BluePhaze's Forum Posts

  • So if they die and have over 1000 points, when the level starts it sees they have over 1000 points and gives them another life right?

    Since your score can go over 1000 you may want to have another variable called player_1up and when you add points to there score also add those points to this variable. When it hits a thousand, give the player a new life, and reset the variable to 0 so that when they respawn or the layout restarts the number is not over 1000 and won't just keep giving them free lives. Don't test on the score variable or they will get a new life everytime the check is made once their score is over 1000. Unless they lose points or you reset the score, it will always be true once they reach 1000 points and at that point anything that triggers the check will give them another life.

    For example if they have 1001 points, and then they get a fee man, then 10 seconds later they are up to 1101 points if the check gets triggered again they would get another free life since they are still over 1000 even though they haven't made another 1000 points. Does that make sense?

    Unless you are already handling those scenarios. It is hard to tell without either an image of your event sheet or a capx.

    Hope this helps...

  • Thanks for the reply. I am definitely familiar with the perf of IE10, my main purpose was just checking if the Windows app had a any additional optimization for html5 apps. Without webGL or a Windows 8 implementation of appMobi's directCanvas to give some added performance I am trying to make sure the games perform well as Windows 8 apps and Windows phone apps without having to alter the experience too much.

    I still have my fingers crossed that there will be a Windows based option that works in IE to bring game perf and framerates up to a similar level as the above mentioned technologies.

  • This is where the Manual comes in Handy. It has a reference for all the system events. Here is the one for End of Layout:

    gah... I hate how the URLs from this site paste in...

    Anyway, the moral of the story, is RTFM...

    Start & end

    On end of layout

    Triggered when the layout is ending. This can happen when the project goes to a different layout or when the project closes.

    On start of layout

    Triggered when the layout begins.

  • I see this at times in r114 so it may not be a bug in r116, it may be that the way the detection is occurring and where the snail is happens too late for it to turn around. frame rate, position of the marker near the edge and a couple other things could also cause this. Try adjusting the location of the edge marker (move it farther in) or possibly make it a bit bigger as well and see if that helps at all. I would recommend trying in the last stable build (r114) as well and see if you see the same issue. Though you will have to start the tutorial over as the r116 built capx will not work in r114.

    hope this helps, thanks!

  • No, problem, glad to help. I have been using Construct 2 for a few weeks, so still not intimately familiar with all it's inner workings, but my development background tends to come in handy for figuring out how to resolve issues with game play mechanics in C2.

    I tend to try to find the simplest solution in order to avoid having the underlying code check for too many things at once as any unnecessary calls could potentially slow the game down.

    I haven't had time to look at your updated capx, but if you don't have an answer by the time I get home tonight (pacific time U.S.) I will take a look. Though that won't be for a good 12 hours.

    The problem off the top of my head is that you need to detect which echo has been clicked then have the key display. You may want to do something like have the key check if the nearest echo is visible. And if it is, then go ahead and set the key to invisible and start the fade. You could also do something like create a variable, and when clicking on the echoes have them set that variables value, then you can have your key check the value of the variable, if it is set to the value you want (maybe true/false type value Boolean) then if it is true have the key set it back to false, turn visible, then start its fade out. This will keep it from having the same issue you had before where the fade would keep repeating.

    So something like this:

    1. Have the Echo check if it is overlapping the key when you click it.

    2. If the echo is overlapping the Key set the variable (overlapKey) to true (make sure the variable is set to false when it is created).

    3. Have an condition that checks if "overlapKey" is true, Set it to false, set the key to visible, and start fade out. (Setting the variable back to false is key here as it makes it so the key does not keep repeating it's fadeout).

    At that point the key is ready for the next echo event to happen. You have also eliminated having to tell it which echo is the right one as the echo will take care of that for you in it's check to see if it is overlapping the key. You just need to have each echo make that check when clicked on and set the variable accordingly.

    Hope this helps!

  • Hello Killermachine, I have fixed the Capx for you. Here is the link:

    Here is what you have to do to recreate my fix:

    On the 1st issue, put the key visible and start fade out on the same event as the "Echo 2 Click" event.

    On the second issue, you are testing for the wrong thing. You should just be testing for player is outside layout. Then set the gameover text to visible and destroy the player.

    You were originally testing if the player was on the ground, and then if they were not on the ground. You can't have both of those be true at the same time. So instead of doing all that, just test to see if the player has gone outside the layout.

    For the other issue, you were setting the visibility of the key based on the visibility of the echo. The echo is visible the whole time till it is done fading out, which means that the key keeps get set to visible and starting it's fade over again until the echo is gone completely. Instead of doing this, I just add the key visible and start fade to the Echo 2 click event.

    Another way to do this to make it more flexible would be to just have an event on the key that checked to see if it is overalapping an echo object, and if the echo object is visible. But you may get the same odd behavior you had before so I would just stick to the way I fixed it in the capx file unless you need some altered behavior. So there is an action somewhere (I forget the name) that tells the event to only happen once, you could look for that as well.

  • Thanks for the info Lucid! I bought Spriter Pro, can't wait for it to release. I did want to ask as well though, any chance the early versions of the base artpacks are available for those who have purchased? One of the games I am working on would benefit greatly from the character templates used in the Hyper Siblings demo. They are just about the same dimensions proportionally that my characters are and some of their parts would make great templates for creating our own pieces for the animations.

  • The jitteriness should be controllable based on the speed at which the bullet is travelling I would think. Also framerate may have some hand in that as well.

  • Another thing to look at on this from a gameplay perspective is what is the purpose of your wall jump? Basically how do you want them to be able to use it. If you make it too forgiving, it can be used to exploit and bypass large chunks of levels depending on how the level design is setup.

    What I tend to do with mine is to put the following checks in place and then react with not only Vector Y -someNumber, but to also do some calculations on the Vector X as well. This way when they wall jump, it also forces them out away from the wall they are currently on so that they cannot just continue to wall jump straight up the wall. They are forced to have to jump in the opposite direction which forces the wall jump to be used the way I intend it to, in order to jump back and forth between two different walls or objects. So here is how I set it up:

    Condition 1

    On Keyboard Right Arrow Pressed

    Condition 2

    Player Platform has wall to left

    Condition 3

    Player Platform in NOT on Floor (Inverse of on floor)

    Action 1: Player Set Platform Vector Y to -500

    Action 2: Player Set Platform Vector X to 400

    Then I repeat this for the other directional arrow:

    Condition 1

    On Keyboard Left Arrow Pressed

    Condition 2

    Player Platform has wall to right

    Condition 3

    Player Platform in NOT on Floor (Inverse of on floor)

    Action 1: Player Set Platform Vector Y to -500

    Action 2: Player Set Platform Vector X to -400

    Of course adjust your X and Y vectors to meet your specific requirements, but the point of mine is to push them far enough away from the wall they are currently on so that they cannot curve back to the same wall and jump off it again from a higher spot. Effectively keeping them from just jumping straight up the wall as much as they want, because that takes no skill.

    Instead it pushed them up and away from the wall with enough of an angle that if there is another wall nearby they can then jump off of it to come back to the current wall. In effect forcing them to jump from one wall the other and if they are going to continue to go up, they will have to continue to switch walls with each jump. Basically making a zig zag pattern of jumps between the two walls.

    Just food for thought, wall jumps are a great game mechanic, but you have to really be careful in how you make them function or they are easy to exploit and remove the challenge from a game.

  • Thanks for the comparison Lucid. As others have mentioned, will the use of Spriter based animations cause any issues with exporting to various platforms? Windows, Windows Phone, iPhone, Android, etc...? Or using frameworks like CocoonJS or PhoneGap?

    This would severely limit it's usefulness for game development... My assumption is that it shouldn't limit the export as the necessary libraries, etc... would be packaged as part of the game files...

  • Most likely because the contest is being run by one of the U.S. based teams and there are a lot of rules and laws about international competitions. In this case if they want to run a quick competition, they don't want to have to look at checking with other jurisdictions and modifying the competition to comply with laws and regulations from multiple regions that may conflict or be mutually exclusive... at least, that was the case when I was at Microsoft.

    I ran the SideWinder gaming site and blog and whenever I did competitions, I had to stick to my region, and if we wanted international, we had to get teams from each region to run the competition in their respective regions.

  • Ah, thanks Kyatric, don't know, for some reason I assumed it would be one of the more promoted/accentuated areas of the site due to how popular that particular collection of info is... Like on the home page in the top level navigation or on the blog, etc... just seems like the latest features of the key product should be something that is in big glowing neon signs, etc... :)

  • Hey there codefoster, any chance former employees are eligible for this competition? I was based in SF and not part of the Studios, Xbox or Windows groups.

  • Hey all, I wasn't sure if this has been mentioned yet on here, but Microsoft has another competition that started Dec, 20th, but doesn't end until Feb 28th. There are some prizes, including a trip to the Studios in Redmond to meet with the Microsoft Studios team. Other prizes include games and Xboxes.

    I have been up to the Studio buildings many times during my years at Microsoft and the group up there is pretty great. Though the competition says they are looking for Windows Store and Windows Phone apps, the fact that all the prizes are gaming related leads me to beleive that they are thinking of games mainly.

    If you want more info check it out here:

    Also the more apps you submit to the Windows or Windows Phone store, the more chances you have to win.

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  • Another thought would be to have a sprite strip of different objects and spawn an instance of the sprite to a random frame/Sprite in the strip each time...