brushfe's Forum Posts

  • Haha that 'feeling dumb' is the best! I'm a card-carrying member of that club... I tell myself it means we're learning :)

    The playground experiments are a good habit! It's a good way to get a handle on a behaviour, and really helpful if you do in fact catch a bug and need to report it.

    I'm looking forward to your project - keep at it!

  • Hey there!

    So are you saying that in your project, re-enabling the object's Platform behaviour also restores its previous vector x/y?

    With these kinda things, it can be helpful to make a project from scratch, with just the minimum objects you need to isolate your problem. A single sprite with Platform behaviour, a key to enable/disable that behaviour, and a text object displaying its Platform vector x/y should show you the answer.

    Or, if you're asking if that's a bug, the same minimal project will help folks here assess that.

    In either case, these quick focused tests are great exercises to find out whether its the behaviour's intention or something else in your code that's causing the output.

    Hope that helps!

  • Amazing, thank you! I really appreciate it—I'll try it out tonight! Thanks!

  • A few years back, R0J0hound, you saved the day with some code that launched a 2D baseball into 3D space.

    Would you (or anyone else) know if it's possible to use this code to drop a ball onto its shadow from above?

    Specifically, I'm reusing this code for characters in a Beat 'em Up. It works great for jumping and knockback, but when they respawn, I'd like to start the sprite 100px above the shadow, and have them drop straight down to the floor.

    Is it possible to change the variables in this formula? Or is it something different entirely (i.e. should I just use MoveTo)

    Thank you again and as always!

  • Thanks for the feedback, and I'll create a new suggestion.

    In this case, though, the Admin Response didn't really address the suggestion. (It's the one about rounded collision co-ordinates). The example use case (pasting floating-point collision points) isn't solved by the Admin's response. And there's another issue raised with the their proposed solution, which I've put in the follow-up comment - but I imagine the discussion is over, as the "already exists" tag is the same as "case closed"?

    All to say I'm not sure how I'd clarify these points with the Admin, when the response is through a tag, rather than a comment. The bug tracker provides the opportunity for clarification and brief discussion, which I'd vote for here, as it's a far more efficient process than reposting suggestions until they're resolved.

    Food for thought anyway! Thanks again, I'll repost the suggestion and address the grid system.

  • I wanted to request removing the "already exists" tag from a suggestion I'd made, as I think the suggestion was misunderstood.

    (Having the tag there will stop people voting and possibly stop the conversation to clarify the suggestion)

    Or is there another way to make requests for the suggestions platform?


  • There's a C3 version in that link; I've been using it for a few months and it's been great!

    Check out page 10 in the thread for the most recent version

  • Was the idea not to review the suggestions in six months intervals?

    Even just to give a simple "maybe" or "no" response, which would at least let us know that it's been considered, and encourage more suggestions.

    EDIT: I really like a lot those suggestions Grimmy! Especially controlling the defaults.

  • You'll need to learn a little more about "picking" in Construct. It's really powerful, and a big part of the engine. In this case, it's what you'll need to isolate the bullet you want to destroy. Check out how to use "for each" in particular.

    To solve the problem, you can give your bullet object a number variable called bounceCount and starts at 0. The event could look something like this :

    For each bullet

    On bullet bounced

    -> add 1 to bullet.bounceCount

    .... -> if bounceCount = 2

    ....... -> bullet: destroy

  • Additionally, I believe the Touch plug-in registers Mouse clicks. So if you follow oosyrag's way of capturing input you won't need the OR Mouse.

  • What winstreak shared is right, step one is adding an Else to the "Off" condition.

    However, this code is still checking the value of ReduceMotion every single tick. As long as it's "Off", it's constantly restarting the animation of Coin and Cloud — meaning it's displaying Frame 0 of those animations over and over and over.

    So your code, in a way is working: it's starting the animation. But it's starting it every single tick, and will never leave Frame 0.

    You need to find a way to check this code periodically. Ideally, you could put this code in a Function, and call that function whenever the ReduceMotion variable changes.

  • Could you share a screenshot of your code?

    Chances are you're running the command every tick, versus once, but it'd be easier to help with a look at what you're up to!

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  • I have the same issue, but no solution.

    You should submit it to the bug tracker, with instructions on how to reproduce the error, so it can be investigated properly.

  • Hey jobel, I was curious about how to do this as well, and took a shot at it. See if this project file is useful for you!

    EDIT: Click on the squares to set the "level" to complete/incomplete. Then you can click save, reload the preview, and see that the complete levels are saved.

  • brushfe

    As of the latest beta, r286, there is a new option you can use in the configuration file. Adding the "use-raw-folder-names" property with a value of true will make the importer use the folder names as they appear in the imported files.

    DiegoM Amazing! Can't wait to try it out.