Blux18's Forum Posts

  • Hello, thanks for answering dop2000 igortyhon

    I did what you told me and these were the results.

    In the main menu it is 16.9 Mb

    In the secondary menus of both myths and legends, it was 103.6 Mb

    As for the stories, the lowest one gave 108 Mb and the highest one 123.4 Mb

    When a PopUp is opened it can increase up to 150.7 Mb

    The latter is the highest value in the results.

    One fact that I forgot to mention is that the myths and legends go inside a sprite called a container with the 10 images (9 frames) of each story, this container has measurements of 1400x788

    I hope that this data is useful to help me optimize the app.

  • I am making an android app about myths and legends which contains many images, among all the stories are 500 images in total. So I would like to know how I can do to optimize the app, minimize memory usage and generally go smoothly.

    I will try to describe the app:

    - At startup you can select between myths or legends (25 stories per category).

    - Each myth or legend has 10 images (3mb in total).

    - Once you have read the story you can read it again or choose another one.

    I have checked the project stats and the peak memory usage is 104 mb

    That said, I have encountered these problems:

    - When starting the app, after the percentage loader it takes quite a while to display the first screen (layout).

    - On low end devices, the app does not start or gets stuck to the point of closing.

    I've been reading about unload from memory but I don't really understand how it could help me and how I can implement it.

    I hope you can help me. Thank you very much in advance

  • igortyhon You are really cool, it's exactly what I was looking for.

    Thank you so much for helping me.

  • Hello!!

    I'm creating a project where you have to count the number of objects that are created from a sprite (this number is random between 5 and 10)

    What I want to achieve is that when the objects are finished being created, 3 results appear and only one is correct.

    Something like that:

    I attach the progress I have:

    I hope you can help me and, taking advantage of your support, you can also tell me if my code to create the objects without overlap is correct.

    Thanks for your support


  • Hello, recently I updated an app using Construct 3 to target Android 13, but on Google Play console a warning appeared because apps intended for children must not send advertising IDs, so I need to remove the permission:

    Is there a way to remove this permission on Construct? I googled that this permissions can be removed on Android export project, on the Manifest file using the next code:

    <uses-permission android:name="" tools:node="remove"/>

    However, this permission doesn't appear on the file.

    Thanks for your help!

  • I did, but the screenshots still capture different areas of the sprite based on the size of the device the screenshot was taken with and not the entire sprite.

    Any other solution, please?

  • oh wow!!, thank you very much!!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi.

    I'm trying to take a screenshot of a specific sprite (named chart_1 and with measurements 374x490) and make the saved image have all of the sprite content regardless of the size of the device where the screenshot is taken.

    I use this way to take the screenshot:

    The layout has measurements of 960x540 and the sprite is in the center

    When clicking on the preview button of construct 3, and taking the screenshot, the image that is stored is the following:

    here the screen that is executed has a size of 960x540 capturing all the content of the sprite:

    The problem is that if the device with which the screenshot is taken is of a size other than 960x540 (such as a mobile) the screenshot that is saved does not have all the content of the sprite

    with which, the content of the sprite does not appear complete (although the size of the screenshot is 374x490 in both cases)

    I hope I have explained it clearly and you can help me


  • Hi.

    I'm trying to take two different screenshots and convert their binary data to base64, save it to variables, and send it via ajax to a php file that converts those base64 values ​​to .jpg images.

    I have managed to get those values ​​to be sent from the Construct and received by the php file, but the problem is that only one image is generated correctly (which is the value of the first variable I send) but the second image is generated blank.

    Apparently I am sending the values ​​incorrectly, since the php file only gets a single value (the image which is successfully generated)

    I hope you can take a look at my code and help me. Thanks in advance

    c3p file:


    Code that contains the php file:

  • Thank you very much for your answers dop2000 Snakegbr, both gave me ideas on how to achieve it. It may not be the best way to do it, but this is what I got in case it helps someone

  • Hello.

    I would like lines to be drawn automatically between each point.

    For example:

    If the points appear randomly as in the following image, the lines would look like this

    But if when starting again now the points appear in this position, the lines would be generated in this way

    Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.


  • Thanks for the answer, but I am not using any external plugin. I would like to know if there is any solution without using third party plugins

  • Hello, recently I updated an app using the Construct 3 r308.2 stable version, and I noticed that 2 permissions were added (as you can see on the screenshot).

    However, Family apps, that is, as per Google policy, apps intended for children must not send advertising IDs, so I need to remove the permission:

    Is there a way to remove this permission on Construct? I googled that this permissions can be removed on Android export project, on the Manifest file using the next code:

    <uses-permission android:name="" tools:node="remove"/>

    However, this permission doesn't appear on the file.

    Thanks for your help!


  • Ok thank you. I will look for how to do it

  • Hi, I want to make a countdown timer that doesn't stop even if the player closes the game.

    So far I have managed to get the total time to be saved in localstorage and if the game is closed, when it is opened again the timer starts where it left off.

    But what I need is the time don´t stop. I hope you can help me, thanks.

    This is the code that I have
