bscarl88's Forum Posts


    hopefully that works.   Use AWD to move when you press right arrow while hes moving hes supposed to do do a side kick. And if he's standing still, he's supposed to do another kick when you release right arrow. But instead he only does the kick while you hold Run


    hopefully that works.   Use AWD to move when you press right arrow while hes moving hes supposed to do do a side kick. And if he's standing still, he's supposed to do another kick when you release right arrow. But instead he only does the kick while you hold Run

  • I'll definitely do that for when I get home for everyone to look at. I think what it is, is I have it set so that when run animation is playing, AND right attack button is pressed, do kick.. so now the kick only works when I hold in the run button.   I guesss I am just confused on the proper setup of actions and multi button moves.

  • Here's what I meant on the best practice stuff, in case anyone needs it!

  • Voted! I'll wait to purchase it until it gets on steam, that way their sales look better to steam!

  • Actually a better question would be, which of these methods takes less cpu power? Adding a global variable to check for a value, or using the events?

  • Been working on my project for a good 8 hours now, can't figure out how to keep my animation from switching mid animation due to button input.

    And My run attack won't go off. I have my platform like so...

    (AWD - simulates movement now.)

    On Right Arrow Pressed - [Sub Cat(platform IS moving, platform IS on floor) RunAttack]

    [Other Sub(platform IS NOT moving, platform IS on floor) Kick]

    I'll post my code, but I currently don't know how

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  • Hmmmm I have them setup like that though. :(. How do you post the file?

  • Yup! I understand!   Instead of using variables, i would I just use the platformer actions though right?   Like when player is moving do this if in air or this of on ground?

  • So if i'm trying to make my character have air moves, running moves, standing moves, and each have 4 different directions. (running attack, air side attack, land side attack, air up attack, land up attack etc.) Do i put sub categories under every button saying....   If (Move right) is down, and (sub-category - attack right is pressed AND character is on ground DO this) or (Sub-category - attach right is pressed AND character is in air DO This) so on so forth?

    And how do I make it so the player can't press a button to initiate another attack until the current one has finished?

    I would post my file if I knew how :(

    Thanks guys! I'm really enjoying this engine! I spent about 10 hours playing with it yesterday, i just wish there were more tutorials

  • can I not open .cap files with the free version of construct 2?

    Are there any other sources on how to do fighting games? I'm trying to soak in all the knowledge I can

  • not necessarily the sprite, but the canvas itself. Should i keep it the same per animation to ensure a fluent animation?

    I'm really looking for some "Best practice" kind of stuff.

    As for collision boxes, wouldn't a sprite shaped collision box take up a lot of memory and cpu usage? I was just going to go in and morph a 4-6 point object per frame to call the collision box

  • oh man, I was really hoping there would be an easier way lol. Oh well thanks!

  • So I was wondering, when making 2d sprite animations like so   <img src="" border="0" />

    what should I keep in mind?

    -Should I keep the canvas size the same throughout the entire animation? or the entire character?

    -Does changing the collision box every frame kill CPU?

    I'm trying to make a party fighting game smash bros and jump ultimate super stars, but I'm new to this and would love some tips! I'm just not sure what would kill cpu/memory and slow down network battles

  • I read that before I posted, but Instead of posting my capx (i didn't know how and this was easier), I posted the animation I was talking about.

    But since it's a jump/kick, he's traveling thorough a larger canvas, which is like his animation stage.