blackhornet's Forum Posts

  • No magic - screenshot is the solution.

  • You should be using Else. Look at event 33 - it sets the frame to 3. But the events keep going, so event 34 runs, and 35 runs - oops - the frame is 3 now, because you just set it to 3, so it runs and now the frame is 4. You need to use Else for this kind of checking to stop any of the other sub events from running and using the new value.

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  • Add a Container to the Missile, and add Exhaust to it. Get rid of the Spawn action (and Exhaust destroy).

  • Here's a dump of the data.

    I don't know what you mean by "3QA".

  • You'll have to show more. The data is fine. As long as you are indexing from 0 to 3, it works.

  • round( value * 100 / max)

    max is the highest the value can reach. value is the number to test.

  • The plugin reads the text and converts it to an integer. You'll have to do the conversion yourself.

  • I can right-click on a Dictionary object in the project tab and Clone. This is r210.

  • I think you need to clarify what you want to do. If there are no bullets created, then you can't pick any, and that seems to be the case. Looks like you are confusing what UID will do for you. If you want a certain bullet type, you need to identify the type, not the UID (that I assume you are seeing in the GUI).

  • In the Project panel, right-click Layouts -> Add layout.

  • No. You want to index Y directly, to specify the correct column. Y=0 is your shape name, Y=1 is the count, Y=2 is (I made this up) colour, Y=3 is some other number. If you are trying to search in X for your shape, you only use "For each X element" to generate CurX values. CurY will not be set. CurY would only be set if you use "For each XY element", but that won't help you at all here. You are only searching in X for the name, to get the correct X value. Once you have X (stored in CurX), you can address any of those shape's data columns directly.

  • Arrays are indexed by numbers. CurX is just whatever the current number is in the For loop, for the X dimension.

    So if we have a single dimension array, for the moment, your array would be:

    CurX=0 -> Array(0) -> "triangle"

    CurX=1 -> Array(1) -> "circle"

    CurX=2 -> Array(2) -> "square"

    CurX=3 -> Array(3) -> "rectangle"

    "For each X element" is just setting the value of CurX to those numbers for you. If we introduce two dimensions, then we need to start adding the Y index to get at the appropriate data. Y=0 is our name.

    CurX=0 -> Array(0,0) -> "triangle"

    CurX=1 -> Array(1,0) -> "circle"

    CurX=2 -> Array(2,0) -> "square"

    CurX=3 -> Array(3,0) -> "rectangle"

    Y=1 is our count (assuming some random values for the moment).

    CurX=0 -> Array(0,1) -> 3

    CurX=1 -> Array(1,1) -> 7

    CurX=2 -> Array(2,1) -> 4

    CurX=3 -> Array(3,1) -> 0

    Does that help any?

  • The question is is what are your requirements? Do you need to count by "ones" starting at zero, or do you start with a higher number? What is the highest number you want to count to? Computers can't count to infinity, so there have to be some limits.