BitOfANoob's Forum Posts

  • Hello there.

    All new to this and wondered how to stop my player's walking animation when he stops walking. The method I'm using here, although seems to work, gets confused when keys are pressed/released close together and the player ends up skating around the platforms.

    There must a be a better way?


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  • Hello there,

    I'm trying out a small platformer to brush up on my C3 knowledge and I'm rounding my player coords to make sure they fit in various places.

    However, I have come across an issue where if my player lands on a piece of Tiled Background (the bricks), its Y coordinate isn't converted to an integer.

    The Tiled Background is 16x16 and the rounding works everywhere else he lands. What am I doing wrong?

    Many thanks.


    [post moved to correct forum group]


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  • Hello there.

    Noob question here, but what is the relationship/scope of Layouts and Events? I created a new Layout and it asked if I wanted to also create a new Event Sheet!

    I clicked yes, but it made me think about what events get triggered from which Layouts. Does each Layout *have* to have it's own Event Sheet?

    If I don't create a new Event Sheet for each Layout, will the Layout use an existing Event Sheet?

    My apologies if the answers are obvious, but I'm a bit confused and can't find any reference of Layout/Event Sheet scope in the manual.

    Many thanks in advance.


  • I really appreciate your help. Does this work -

  • Okay, what's the easiest way of doing that, please?

  • Dear all,

    I'm new to this and just testing out things. I have two sprites a Platform sprite and a Solid sprite which seem to work okay. However, when I run my project, the whole Layout seems to immediately shift a pixel to the left before continuing.

    I have no idea what's going on. Anyone know why it's doing this?


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  • Playing keys in that game are Q/W - Left/Right and Space to jump.

  • Thank you for replying.

    I'm talking about the pseudo physics of platformer jumps. I want to get away from the jump method in your example (being able to change direction mid-air), and want to jump like Miner Willy does in this example -!jetsetwilly. So once you start to jump, you can't change direction until you land.

    Many thanks.

  • Title says it all, really!

    How do I make it so when the player commits to a jump, he jumps in that direction until he lands?

    Many thanks.


  • <edit: I've removed all behaviours and started from scratch>

    Okay, I've shrunk the collision polygon down by a single pixel on all sides and I've created the following events for my player to handle the collision so it doesn't stick when it touches the platform sprite. My player now fits into the gap, but the events required to do this seem ...crude.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    I know as long as something works I should be happy, but this looks scrappy to me. Is there an 'accepted' or better way of doing what I'm attempting above?

    Many thanks.


  • A 30px high sprite won't fit into 30px high gap since it would be overlapping the sprites above and below. If two sprites share an edge they count as overlapping.

    I'd readily accept that, but can I ask how that relates to my example, here...

    <img src="" border="0" />

    My player, blue, moves along the red base freely even though it's sharing an edge along the bottom, but wont go any further into the 30px gap even though at this point it's not sharing an edge with the red platform above-right? (...actually, is it because any further movement right WOULD trigger a collision, so prevents it?)

  • I see. I think.

    I've had a look around but I can't find a way to round them off or use an int(x) alternative. Is there one?