blueFire's Forum Posts

  • For platform movement which key controls jumping?

    Is it possible to change this key to another key?


  • Try Construct 3

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  • I have never heard of polygon collisions. How easy are they to set up and use in Construct 2?


  • I am wanting to create top down levels by using a tiled background for the floor and drawing the walls for the entire level as one top down file with transparency everywhere walls are not located. I am wanting to have a collision event only occur when the player hits a wall (that is not transparent) and not while he is traveling across a transparent area of the wall sprite.

    This way I can create the walls as a single sprite and use it for collision.

    Is there another way to do this?


  • Does Construct 2 allow for pixel perfect collision? If so, how do I set it up?


  • Are there any plans to eventually make Construct 2 so that it can create native programs for other platforms instead of relying on browsers for everything?

    I am primarily interested in Android, Kindle and the Meego platforms but any other platforms (such as Bada, Windows 7 and 8, Blackberry, etc...) would also be a welcome addition.
