blackhornet's Forum Posts

  • Click on a point first.

  • You have to watch "Is overlapping" - manual: True if any instance is overlapping any instance of another object.

    Put a For each before you overlapping test, to test each one, and you can switch NOT overlapping to an Else. Works then.

  • Looks fine.

  • (Ninja'd)

    The problem is you have conflicting behaviours. Solid is saying "don't move over a certain object", and Pin is saying " ALWAYS move relative to the parent". You can't have it both ways - something has to give. So it seems Pin trumps Solid. It's not clear what you would expect to happen. Do the Blobs stop moving or do they stop the player from moving. The last won't happen as the Pin mechanism is one way. Player affects Blob, but Blob does not affect Player.

    People keep trying to use behaviours with Physics, but Physics doesn't behave well with any other behaviour, in general.

  • Fiammaoscura In your screenshot you are picking a random instance and THEN checking if it is 100%. You should swap those lines so it first picks the 100% balls, then picks one of those. korbaach's solution may make this point moot, but still worth noting.

  • You should be able to use global variables. Use a function to set your score and every time the score changes check if you've reached your threshold and adjust the variables as appropriate. Using a timer instead of "Every X" will give you better control, and you can stop the old timeout and reset it to it's new value.

  • But it does fire. Add a second (different) Text object and set it to "was met" right under the first Text object. It gets set. The problem is your second part of the OR gets run but picks nothing - so there is no Text object to set at event 3.

    This is a side effect of C2 both checking and picking at the same time. You get these odd side effects. You need to change you logic to account for this.

  • It might depend on the effect. Which one are you using?

    Edit: are you incrementing the value first?

  • I was going to say that it's probably the Layout Transition plugin, but I see you just posted on that thread.

  • So to offset to a positive, you need only add 20000, pushing the top to 40000. So use 100000 as the multiplier: 2,000,000,000 + 40000 = 2,000,040,000 max.

  • The numbers Magistross and I picked were arbitrary. What are the maximum values you are expecting to get? Scale the constants based on those.

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  • You can offset that too. Add 100000 to the number before storing, and subtract that on restore. As long as no number can be beyond +/- 100000, then it all works out.

  • Oops.

  • The link to both release and betas is at the bottom of every page. Just scroll down.

  • I'd say you haven't given your letters enough space on the left, so scaling is picking up bleed from the next letter. Ex: A is picking up the left most pixels of B. o is picking up p. Also some of your other fonts have artifacts right in the source: SpriteFont -> g, p, q.

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