Biim Games's Forum Posts

  • Long term plan has always been to move everything from over to, one of the last big things remaining is the store.

    Future of the store is to keep it, and move it to It's a big job as requires a complete rewrite to work on our scalable infrastructure.

    Currently am working on rewriting of the C3 part of the store - once up and running will start working on the new store.

    Tom any news about the new store?

    In case it takes lots of time, perhaps might it be possible to have the old one fixed by the major bugs?

    Thank you

  • > why releasing a game on Scirra's Arcade?


    > I mean, it's great for a demo, but you can't monetise it at all.


    > At least you could consider Scirra Store.


    > For PC I would suggest you to consider also and GameJolt if you don't want to publish on the usual big stores :-)


    > Good luck with your development! :)

    I do agree that stores are good places to publish to, the Scirra Arcade version is just a demo of a little less than a quarter of the game (basically just letting you complete all of the tutorials and preview the better levels). I did make a Scirra Arcade-exclusive game, though. I thought, "why monetize that?" and uploaded the full version.

    Thank you for the PC Game Store recommendations, I'll have to look into those!

    - Peace Of Cake Games

    Ok, a demo makes sense :)

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • why releasing a game on Scirra's Arcade?

    I mean, it's great for a demo, but you can't monetise it at all.

    At least you could consider Scirra Store.

    For PC I would suggest you to consider also and GameJolt if you don't want to publish on the usual big stores :-)

    Good luck with your development! :)

  • GamerDude96 I can see that I am not the only one with a long list of projects to do :D

  • logistic and strategic games aren't really simple projects...

    Not a problem for me, but generally they are way more challenging than other games.

    Is that a paid position? I mean paid during game development and not a % on eventual sales.

  • It's good you are creating a code that you can recycle.

    For the resource, I highly recommend to do all without effects. FPS will become much higher and the game can be enjoyed on more devices.

  • Thank you Von Perkele :)

    On which projects are you working?

  • Hi tlavelle,

    I am able to help you with the creation of the game, in addition if you want I can support you with Game Design and Gamification.

    Feel free to reach me out.

    My website is:

    Thank you

  • Definitively the time will come, I am not going to give up so easily on this.

    Thank you for starting this topic and keep updating it, so I can see your progress ;-)

  • GamerDude96 I am sure some studios use Construct for quick prototyping of 2d games, the difficult part is to get a job as a person that uses only C2/C3, and that I think it's quite unlikely, unfortunately.

    I think there is definitely space to work as a freelancer, and that's what I am trying to do. Even be able to work to develop quick prototypes for different studios would be something nice to do. Of course, as a freelancer, it's not a continuous flow of money.

    I did one year as full-time indie, I took a risk, but I did learn a lot, not only about developing. I started a YouTube channel, a Patreon page, studied marketing and other stuff. The hard reality is that during this time the income as a beginner is too low because you don't have enough contacts to get freelance jobs and in the end, I had to go back to my 'normal' work that is totally unrelated to game development.

    I still work with C2 on some projects, but my normal job drains all my energy. The job itself is quite easy, but the environment is highly mind demanding, stressing me so much. Every day I hate so much to go to work and once home I don't have a proper mind status to work on projects.

    In the end, I can't develop much because I have a normal job and if I don't have a normal job I can't sustain my family. So the progression is really hard. Being lucky to get some contacts and start to do freelance jobs at least for 3-4 months would be a great chance to try again to go back full-time indie.

    I wish people would be more open-minded about software, in the end, it's the final result that counts, not what you have used to develop a game...

  • I totally agree with you and I would like to see Construct to be taken more into consideration by studios, and not having proper games is what it's hindering it down. We can't blame the engine for that, but it's a lack of real developers.

    Personally I have been experimenting many things with C2 and since I usually don't like much platformers, I create something different from the mass.

    Here is what I have done either as game or template:

    Creepy Mahjong

    A Mahjong with dark theme and forking levels. It has also an editor to create your own levels and share them with a secret code

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    64x64 ill-fated

    (Multiplayer local co-op hack 'n slash with RPG elements up to 4 players)

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    The Outermost Bastion

    Tower defense where you take direct control of the only tower in the game.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    FPS on Rails

    First Person Shooter on Rail, template for C2/C3

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    8-bit Shooter

    Simple horizontal shooter Template for beginners.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    I have other experiment and tests, but not in a really playable status like this pinball done during a Game Jam:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    So, to conclude, with Construct you can really create anything in 2d, just need someone with skills and possibly funding to be able to support the time to develop a proper game.

  • > Your link is broken.


    > Does it count as feedback? :-D

    lol, sorry no.

    thanks everyone for applying. This position is now filled!

    Oh damn, I lost my chance to become rich!

    Good luck with your game :-)

  • Your link is broken.

    Does it count as feedback? :-D

  • Hi clouised,

    Just to let you know, the forum doesn't support private messages.

    About your request instead, I am interested to know more about the project.

    I have already worked on educational games for some of my clients and I would be happy to talk about an eventual collaboration.

    You can contact me through my website:

    Once I will receive your mail I can share with you the educational games I have worked on.

    Thank you.

  • Thank you all. I am supervising the websites you have indicated to me and evaluating games to be purchased under a non-exclusive license. The proposal makes a lot of sense

    if I buy an incomplete product, I should contact those who sold it to me for a final version.

    As Lancifer said, you should contact them before buy, because many sellers aren't active or don't use anymore Construct because moved to other engine.

    You can still engage another developer to add the part that is eventually missing.