bscarl88's Forum Posts

  • Did this help you noisetank? I'm going to be moving enemy collisions and projectiles into families, and this is going to be huge for me, but will take time. I'll need to make it so if a family projectile hits an enemy in the enemy family, react/animate appropriately

  • I might be interested! Do you have any experience with making games? C2 was my first true experience, started with it around november 2012. I feel like I have learned many things since then

  • I can test on PC, Android Phone (Motorola Bionic), iPad and iPhone

  • I'd like to know this as well, i'm creating a metroidvania style map too. I didn't know they have a behavior for that now, that's awesome!

  • I'd do it, PMed you

  • replied!

  • There are a few things that I need help with on my game. Main gameplay of it is you have a sword that you deflect/block projectiles with.

    I need help with a few prioritized things. (1 and 2 are most important)

    1. Keep an array enemy tracking system that will only track the closest X amount of enemies that are within Line of Sight and distance. That way when the projectile is deflected, it doesn't just go to the closest enemy that could be between the player and a tile.

    2. I need the joystick to work exactly how it does now, but attached to the player via the upper arm and forearm.

    3. I would like to be able to transist all my projectiles into a projectile family and use that to adjust deflection and damage. (This is already on it's way)

    4. I would like to do the same with enemies (this will have to be discussed because I attempted this already).

    Pick one, two or all to help out with. We can discuss payment over email:

    Together... we could change the world!

  • Naw, I'm already doing a pick nearest which works ok, thanks though psycholize! Problem is since this is a platformer, when I deflect a projectile it will go to the nearest enemy, but that enemy could be above/below the player through a hard tile.

    I'm trying to get it so that maybe an array will store the enemies that are within distance, and Line of sight, so when a projectile is deflected it will choose random one of those players to go towards.

  • yea it felt a little buggy to me, maybe I just wasn't doing it right

  • So I want to make it so that my player will always be targeting the closest not dead enemy within line of sight. This way, when a projectile is deflected by his sword, it will either go towards the closest enemy within line of site, or random deflection angle.

    Currently, I have to program it for each projectile, but I guess I should make a family projectile group

    Move - WASD

    Sword - Arrows

  • Hey ramones, thanks again for your help, I sent you a PM with a possible offer too.

  • Did you eveeerr knoooow that you're my heeeerooooo

    Seriously, love you, this is exactly what I wanted! And your sword is way cooler than mine lol.

    Is there any performance difference do you know from using my joystick compared to your joystick? I gotta save all the I can get since I want to put this on mobile.   And do you care if I create my joystick like yours?

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  • It wouldn't be too hard to do with pathfinding. they have conditions for: on path found, on path arrived, on path not found, etc.

    You could then put an instance variable on the enemy and call it "State", and use different enemy states to do different things like Flee state, attack state, wait state.

    Here's a tutorial on pathfinding:

  • I have an idea....   So i made a sprite called "MotionDot" This dot is spawned on my VirtualControls layer, and is pinned to my joystick's thumbstick. This way, when the thumbstick moves, the MotionDot mimics it. Then I attached my sword to the dot. It works nearly exactly how I want it, but how do I get the sword movement area to move with the player? It will spawn on the player, but then the sword movement will stay in place instead of following nthe player. It's so close!

    (Events 105 - 107) click and drag on the online joystick

    And how do i minimize how much the red dot moves in compared to the ThumbStick? So I don't make his arm come too far off his body

  • yay teamwork!!     The responded to me already, here's what they said:

    "WebGL is not available in the current version of CocoonJS launcher. We will release the new version of CocoonJS at the end of the next week, however if you send me your game I can test it in the current CocoonJS launcher that supports WebGL and I'll send you a few screenshots of your game running on the newest version of CocoonJS."

    I thought you needed WEBgl to boost performance?