Blux18's Forum Posts

  • It worked!! I appreciate a lot your help.

    I leave the final file in case it helps someone

  • Hello, I'm doing a mechanic for a game, in which when you press a button the numbers from 1 to 10 are randomly ordered.

    So far I have managed to make this happen, with the small inconvenience that sometimes one of the numbers takes a long time to ordered.

    Could you help me solve this little delay with the number and accommodate it almost at the same time?

    I attach some screens and the c3p file. This is the mechanic and the result

    this is the small delay when placing a number


  • We currently have an app for kids, so we need the 20.6.0 admob version or at least the 20.4.0 version (which is on the cordova admob plugin 1.26.0).

    According to the changelogs (Beta r269), current version is admob-plus-cordovaiiu@1.25.0


  • Thanks for the answer

  • Hello, I received this email, it will affect the app that we develop in Construct? As far as I understood, it will affect when you use Google Play Services

    Hello Google Play Developer,

    Last July, we announced Advertising policy changes to help bolster security and privacy. We added new restrictions on identifiers used by apps that target children.

    When users choose to delete their advertising ID in order to opt out of personalization advertising, developers will receive a string of zeros instead of the identifier if they attempt to access the identifier. This behavior will extend to phones, tablets, and Android TV starting April 1, 2022.

    We also announced that you need to declare an AD_ID permission when you update your app targeting API level to 31 (Android 12). Today, we are sharing that we will give developers more time to ease the transition. We will require this permission declaration when your apps are able to target Android 13 instead of starting with Android 12.

    Action Items

    • If you use an advertising ID, you must declare the AD_ID Permission when your app targets Android 13 or above. Apps that don't declare the permission will get a string of zeros. Note: You'll be able to target Android 13 later this year.

    • If your app uses an SDK that has declared the Ad ID permission, it will acquire the permission declaration through manifest merge.

    • If your app's target audience includes children, you must not transmit Android Advertising ID (AAID) from children or users of unknown age. Learn more.

  • Hi there.

    I made a game for android that uses local storage to save the player's progress (saves and reads the data from an array), while I was testing and installing the debug apks, the data was kept correctly, no matter how many times the app is updated. But now that it is already in the play store, every time I upload an update (without modifying anything in the local storage) and it is installed, the data is not maintained.

    Thanks for the help.


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Ashley

    When I try to export my project to android using minify option, it shows this error:

    /str/main.js:265:237: ERROR - [JSC_UNDEFINED_VARIABLE] variable admob is undeclared

    265| "not-determined";this._hasConsentForm=false}async Reset(){if(!!C3AdUtils.ConfigurationOptions.debug)await self["consent"]["reset"]()}GetAdPersonalization(){return this._adPersonalization}async RequestTrackingAuthorization(){if(IOS)await admob.requestTrackingAuthorization()}async GetTrackingAuthorizationStatus(){if(ANDROID)return this._trackingStatusString="not-determined";const idfaPlugin=self["cordova"]["plugins"]["idfa"];const idfaInfo=await idfaPlugin.getInfo();if(!idfaInfo.trackingLimited)return this._trackingStatusString=


    1 error(s), 0 warning(s)


  • I made a game for children and I put ads through the MobileAdvert plugin, but I want only ads for children to be shown since the app store is very rigorous in that sense.

    Is there a way to do this?

  • Thanks for the answer.

    I tried to understand the code of the example but I did not know how to use it in my example

  • Hello, I hope to explain myself correctly.

    When the character touches an object (item), it goes to another (item collect) and disappears using the tween behavior. But when "item collect" I put it in a layer with parallax (0%, 0%) it does not go to the "item collect" but it goes to the initial position.

    How could I solve that and that the "item" always goes towards the position of the "item collect" even if the character moves

    I attach an example of what I want to do.

    Thanks for the help.


  • Oh it's more complicated than I thought. I appreciate your answers.

  • Hi!!

    I'm trying to create a leaderboard style android game that saves the data in firebase, the problem is that when I export the project and generate the apk (using the advanced minify option) and unzip this apk with a program called 7zip, there is a file called "data.json" inside the path: projectName>assets> www

    Inside this file is the URL of the firebase database.

    Is there a way to minify or hide this information?


  • Hi, I am learning about how to save in firebase and what I have achieved has been watching tutorials found here in the forum and asking, as in this case. What I have is the way to save the data and that it is only saved if the score is higher, I am investigating how to display that data. But if it helps you, I have this file with what I have learned so far.

    Also, Sparsha has some excellent plugins:

  • I tried it and it works correctly!!

    I am very grateful to you for the help.

  • Yes, the score is stored in a variable type number and the username in a variable string. These are the images:

    Layout 1

    Layout 2

    Firebase rules