Brandons404's Forum Posts

  • That worked. Thank you so much!

    Even after 5 years I still learn things about construct.

  • I'm not home to try this yet but I completely forgot about that option. Thank you for your reply! I'll try that and post the results.

  • I have a sprite with 8 direction movement, which rotates to face the player's mouse x and y coords, and I have a bullet that spawns at image point 1 (set at the end of the gun) when you left click. If I'm standing still, the bullet fires from the end of the gun as intended, but if I'm moving, the image point rotates according to movement direction, not the visual angle of the player sprite. I cannot for the life of me figure this out.

    The sprite I'm spawning the bullet from does not contain animations, as that was a common problem in other posts I was able to find.

    Any help would be appreciated!

    Here's the download link to the capx file:

    For added context: the line that spawns the bullet is 47 in the "gameEvents" event sheet

  • Thank you for your reply, newt! I had to play around a bit, turns out the keyword is "ViewportLeft(<layer index>)" and "ViewportRight(<layer index>)" etc. I really appreciate this!!

  • I'm sorry I'm not sure I understand your question.. You shouldn't need a else statement at the end of EVERY condition, your events will just run in order from top to bottom.

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  • Hmm.. looks like while that variable is true, it is told to play that sound, and it will keep trying until it is told not to. You may want to make a sub-event for "Repeat once while true". try selecting the event and hit the "b" key on your keyboard. Let me know if this helps (:

  • I have been trying to do something like show in this image of apex legends. The two names on the bottom left and top right are off screen but it has markers for each teammate. I am trying to do this for enemies on a top down game.. any ideas?

    Any help would be appreciated.

  • I am glad you were able to find a solution! That seems like the best route to go. Stay motivated, friend.

  • I love this guy, hes funny. Also, I believe he's using the unity game engine. This feature is available in that engine with a few tricks and there are several different ways to do it. This is a little bit harder in Construct.

    One idea I can think of is make a sprite of a long triangle (if you're going for the same design as his video), and multiply the width of the sprite by the velocity of the bullet. Also be sure to make imagepoint:1 at the bottom of the triangle and Every tick > set position of sprite to bullet object.

  • This is pretty funny honestly haha and its always good to see father son bonding. I hope this sparks some intrest in game design! Stay safe out there

  • Are you needing help on ideas or just how to program the AI?

  • would you be able to post your capx file for this? I've done similar things for player movement but have never had this issue. Even screenshots of your events would be helpful.

  • Hey there! I unfortunately cannot give any picture examples as I am at work right now, but you said you have the game save the player's progress.. when are you doing this? I have a couple ideas for this.

    1. Save the game after each level. Then they would be taken to the "level" select screen for example.

    2. You can save the game at any time, but have a "on save loaded" event so that when a save is loaded after starting the game again, switch to your main menu layout immediately. This would require you to have some global variable for keeping track of unlocked levels (which I assume you do).

    3. Though I have never experimented with it, I'm sure you could store data about level progress by using "local storage" rather than a save-state, but these are my ideas. I wouldn't mind testing these when I get home if you would like me to.

    Hope this helps!

  • Thank you dop2000. Your reply worked wonders. This got rid of the ******* movement of the camera object and I dont have to bind an object to the layout. Thank you!

  • I wish I had an answer for this.. I can't imagine why youd want to as this would be incredibly slow but I will follow this to see if it gets a reply. Perhaps something similar using google sheets and an attatched google API would work with ajax requests but I wouldnt know how to go about that with my current knowledge