Braxmule's Forum Posts

  • Just a reminder, the fan poll is still going on for until January 2nd, please feel free to login and let us know what your favorite game of the competition was!

    Results and Fan Poll


  • Good stuff. Some of the most fun playing an HTML5 game I have ever had, and it was only the one level. Glad to see you are still working hard on it :)

  • There was a lot of potential amongst the entries. Will probably do a mini review for each entry, for what my opinion is worth <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Official Funchowder Competition Results have been posted here:

    There is also a fan poll where you can vote for what your favorite game was. You have to register to vote, which takes only seconds. Polling will be open for the next week, Good Luck :)

    We'd also like to thank everyone who participated, prize winners will be contacted shortly.

  • Good day

  • I register through (owned by Tucows, who is actively fighting against SOPA). Enter code: HONEST and save 10% :P. They may seem a little bit more expensive, but all their domains include domain if that is important to you, they are probably the most affordable around. Their site is nice and clean, easy to navigate, and not filled with a bunch of advertisements :).

    Which host you choose can be a bit trickier as different ones allow different things (some won't allow Arcade type sites to be set up for instance). I use SquareSpace, but there are of which is you cannot host Forums on the site, or Host any file larger than 20MB. But as zutri said, free hosting isn't very good, and shared hosting isn't much better...usually max user connections is between 15-25), not to mention the slower load times from so many sites shared on the same servers.

    If you can't quite afford the a $20 per month site, the best shared hosting I was able to find is from a small independant host (named after the free Bulletin Board MyBB). They don't overcrowd their servers, and they allow up to 200 max user conenctions. For this reason I decided to host the Fun Chowder Community there. And they don't promise unlimited web storage and bandwidth, which in my opinion is much better, since I would rather have 20GB web space and 200GB transfer that works well than unlimited that doesn't.

    Not 100% sure about hosting an Arcade, can always send them an e-mail. They respond quickly for a small host, but my guess is that it would be allowed. Once you start getting enough traffic to strain this host, then you can think about getting dedicated or cloud hosting.

    TL;DR for domain registration (if domain privacy is important to you) if you can only afford shared hosting. They don't have a site builder per say, but they do have softaculous, which can auto install over 250 scripts, such as Drupal or Wordpress.

    edit: With, as Tom mentioned earlier is the host for Scirra, at least you know you can set up an Arcade, and you can upgrade your package as you grow. Not sure what the max user connection limit is for the shared hosting though.

  • cesisco Upload it to a seperate URL I will post it as a fixed version, but my evaluation will be on the original version.

    I haven't quite beaten it yet, but I have made it a fair way through. I only encountered a progress bug once where a screen didn't load properly (was all black except for a couple rocket laucnher things)...I closed and reloaded and continued no problem.

  • Just in case some people are having some last minute problems, the Deadline will be extended a further 4 hours, so December 24th, 4am, GMT. If anyone had extenuating circumstances that prevented them from posting by this new deadline, please send me an e-mail:


  • pikpiak if you want to make an the entry official, please make a post over on the official entry thread :)

  • Note: After the deadline passes, please do not make changes to the games at the URLs submitted. If you would like to make updates to your games, please do so by uploading to a seperate URL. That way we can evaluate games as they were, when they were submitted.

    <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Just a reminder, Competition Deadline is Today, (Friday, December 23rd) 11:59pm GMT. Good luck to all the participants!

  • New Pirates love daisies review posted, P<3D Review as well as the review guidelines we are testing out, Review Guidelines

    Feel free to leave feedback/comments on the Fun Chowder Forums or on the P<3D review page above (if you can bare using Captchas <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle">).


    edit: The scirra forum doesn't like the heart symbol/glyph :P

  • I think its level 5, the level where it says: "this jump is not impossible"... Running in mozilla I can make the jump with little trouble, but I have yet to make it in chrome...the game also looks more "zoomed in" when running in mozilla for some reason as well...not sure why this would happen, seems like an odd bug.

    edit: your character also seems to get a little more "hang time" in the air in mozilla as well....i'm not sure if these could be webgl related issues or not.

  • Thanks, kbd :)

    I'm willing to work with everybody.

    Here a video for my project:

    (don't know why i can't record sound :()

    New monster: XD

    <img src="" border="0">

    I'm not sure what program you use to record, but sometimes you have to set a sound option in the program to record through the speakers, and under your sound controls/recording devices in windows you may have to change the default device to "Stereo Mix". Not sure if this will help, but I know it does with a some screen recording software.

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  • if it were impossible I wouldn't know about the cake not working :P More of a pacing observation since it is so early in the game.