bscarl88's Forum Posts

  • I'm getting working with collisions soon for my game.    I'll go about it the way floor advised and let you guys know how it worked!

  • Is there a way to disable/enable physics? Like if I only want physics on my character after he has been hit, but not while he is attacking or running or anything?

  • Make sure the object has the PIN behavior attached to it first.

    Then you should have an event like:

    Player presses (Pickup button) = > pin object to image at image point 0

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  • So for my fighting game, up to 4 player's can be on screen at one time.

    Each player also has a large variety of moves, air attack, 4 way regular attack, and 4 way special attack.

    I've built my game so that the player controller is a skeleton for each player. the move names have been labeled generically like side attack, and up attack, and up special so that when i obtain the animations for each character, I can drag and drop as much as possible.

    How do I handle it so that when a player selects their character they each can attack each other, rather than saying If player 1 animation > on collision with player 2, or player 1 animation on collision with player 3   etc...

    AND if i have mulitple moves, do I have to make a collision event for each move?

    + Is it better to use image points for attack collision, or full collision boxes (if possible)

  • Very interesting read! I think you guys have cured me of my worries!

  • I agree that boolean would be easier to debug, but for me, I have to use a bunch of state checks. I have one for isattacking that will not only let you know if an attack animation is playing but also the power of the attack to see who's attack will win if two players attacks both collide. (0 is not attacking, 1 or more means is attacking, a higher is attacking will win). I also have some for sidecharge, upcharge, downcharge, isblocking, isrunning, is jumping and a few more to come. This will be replicated for up to four players on screen at once.   But maybe using one string as a player state indicator would be beneficial...    either way thanks so much for all the help everyone!! :)

  • I've read that blog post, but didn't find anything specifically on booleans vs variables. But if you say it doesnt matter, I believe you guys!     I wanted to use a boolean, but whenever I try to check if the condition is true or not (I'm guessing "Is Instance Boolean Set" is asking if it is true) it doesn't work.   I think i'll stick with a 0 or 1, even though I'll be having around 6 or more instance variables per character.

  • Is there any performance or memory bonus to using a boolean over a number?

    So like if my character is running, I set ISRunning to True or 1?

    I only say this because I started off using numbers for my game, and I want to switch but this means I have to go through every instance that I have used a number instead of a boolean (i have many more than just running conditions).

    And now I can't figure out how to so whether IsRunning is true for conditions.   "Is Instance Boolean Set" seems to not work

  • Another way to do it, for fighting game example...

    If I my character is attacking, I set his   IsAttacking instance variable to 1. So for any button that I don't want to interrupt his attack's (like running, or another attack) , I do this...

    IsAttacking 0

    and SideAttack is pressed = > set IsAttacking to 1, play animation side attack,     

    so If i press the run button, it won't work while he's attacking.

    IsAttacking 0

    AND run is pressed. => Run

    Then I clean it up by...

    on Any Animation Finished = > Set IsAttacking to 0

    This way, animations can't interrupt him while he's attacking.

    Just another way to do things :)

  • I just started from scratch and it works now :)

  • I ended up getting it to work by putting an IsCharging Variable onto the character.

    |On J Press| > [Is Left OR Right Pressed AND Player is running] set side charge animation, set IsCharging to 1

    |On J Release AND IsCharging = 1| > Set IsCharging to 0,

    set animation SideAttack,

    set IsAttacking to 1


  • I'm trying to add a "charging attack" animation for when I press two buttons at the same time (D and J). But I also have various other animations setup for ground, running, and air attacks. My goal is to do a charge attack animation (D + J [while on ground] and [not running]), then when J is released, they do their kick animation.

    I can't get the charge to work, I've tried a few other variations to no avail :(

  • Yup, I put them on google docs as an .RAR    Except maybe it's because I didnt unzip them, and just tried to run the .exe from the RAR

  • hmmm   that's odd because when I exported with awesomium, it wouldnt open on my other computer because it said it didnt have awesomeium installed.   I just clicked export, then awesomeium

  • So i tried to export my game using awesomeium, except if anyone is going to run it, they need awesomeium installed. How do I get by this without the user having to install it?