Braxmule's Forum Posts

  • a game where you punch and kick the bad guys

    Yeah, could do a whole double dragon-esque thing. Except maybe you're the one kidnapped and she is the one that has to kick **** to come save you?

    Gammabeam did have a fantastic approach with "The Convergence" in you are both going through life's obstacles together. It doesn't need to be a gravity switching game, or have the other character mirror your movements. You could do some sort of puzzle game where you still have the two characters on screen, but you can control each one independently, switching control between the two.

    Gammabeams worked so well because the visuals and game mechanics explained everything without the need for words. The backstory he gave in posts certainly added impact to the player, even without it though, certain conclusions the motivations could of been drawn.

    Another idea could be doing some type of visual novel to tell a semi-fictional story...could be a good excuse to put in old photographs of the two of you...or even dig out photos from before you met. A bunch of things you could do with this...tell an origin story about yourself then how when you met your significant other, and the feelings that upon meeting, and after going on many adventures together...

    For an example using a semi-fictional story with photos, I made a "slideshow" for my best friend's wedding over the summer. check it if you want:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now


    Although some pandering to the audience of 150ish was done, most of the jokes used only the groom or the people that knew him best would get it...the trick in this was to make sure many things had a double since you are only pandering to an audience of one (no one else should matter), you could be as overt as you like <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    A dating sim where every other option turns out ridiculously wrong and you end up with your significant other no matter the course you take in the game? ...could be risky approach... could always make characters spoofs on celebrities <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    ...ultimately you need to use your special knowledge of that person to know what would be appropriate and what they may find romantic...or even awesome. <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    edit: Music and sound selection from something she really enjoys can also aid the experience.

    Note: Sorry for the long post, I tend to ramble sometimes :)

  • The Convergence definately has wide appeal, its even on a german HTML5 gaming site :)

  • Also, if there are any moderators on that would like to re-sticky this thread, to make it easier to find during the course of the competition, that would be fantastic! <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    edit: Thanks for the sticky! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Wink Given the popularity of the last competition on the forums, we decided it was safe not putting a minimum. However, if it adds pressure to create, we can certainly add one <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I wish we had competitions like this for CC..C2 is so hard to work with right now. Anyway, I might some ideas brewing already :)

    Part of the reason for the competition is to help encourage and familiarize developers with construct 2, and help give them insentive to stick with it while it continues development.

    And for all those creative people who cannot code/script, this is really their best option for making HTML5 games. Which by the looks is the next big thing in gaming <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    Another great game making tool still in development is Spriter, by the folks over at BrashMonkey. If you plan on doing a lot of 2d animation in games, its definately worth a look.

  • Quite impressive, actually. Time to do some designing.

    Edit: Reading on, the logo and avatar bits do seem to steer into the evil swamps of crowdsourcing, but then, perhaps, a good chance for some young designers to get some practice.

    Yeah, those bits can always be dropped if there is no interest, just figured there may be some bored artists or something on the forums :P

  • The official competition rules have been posted, there are still some editing tweaks to be done

  • Competition Entries:

    Competition entries will be listed here, and eventually sorted into categories

    Primary Competition: Themed

    Closes: December 23rd, 8pm Atlantic Standard Time (GMT -4)

    Entry #1:

    Cake Hunter

    By: kbdmaster

    Entry #2:


    By: gnahz

    Entry #3:

    Charlie Ginger's Christmas Run

    By: nemo

    Entry #4:

    Where's My Hat

    By: johnmaxfieldjr

    Entry #5:

    Where's My Pants

    By: gonzdevour

    Entry #6:

    Wall$treet Reclamation

    By: HotGod

    Entry #7:

    Lock n Load: first strike part 1

    By: 01lifeleft

    Entry #8:

    Little Knight : Stomper's Invasion

    By: Kiyoshi

    Entry #9:


    By: Dobandon

    Entry #10:

    Saved by the Balls

    By: cesisco



    Entry #11:

    Around The World

    By: aldhy

    Different version:

    Entry #12:

    Head on Heroes

    By: pikpiak

    Secondary Competition: Free for all

    Closes: December 2nd , 8pm Atlantic Standard Time (GMT -4)

    Entry #1:

    T-DROID Bounce

    By: cademonteiro

    Entry #2: unofficial

    This is my house

    By: 01lifeleft

    webgl version:

    Note: Games completed before November 11th, 2011 are not eligible.

    P.S. With lack of interest, mini-competitions have been removed to focus on primary and secondary competitions.

  • Current Prizes: Total prizes valued at over $800!!!, and more could be coming!


    Primary Competition:

    1st place

    1x Construct 2 Business license courtesy of Scirra

    $100 Amazon voucher

    Featured Fun Chowder Games advertising campaign. If your game is commercial, we take no cut.

    (Details to be discussed with winner)

    2nd place

    1x Construct 2 Business license coutesy of Fun Chowder Games

    $50 Amazon voucher

    Fun Chowder Games advertising campaign. If your game is commercial, we take no cut.

    (Details to be discussed with winner)

    3rd place

    1x Construct 2 Business license coutesy of Fun Chowder Games

    $50 Amazon voucher

    Fun Chowder Games advertising campaign. If your game is commercial, we take no cut.

    (Details to be discussed with winner)

    Secondary Competition:

    1st place

    The prestige of winning, no prizes to be awarded as of this writting

    Additional accolades: No prizes to be awarded as of this writting, merely prestige

    -Honarable mentions: If a game didn't quite make the top 3, but still impressed us enough to merit recognizion.

    -Best overall game: As voted by the fans

    -Category winners: Both a Fun Chowder pick, and a fan voted pick for each category

    Fun Chowder Games would like to thank everyone for their participation!

  • How To Enter

    Primary and Secondary Competitions

    To submit a game, simply reply to this post with:

    a) The name of the game

    b) The competition it is entering (Primary or Secondary)

    c) A URL to play the game (read how to upload your game to dropbox for free!)

    d) Your country of residence

    Everyone is allowed to enter the competitions. Do not post any links on this thread to works in progress! Only completed entries should be posted. There is a seperate thread for works in progress. Please post all works in progress here: Reclamation WIP

    Note: Categories will be finalized at a later date, just say what category you feel your game belongs to. If the category you picked doesn't quite match up with the final list we ask you which category you would like your game to be moved to.

    Note: There are no category prizes, but there will be a vote for "best of" in each category. For example: Best puzzle game


    All entries will be judged by Fun Chowder Games

    There will also be public voting for fan favorites

    The criteria for judging may change slightly, but in general we are looking for how games feel overall. Examples include, but are not limited to:

    Playability: Does the game control well, are there glitches that hinder play, that sort of thing.

    Game Mechanics: Are they well implemented? Unique? Help drive a story?, this is a broad category.

    Effective use of theme: For primary competition

    Artsyle: More important then sheer graphical fidelity is the aesthetic:

    Music/Sound: Are they used appropriately and effectively, does the sound and music enhance the experience?

    Engaging: Sort of an x-factor. The game just draws you in and you want to keep playing, based more on the fact that it is fun and appropriately challenging.

    Completeness: Does it feel like a complete game, or more like a tech demo?

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  • Fun Chowder Game Competition: Reclamation

    With increasing browser support for HTML5, and the recent news about Flash and Silverlight, it is a perfect time to encourage the development of games using Scirra's Construct 2. And of course shamelessly promote and improve the services of Fun Chowder Games. :)

    The theme of the competition is "Reclamation" (as in to reclaim something). This is a pretty broad topic, for example this includes, but is not limited to: something lost or stolen... an object, memories, mojo, person, etc...

    Primary Competition: Themed

    Closes: December 23rd, 11:59pm GMT

    Design a game in Construct 2 with the 'Reclamation' theme. All game assets (art assets, sound effects, music, etc...) must either be created by the etrant, or used with permission (e.g. Scirra Spite Packs).

    Both early-adopters and free license users are welcome to enter the competition, there are however certain advantages in scope by having an early-adopters license.

    Everyone can submit up to 2 entries for the themed competition. The number is limited because we want to encourage the development of polished and complete games, or at least what could pass as complete. Please do not entre demos into the competition, but feel free to post your works in progress on the forums. (perhaps start a forum thread for everyone to share their works in progress).

    Secondary Competition: Free for all

    Closes: December 2nd, 11:59pm GMT

    Only a single entry with the same rules as above, however you are not bound by a theme. At the moment there will be no prize giveaways for this competition except for the prestige of winning.

    Only two winners, one chosen by us, and the other chosen by the fans.

    Note: Games completed before November 11th, 2011 are not eligible.

    Small Print:

    All entrants give the unlimted right to Fun Chowder Games Ltd. to use any and all material submitted in the Fun Chowder Game Competition: "Reclamation" for promotional purposes. All material remains the property of their respective owners.

    Amazon vouchers will be emailed to their respective recipients. The voucher will be provided in your equivalent native currency. Fun Chowder Games Ltd. reserves the right to exchange prizes to other items of roughly equal value if there is difficulty in providing said prizes.

    Edit: Changed deadlines to GMT

    Scirra Ltd

    <font size="2">Note from Tom: Although Scirra Ltd has donated a prize to this competition, Scirra takes no responsibilities and makes no guarantees for anything resulting from this competition. All queries and support regarding this competition should be directed towards</font>

  • The theme of the competition is "Reclamation" (as in to reclaim something). This is a pretty broad topic, for example this includes, but is not limited to: something lost or stolen... an object, memories, or person.

    Sorry, this include a reclamation of, for example, a mood? a reclamation of the freedom, the equality, the love, could be possible to fix with your competition theme?

    All those examples could fit within the theme of reclamation.


    Using freedom for example: If a person was once free, then imprisoned, he could relaim his freedom by escaping.

    However, if a person was, for instance, born into slavery they could "win" their freedom, but they could not "reclaim" it as it is something they never had before.


    It also doesn't have to be personal reclamation, you could be reclaiming something for someone else. e.g. A village has an artifact stolen and you retrieve/reclaim it for them.

  • Being British I have no idea what 'Atlantic Standard Time' is. What is it in GMT?

    GMT -4 hours

    For example: 4pm GMT would be noon AST

  • Still about 5ish hours away from the official rules posting. However here is a little information until then.

    The theme of the competition is "Reclamation" (as in to reclaim something). This is a pretty broad topic, for example this includes, but is not limited to: something lost or stolen... an object, memories, or person.

    Visual style and location is up to the developers.

    This will be a 6 week competition with a deadline of December 23rd 8pm Atlantic Standard Time.

    There will be also be secondary, Fre-for-all, competition. At the moment this competition will have no prizes except the prestige of winning. Only one entry per person.

    This will be a 3 week competition with a deadline of: December 2nd , 8pm Atlantic Standard Time

    Note: Games completed before November 11th, 2011 are not eligible.

    Ideas/thoughts/feelings so far?

  • Are games going to be judged on Play only, or is it going to be multiple things like Graphics and Technical stuff as well.

    are Teams entering or solo game makers.

    Competitons are great, but limit some people who have great ideas but are rubbish at graphics, Then Teams may have an advantage as they have a graphics person, sound person etc.

    What about best TEAM game and best SOLO game..? mind you it depends on how many teams there are.

    Games will definately be judged on a variety of different qualities. But playability and fun factor would definately have more weight then just graphics. Artstyle is often more important than sheer graphical fidelity. Though a polished look can be nice, if a balance is not struck it could effect gameplay (e.g. game slowdown). Note that not all games need an HD feel either, e.g. retro style games.

    As far as entries by solo game makers or teams, we will make no distinction. However, it couldn't hurt to add additional information about the game's development. Sometimes knowing the developers motivations can help players become more deeply connected to the experience. I am reminded of the recent game "The Convergence" by forum member Gammabeam who developed the game in secret to surprise his wife on their 10th anniversary. That backstory certainly aided in the popularity of the game...also there will be a fan favorite poll similar to the last competition, so you never know what can get you those extra votes from players.