randomly so I can't tell if my file will be corrupt or not whenever I save them


    Attach a Capx

    Description of Capx

    as soon as you open it, it gives the error in the image above

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1: Open file .

    Observed Result


    Expected Result

    ____ What do you expect to happen? ____

    Affected Browsers


    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • bscarl88

    According to test results on this thread using shells provided by imaffett , Crosswalk 11 and 12 both have the same performance issue as crosswalk 10 or even worse, while crosswalk 7 is the best one to build with for now (45 to 60 fps).

    Hope they fix new versions of Crosswalk to be even better than 7.

    ugh.... thanks for the update man. One day, this all will work out well, maybe in C3 lol. Not to hate on you intel guys or anything. I know you guys are trying your best and only have so much to work with, not like there's many/any better options for mobile exports

  • how's this game going? I'm intrigued and excited to see it. Also, id love to seee what kind of difficulties you're running into with a large game. I've got a large game in the making and I want to know if C2 can handle it for desktops.

  • Do we have an estimate on CW11/12 yet? I have an app that is pending being sold but I really don't wan to release it with the current performance problems

  • imaffett

    Tested both my apps on both of your APKs. What's real odd though is that both games are much faster when running through your APKs VS running natively. There are no noticeable lag spikes in my GodSmash game like there are in the normal app. Why would that be?

    GodSmash: Armageddon: no noticable difference ... index.html

    You Can't Escape: slightly better performance on CW12 ... index.html


    Samsung Galaxy S4

    Android 4.4.2

  • were you able to test my apps by chance?

    You Can't Escape ... ddon&hl=en


    and ... cape&hl=en

  • From the example it says to use 4048 x 2000 for a background. If you can, is it better to use smaller and have them repeat? If you want the background to just repeat and play on a mobile phone or tablet, would 2k by 2k save much space?

    using this large of a background for mobile is not a good idea. It would be much better to have them smaller and then have them repeat. Due to how images scale up for mobile phones, Even 2k by 2k would round up to 2048x2048, which many phones can't even hold that amount of resolution in their RAM. i would try to keep everything within or under 1024x1024, I've had soooo many problems with anything larger than that. Mobile devices only render images at a power of 2, so everything rounds up, for example: if you have an image that is 1024x64, phones will store it in memory as an even power of 2, so they would store your image at 1024x1024.

    (Someone correct me if I'm wrong on this next one, but this is what I've been told on numerous occasions ) If you have an image that's 1026x1024, it will round up to the nearest power of 2, which would be stored at 2048x2048 in your phones memory, therefore taking up an incredible amount of space. So if you're developing for mobile, be very careful with your native image sizes. (native being the actual raw image, and not what is edited/scaled/resized within the game layout)

  • > go faster


    Great, is is what i mean:) Rather unique gameplay(at least i havent seen something like that) but still really simple mechanics. Thanks

    Go faster inspired us to make this game. Similar mechanics, something is chasing you, and you have to runaway forever. We changed some of the levels so that it's not just something coming from the left, there's also a dragon that can chase you in any direction, and a lava pit that you have to try to escape. Power ups, coins, etc, could help give you a few ideas maybe. ... cantescape

  • Would it be possible to do a clone of banana kong with good performance on mobile? It's an auto-runner that changes backgrounds depending on certain triggers in the game. (See trigger to underground cavern at 1:28)

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    My only concern is that C2 doesn't export well to mobile with multiple large images. The performace is awful for it, or at least that's my previous experience. My game design only requires 3 separate background styles (but each with at least 1 backgrouned + a second backdrop). What do you guy think? I appreciate any help <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz">

  • 1. Samsung Galaxy s4

    2. Android 4.4.2

    3. 11 i believe, and they definitely worked better before 11

    4. ... ddon&hl=en

    and ... cape&hl=en

  • Furdy - my performance is perfectly fine on both of your games.

    Mine is good for the first few seconds of godsmash, but since it's a twitch style game, the sudden drops and freezes ruin it and can mess up the user. Once you use your god's ability for the first time, things get slow - ... armageddon