Yesterday I spent 12 hours just cleaning up and polishing the first Cave area. Its not even that big of a stage but it was my first official stage that I made for the game around 6 years ago. There were so many little blemishes, things you don't notice until you zoom in really good.
Tip for new devs: Take it slow, be clean and careful the first time when implementing your graphics and other details. Do it right the first time, then later polish it up again. Polishing it will be much easier if the stage layout is clean and precise.
- I changed the light rays I had, made them sharper and sexier looking.
- Reworked all my light sources
-Fixed BG tiles that were messed up or just plain wrongly placed
- Rearranged foreground and background assets
-Redid my stage end cutscene
- and many more small fixes
Reason Im doing all this again is because I was rushing, not experienced and a little bit delusional. Let people see your game, whether on the internet or just local friends and family and tell them to be brutally honest.
What we think looks good or right may not be so good because we are so used to seeing it so many times we become blind to very apparent things.
Anyways here is a new screen.