Hey, here is my first released plugin. Whooow, what an experience !
I didn't know programing javascript three weeks ago, so please be indulgent with me.
I tried to do something clear and structured though. I hope it is.
Feel free to suggest ideas/request about functionnalities of this plugin. I'm actually working on the next version.
Thanks all, and hope this will be usefull.
(I'm french, and even if I work every days with american guys, my english may be not so good. Sorry for that.)
Combo Box & List Box
Version: 2.43 (21/01/2013)
Tried in Internet Explorer 9.0.3 / Opera 11.51 / Chrome 15.0.874 (issue) / Safari 5.1.2 (issue) / Firefox 8.0 / Mobile Safari (iOS 4)
Download the plugin.
By default, the ComboBox object is without tooltip, enabled, black font color, white background color, width : 200px, height : 25 px.
Tooltip ? Set the text of the tooltip.
Enabled ? Choose wether the combo box is enabled or disabled on startup.
Font color ? Choose color for the font.
Background color ? Choose color for the background.
Change tooltip ? Set or change the text of the tooltip.
Set enabled ? Change the parameter 'Enabled' to enabled or disabled.
Add a line(text) ? Add a new line at the last position (ID starts from 1).
Change a line(text, ID) ? Change the text of the line by its ID.
Delete a line(ID) ? Delete a line by its ID (decrements ID values).
Tips. Set 'all' (without quotes) to delete all lines.
Insert a line(text, ID) ? Insert a line after another line choose by its ID.
Select a line(ID) ? Select a line (focus) by its ID.
1.1 Is a line selected(ID) ? Check if a line is selected by its ID.
1.1 Is enabled ? Check if the comboBox is enabled.
getTextById(ID) ? Return a string for the text of a line by its ID.
Set the ID in the expression (instead of 'ID of the line:').
getTextSelected ? Return a string for the text of the current selected line.
getTotalLines ? Return a number for the total number of lines.
getValueSelected ? Return a number for the ID of the current selected line.
TODO List for this plugin.
- Propertie/Action, Text alignment.
- Propertie/Action/Expression, Bold, Italic, Underline options.
- Action, Focus on last created line.
- A french version.
Feel free to let me know your suggestions, requests and corrections (as about language) as well as any bug report.