blueFire's Forum Posts

  • If one event-sheet is getting long is there a way to place some of the events on another event-sheet so they are easier to find and work with?

    Any idea on when C3 will be available for purchase through the Windows 10 Store? Will current owners of C2 get a discount on C3 purchased through the Windows 10 Store as well?

  • Now that C3 is available how long does Scirra plan on supporting C2 with such things as bug fixes and new features?


  • For those interested I finally solved this problem by modifying the .htaccess file on the server by adding the following:


    <IfModule mod_headers.c>

    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"

    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Headers "*"

    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Headers X-Requested-With

    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true

    Header set Access-Control-Max-Age 86400



    The above code allowed me to use C2 to access the files contained on the server.


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • The requesting web page the game is located on and the target file are on the same domain but in different folders. Should this not be a same domain request instead of a cross domain request.

    Where can I find an example showing me how to set up cors for the website?

    How do I change the header in the ajax object?


  • When using the get object to retrieve a text file located on the internet it does not retrieve the text file.

    Could not figure out how to upload a Capx file to this post so yo can find one here:

    The Capx will simply try to download a .txt file and change the text string (which is "starting text") to the contents of the text file.

    You can find the text file here:

    You can also find a copy of the crossdomain.xml file here:

    To reproduce bug:

    Step 1: Open the Capx file and press the Run Layout button at the top.

    Step 2: Watch what happens.

    What happens? The text is not changed.

    Expected Result: The text should be changed.

    Affected Browsers

    Chrome: (YES)

    FireFox: (YES)

    Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack: Windows 10 unknown service pack.

    Construct 2 Version ID: release 236

  • How would I go about creating a 3D maze in C2 like shown in the image?


  • Anyone?


  • Here are three I have found that seem to provide ads for html5.

    NativeX -

    appOptim -

    appnext -

    I have never tried any of them so I do not know how good they are. If you do use one of them you will probably have to create an extension for them which you can also sale in the Scirra web store for additional income.


  • I am trying to implement a third party service which requires the use of a postback url (I set the postback url to be the url hosting the game). I am trying to use the ajax object to detect the postback response. Not sure if this is the best way or not. My experiments thus far have not had any success.

    Any ideas?


  • Problem Description

    When trying to using the Webcam example that comes with C2 it no longer works.

    Attach a Capx


    Description of Capx

    Webcam example that comes with C2.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

      Load Capx Press play button. Observed Result I get the following error message in the target browser (firefox): Javascript error! SecurityError: The operation is insecure. http://localhost:50000/preview_prelude.js, line 189 (col undefined) Expected Result To use the camera. Affected Browsers
      • Chrome: (YES/NO) Unknown
      • FireFox: (YES/NO) Yes
      • Internet Explorer: (YES/NO)


    Operating System and Service Pack

    WindowsXP SP2

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Release 173

  • How can i upload my game on FGL? I must find a server? Can you explain how it works?

    To upload a game you need to register as a developer with them. Go to and fill out the form. You can find detailed instructions on their web site about how to upload games (and you do not need your own server).


  • I cannot download build r155 for C2 ( Every time I try I get part of the file and then it fails for some unknown reason. I have had this problem with earlier releases in the past but usually after 3 or 4 attempts I managed to download the file.

    For some reason the Torrent download is not working either. I get a file that is 19 kb in size and when I try to open it my computer asks for the type of program needed to run the file. I suspect this is due to the fact that the Torrent file does not have a default file extension on the end of the file.


  • Unity. I own a small collection of game engines but Unity, Game Maker Studio and MultiMedia Fusion 2 are the only ones I have currently completed games with. I hope to add C2 to the list of engines used for completed games in the near future.


  • If I were to make a plug would Ludei have to support RevMob in order for it to work on Android devices or would the plugin work if Ludei did not specifically add support for it?

    And yes, you are correct cyberdrizzt. I have also used RevMob in the past with another game engine and found it to have very good payouts.
