Black2key's Forum Posts

  • Woah, scirra should seriously consider adding those, that would help so much in aligning objects! great idea m8


  • Uh, can you tell me what I am doing wrong here?

    I am destroying a few cubes, the objects avoce should fall on the position of the deleted cubes and the indices with no objects should be empty but somehow that doesnt work.

    (and somehow they stack on eachother or fall below the grid...)


    additional info:

    function "falling": looks for the cubes above that and moves it down.

    x/y - position of

    z0: frame of the cube where it looks for the adjacent cubes

    z1: uid of cube

    z2: destroyed 1 / undestroyed 0


    It should be quite clear if you download the capx



  • Anyone? :/

  • Thanks for the help, I am really greatful! but another problem arises, I have a completely random map with x colours.

    And, if I select a tile, it should highlight all the tiles with the same frame/colour.

    So if you hover over one of the five red it should highlight all of them, so comparing uid's doesnt do the trick here!

    I uploaded a capx with just the problem to illustrate that.


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  • I am not sure I get what you are trying to tell me, quite new arrays, but lets go.

    1. So, I should stop the loop when it goes into negative values? I mean, if there is no Array there, it will just stop automatically or should I manually tell the loop to stop IF 0?

    2. I almost figured that this kept happening and even if it checked the neighbouring tiles it would only change the value of the currently picked tile. How do I change the value of objects in an indice that is not even active? (still have to get my head arround these expressions). So I should highlight it -> pick all -> loop?

    3.The Array has a randomized Instance Variable that selects the frame of the tile.

  • Hello,

    I have a grid of randomized objects I want to compare the adjacent arrays (North, south, west, east) to the selected tile so that I have an area of those objects

    If you highlight that one tile (variable = highlight) it should compare CurValue (0,1,2,3 etc) and highlight it too

    Why doesnt this work :S



  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Press Preview Button / Preview it.

    Observed result:

    Error Message:

    Expected result:

    not getting that error message

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: dont have chrome.

    Firefox: no, doesnt pop up

    Internet Explorer: yes, error message pops up

    Operating system & service pack:

    Win 7 SP1

    Construct 2 version:

    119. (upgraded from 117, where this has never happened)

  • You do not have permission to view this post

  • I would suggest making a spritesheet?

  • ^yeah, Construct asks me to Save those Changes I've made when I was working on a project.

    Still weird.

  • When you doubleklick these buttons,

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Construct 2 crashes.

  • Seems great! [Currenlty 22-24 fps, but if thats going to be fixed: awesome(ium)!]

    Can't wait for the release with this export in it.

  • Well ASHLEY. Do we know an estimated full release date of awesomium? Some programs are always in the "beta"-stage, even tough they are complete programs. (look at the udk)

  • Don't worry, I am sure they will fix your problem.

    Also,<font size="1">calm down ;)</font>

  • haha, I changed these to 2,3,0,1 for the hardmode, so you have to press the opposite key! tricky~ :)