There are a few things that I need help with on my game. Main gameplay of it is you have a sword that you deflect/block projectiles with.
I need help with a few prioritized things. (1 and 2 are most important)
1. Keep an array enemy tracking system that will only track the closest X amount of enemies that are within Line of Sight and distance. That way when the projectile is deflected, it doesn't just go to the closest enemy that could be between the player and a tile.
2. I need the joystick to work exactly how it does now, but attached to the player via the upper arm and forearm.
3. I would like to be able to transist all my projectiles into a projectile family and use that to adjust deflection and damage. (This is already on it's way)
4. I would like to do the same with enemies (this will have to be discussed because I attempted this already).
Pick one, two or all to help out with. We can discuss payment over email:
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