bigcatrik's Forum Posts

  • I haven't looked closely at your example, but when Construct is firing off when it seems like it shouldn't I immediately wonder if a "System > Trigger once when true" event needs to be added to the conditions.

  • I continue to refine my retro-90s FPS template used for my game Vault of Peril, this time adding to the geometry. This isn't in the online version yet, but here's a WIP.

  • The 3D Castle Maze demo uses a layer named "Map" to lay out its maze as 2D sprites, which are converted to 3D objects when the game starts. All the walls are uniform.

    simply increase their width and it clones itself, like a tiled background.

    You can use tiled backgrounds as wall textures, and they'll tile as you increase the size of the object. The "z tiling factor" on the object may need to be adjusted. Automatic generation from a sprite layout would probably be a little trickier with this method.

    I built my levels manually, but I have different sizes and angles so I'd really have to think through making a level generator for my next project.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Have you tried running Construct in an incognito window?


    My retro-90s 3D FPS VAULT OF PERIL has been updated with enemy pathfinding, proper wall sliding, enemy demise animation, restart screen, new boss battle music, sprite variations, enhanced depth effects, and more.

    It still fits within the free version's 50-event limit (with one to spare) and is (hopefully) as challenging as ever.

    Original announcement:

  • Some things I found when using sprites on multiple 3D objects that each need different frames:

    Put the 3D object and sprite together in a container, or changing the sprite frame changes the frame on every 3D object in the scene.

    Furthermore, set the sprite's "initially visible" box to off on ALL instances on ALL layouts. Right-click the sprite in the Project tree and select "Select all in project" to be sure. Otherwise, an extra sprite is created at the location of the 3D object, and will only disappear if the 3D object is destroyed.

  • There's probably a way programmatically around it, but I'm in C3 to not program, so when I ran into these issues I started making sure my animation frames were all the same size.

  • More fun than Impossible Breakout (which I did find impossible).

  • Mine does that too, on an M1 Mac with Chrome and Safari. The links still work, even if it looks like the item cards are entering some sort of warp zone.

  • This video goes into detail about importing animations and, in the second half, triggering them.

  • (Will be nice to have an edit option for spelling mistakes)

    You don't see a red Edit button at the top right of your post?

  • That was fun. I got all the way to the top and I'm not particularly fond of platform games.

  • I would like for Hierarchy to work in the editor on the stage.

    This also bothers me in Construct. When I join items in a program (I've predominantly worked with 3D programs) I expect the parent to move the children in the editor.

  • It looks to me like rotating the "Angle" property is actually "rotating on the Z axis" according to the conventions of traditional 3D software (C3 is "Z-up" when you have the camera set parallel to the X/Y plane and use it as the floor). The other axes? No, I don't think that's currently possible.

  • bigcatrik

    YES!! That's exactly what I've been trying to do and your code is so simple. I actually understand it.

    Thank you sooooo much!

    No problem. I made a 5-level "Doom clone" last Fall with C3 using only the free version's 50 events so I had to keep everything as streamlined as possible.

    Ooh, I just got over 1,000 plays in the Construct Arcade!