blueFire's Forum Posts

  • Thank you Septeven. When this hectic week comes to an end I will test the most recent version (if not sooner).


  • Upon further testing I also discovered the right click menu is also displayed if I create a TextBox at runtime with a right click event but not if I create a sprite at runtime with a right click event.

    I have updated both the example and the example project on the server. Right clicking Sprite 1 creates a ComboBox with the accompanying right click menu as before. Right clicking Sprite 2 creates a TextBox with the accompanying right click menu. Right clicking Sprite 3 creates another sprite without the accompanying right click menu.

    I also discovered creating a button with a right click event also creates a right click menu but I did not include this in the example.


  • Creating the ComboBox with a right click event at runtime seems to cause an extra contextual menu to display when the ComboBox is created.

    There is another thread dealing with this issue at where you can find an example. It only happens when the ComboBox is created with a right click and not a left click.

    Is it possible to fix it where the contextual menu does not display?


  • I am using r72 and it happens on a preview as well as an exported project uploaded to a server.

    Here is the link to a zip file which contains an example project:

    Here is the example uploaded to a server:

    In the example right clicking on sprite 1 causes the contextual menu while right clicking on sprite 2 does not cause the contextual menu.


  • When I set a sprite on the layout and create an event to react to a right click on the sprite when the sprite is clicked there is a default menu (with elements Back, Forward, Reload, Stop, Bookmark This Page, Save Page As..., Send Link, View Background Image, Select All, View Page Source, View Page Info and Inspect Element) which appears after the event has been executed. If a sprite does not have a right click event connected to it this does not happen when I right click on it. I am using Firefox 8.0.

    How do I stop this from happening?


  • It would be good if this plugin fired an event when a selection was made.


  • When a player right clicks on an item I want to create a custom menu at the cursor location allowing the player to make a choice. I also need something that will fire an event (telling me what the choice was) when the player makes their choice.

    How would I go about doing this?


  • What would run faster. To have a single large event sheet (250+ events) containing all the events for the game and have all the layouts reference the same event sheet or to have separate smaller event sheets (perhaps 25 events each) for each layout?


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  • Where is a good online place to learn about HTML5 and javascript programming?


  • Game portals place their own adds on the same page as the game but not inside the game unless you import and use their API. A few game portals have profit sharing on these same page adds but most do not.

    If I were able to display a fully functional web page inside the game I could use my own ads or use the displayed web page to display third party adds in the game.

    In addition I could also give away prizes (such as free downloads) for winning the game or getting a certain score. The displayed web page would either contain these prizes or links to these prizes.


  • Would it be possible to expand the properties of the Button and Text Box (for input) to allow us to control the text font (size and type), background color and text color?


  • When I uploaded the game to a portal would I have control over the index.html file where the game was located at on their server in order to do this?


  • I want to insert adds in a game but I want the adds that are displayed to be located on the internet in the form of a normal .html web page so they can easily be changed later without having to alter the game. The basic idea is to load the web page into the layout inside the game when I want to display the add.

    How would I go about doing this?


  • I no longer have the original email. How do I get another copy of the email?

    Is it possible we could have links to stuff like this stored in an order history on the web site?


  • What is the policy for adding new plugins and behaviors created by the community and other third parties to C2 so they will be included on a new install of C2 (as part of the regular program) without having to download and install them separately?
