Ashley We already know about that online web browser can automatically update games but is not related to node-webkit as stand alone app, it's off-topic.
In browser version, Who says that all games should be free?
This is an issue that we will avoid the loss of time to re-distributions every updates that are not reported to users, some users decide if they want notifications by e-mail or not.
Thndr I've researched it before, for apps using node-webkit, it's less useful because there is only that it could replace old .exe to new .exe without worrying webstorage, it's stored in ~/.config/<app name in package.json> under linux and %LOCALAPPDIR%/<app name> under windows,
Blinx123 Yeah it's a good idea, it makes me wonder if script can check version number, if is old, it could download new ".exe" to replace old .exe, about .bat is a script which is exclusive to windows. What are scripts to Linux and Mac? Is possible to download our latest games in own server?