hello guys, long time no see.
i come to show my late creation and come for some feedback.
The Game is called Death Platoon. You play the only survivor of a 5 member Elite squad sent to Phobos moon we're some weird stuff going on... ( a feeling of "Deja vu" ?)
And there were weird stuff there...
but also deadly..
and weird..
and weird and deadly indeed, four of you buddy died there. 'Go ta do sumthing!"
Its base on the Ghost Shooter template. but im steering it for a more complex tunnel game largely inspired by classic sci-fi/horror game; Space Hulk, Doom, Alien etc.
So since i started this thread,, i have no choice but to go forward..
Thanks for your Comment /critic and stuff.
But for those extreme enough grab your EXE herehttp://www.megaupload.com/?d=NE3U9ZS8
<img src="http://bordeleaudesign.com/Dump/Death%20Platoon/Marketing/DeathPlatoon01.jpg">
<img src="http://bordeleaudesign.com/Dump/Death%20Platoon/Marketing/DeathPlatoon02.jpg">
<img src="http://bordeleaudesign.com/Dump/Death%20Platoon/Marketing/DeathPlatoon03.jpg">