What does the console says when you check for errors in the browser ?
Edit: Investing a bit more, this only happens when you try to execute the project in offline mode (locally on the computer if you will), which isn't an expected way to do.
Host the project online and execute it, that's the intended way of executing HTML5 projects.
Here's the output:
Viewport target-densitydpi is not supported. | index.html:9
Uncaught Error: SecurityError: DOM Exception 18 | c2runtime.js:1740
The first one is pretty normal though, since it got deprecated a few months ago.
I do need to get this working offline, since that's what the jury asks for.
Lastly, I see no reason why such a project wouldn't run offline on it's own (aside of Google Chrome not being able to access the appcache or something like that, which I haven't yet checked). All my manually coded HTML projects do.
EDIT: Never mind. Found out that this is due to Google Chrome's own security policies. Can't really fix it without stripping my demo off the pathfinding Webworker. The only solution I could find is to run Google Chrome with the "--allow-file-access-from-file" Chromium flag.
Still weird that the same would also happen with manual Node Webkit builds. The only obvious thing that has changed since the version I used previously is the inclusion of jquery 2.0 and the fact that, by default, Index.html no longer looks for Jquery on it's official website.