would you be able to post your capx file for this? I've done similar things for player movement but have never had this issue. Even screenshots of your events would be helpful.
Hi thanks for reaching out, it wont allow me to insert an image so ill just type the events out.
Conditions: ["Touch" is in touch]
Actions:[Set ball angle toward (Touch.X,Touch.Y)][Set ball speed to 300][Set ball acceleration to 0]
Conditions: ["Touch" is NOT in touch]
Actions:[Set ball angle toward (Touch.X,Touch.Y)][Set ball speed to 0][Set ball acceleration to 0]
The balls Bullet Behavior properties: [Speed = 300][Acceleration = 0][Gravity = 0][Bounce off solids = Yes][Set Angle = Yes][Enabled]
It follows the cursor just fine in the open but when I lure it against a solid it moves too fast along it.