bscarl88's Forum Posts

  • im down!

  • Sorry, It was late and I was tired, and I posted a horrible description haha. Here's a much better described and updated post.

    I am trying to spawn a specific hitbox onto 1 specific animation's custom image point, but can't get it to work.

    So I have my player character setup as an animation sprite attached to the player box.

    I have imagepoint1 (strikeboxpoint) set to different spots, depending on the attack. Since I have so many different attacks, I would like to spawn a specific hitbox onto 1 specific animation's custom image point.

    I made it so the image point only exists between frames 5-8 (since this is where the player is actually attacking in the animation.)

    Here's an image.

    <img src="" border="0">

    Here's the .capx


    what am I doing wrong?

  • So I have my player character setup an animation sprite attached to the platform player box.

    Since I have so many different attacks, I would like to spawn a specific hitbox onto 1 specific animation's custom image point.

    I made it so the image point only exists between frames 5-8 (since this is where the player is actually attacking in the animation.)

    Here's a caption of how I'm spawning the box


    Here's the .capx

  • Omg yes please.    You would be a hero!!

    If it works well, it could be a great addition to the standard features in construct 2

  • Very nice!   Problem is though that he will only be knocked back in the Same direction no matter where he is hit.   

    To fix that you could ether do what Encryptedcow said above , or add a condition saying

    If player is not mirrored > set enemy platform vector x = 200.   

    If player is mirrored > set enemy platform vector x = -200

    I'll be using physics for my knockback though. So I'm in a different boat

  • I guess I need to read on about how to use families! But this does make sense!    Then if I want to give each player individual controls, I would have to use families and ownership for the controls too.

    I'm confused as to how to do the ownership variable though.

    But thank you so much for your response!!!

  • Bump. Anyone? Please help.   I've been stuck on this forever!

  • if by programmer, you mean construct 2 designer, then yes! I'm definitely interested!

  • bscarl88

    When the knock back happens check the players X position against the enemies X position. If players X is less than enemies X do the knock back from the bottom right of player. If the enemies X is less than players X then do the knock back from bottom left of player.

    hmmm great idea! I was wondering how I could do this with a 4 player fighting game.   I guess I would have to check all combinations of P1 vs P2, P2 vs P3, P1 vs P3 etc

  • I'm having the same problem, and no one will answer me either. The best ive done is given the object physics behavior, and on collision, turn physics behavior on, and set force towards something (some value of x and y)   but this doesnt work very well for me because i can only get the character to knockback in one direction so far. I want it to knockback depending on where the player was hit

  • I am very interested in this too. especially with the collision boxes for varied attacks.

    But an idea for combos...

    If you want a player to do a 3 attack combination that requires the player to press a button within a time frame,

    You could do something like this:

    On Player press attack AND attack = 0, set attack animation to 1st attack, and attack +1, wait x seconds, set attack = 0

    On player press attack AND attack = 1, set attack animation to 2nd attack, and attack +1, wait x seconds, set attack = 0

    On player press attack AND attack = 2, set attack animation to 2nd attack wait x seconds, set attack = 0.

    you might run into a problem with it setting attack to 0 amidst the 2nd attack, but this would have to be fine tuned. Just an idea!

    But I would love a tutorial where I could set the attack collision mesh to the animation's mesh for a given range of frames for a given animation (since the animation is pinned ontop of the player box. )

  • How about an estimate on 1 character with 8 directional attack and 8 directional blocking animations? His legs would be separate from his body so that they have a running, idle and jumping animation. maybe 5 other upper body animations just in case

  • the site doesnt work for me, did it change? I'd be willing to buy some effects off you!

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  • What do you charge hourly? How about an estimate on 1 character with 8 directional attack and 8 directional blocking animations? His legs would be separate from his body so that they have a running, idle and jumping animation. maybe 5 other upper body animations just in case.

  • the happy song for a rainy day is awesome! haha