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  • Yeah, I was thinking about it alot today before I got on the computer, I have pages and pages of code written out to test haha, it's basically what you just described, but a little more indepth. Thanks for the help

  • sorry about that, the link is:

    http:// www mediafire com/ download/ 11207i41g69nf4v/ HelpNeeded.rar

  • Hey, I have a setup that randomly generates a world when I load it based on a random seed. Problem is my world isn't very smooth, its quite.. "bumpy", bits sticking up everywhere etc. I want to know is there any simple way of smoothing out the map?

    Please note: I dont want to switch to using an array or some other system, I want to use my current setup.

    Capx: ... Needed.rar

    --Forgot to mention, my current setup uses the Randomplus plugin, to make it easier, I've included it with the download--

  • Sorry I think I misunderstood what you said in the first message and it made me think you didnt understand, my english isn't the best at times Thanks a bunch for those links, you're the best! R0J0hound

  • as for the perlin noise plugin, tried to find it, and I cant seem to find it? Could you link me? R0J0hound

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  • Not sure if you understood my original post or not, sorry, but I need to avoid using random numbers, so that my seed idea works, if possible

  • Hey,

    So, I'm working on procedural generation, and I want it to work off a seed system. As in, you find a cool world, copy the seed, he pastes it into his game, and gets the same world. Therefor, I can't use any random values, because it would defeat the purpose of the seed system. Because of this, I need to find a way to generate somewhat random seeming values from a string of numbers, my "seed".

    My seed consists of purely numbers, to simplify things. My seed can be anywhere between 1, and 10,000,000.

    so let's say, I get the seed 76364, I need a way, to turn that into a number between say 1 and 10.


    The outcome cannot be constant. The formula needs to incorporate outside factors. Say if I have blocks all over my level, I'd need to vary the formula in some way to include block.x and block.y, so that

    A: All the blocks dont have the same number,

    B: all the blocks in the same X row dont have the same number,

    C: all the blocks in the same Y row dont have the same number.

    Hopefully one of you amazing geniuses can help me out with this one

  • Could you link to a capx please? It's hard to understand the screenshots, especially with the animations not being labelled and such

  • For the purpose of this example I'm going to assume your world is built up of blocks, like terraria. Im sure you could adapt this if it isn't, but anyways.

    What I would do is something along the lines of, When a "block" of water is created, spawn "check" blocks to the down, left, and right of it. If these check blocks collide with a solid block, say "stone", then delete the check block, and do nothing else. This way, your "check" block spawns to the right of the water source, checks if theres a solid wall to the right of it, if there is, then no water flows to that block. If there isn't, however, a block at this spot, delete the check block and replace it with a water block.

    It wouldn't be this simple, you'd have to have it check if theres a solid underneath it, otherwise it would flow off for infinity at the same height, stuff like that, but hopefully you get the general idea of what I mean. I'm sure theres a much easier way of doing this with arrays, but I personally like to avoid arrays.

  • Hmm.. interesting idea, I hadn't thought of this, I'll try mess around with this idea

  • Wondering how I might go about placing blocks in a grid, but having the grid at an angle. I know how to do block placement, but dont know how to do it at an angle, is it possible? By grid block placement I mean... Like, Terraria, or that sort of thing. Where you can place blocks but only in a certain grid. I want to be able to place the first block at any angle and position whatsoever, then be able to build off of that, at the same angle. As in, you place a block at any angle you want, and the rest of the blocks you place will be placed in a grid at the angle of the first block

  • I'm having a problem with multiplayer.

    Let's assume I have the host, and 2 peers, Host, PeerA, and PeerB.

    If PeerA rotates, only host and PeerA see that rotation,

    if PeerB rotates, only host and PeerB see that rotation,

    if Host rotates, no peers see this happening.

    www mediafire com/download/2rpodl9499taduj/PleaseHelpTY.capx

  • There's a formula for this, unfortunately I dont have my formula book handy, and I can't find the right one online, if this isn't solved by tomorrow I can help