Bert's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for the reply Ashley. Yes I had already read the performance tips, that was helpful, but it doesn't talk about reducing RAM usage. It seems like that would be directly connected to the amount/size of sprites(is it?). I've also since tested in Internet explorer which only uses a little over 100MB of RAM. Firefox must be doing something unnecessary. Seems the same even with the space blaster demo(it uses about 450MB in firefox). Thanks again.

  • I'm trying to get my game to perform better so it can be a phone app. Right now it uses about 1.2GB of RAM in firefox. The game runs at 640x960. There are a lot of sprites and a lot of layouts. My thought was to reduce the size to 320x480. This would involve replacing all sprites with half size files(this is a lot of work) and then globally scaling everything in construct to 320x480(this step can be done easily with a layer scale event). Just wondering if this will work, before I go down this road, or if there are any other ideas on how to reduce the game RAM usage. Also is there a RAM limit, before phone performance is effected?

  • When using the snap to pixel tool, the values need to be re-typed every time it is turned on(not just checked on and off, but when a different layout is opened). The will display whatever value you used last, but will always be 32x32(the default) until you re-type both of them. A user preference for this would be nice(just a thought).

  • I got it to work now, thanks for all the advice. I will post a basic step by step so any other noobs out there don't have to bother you.

    Global variable:level_progress

    system-on end of layout-WebStorage-Set local key "save" to level_progress

    system-on start of layout-system-Set level_progress to WebStorage.LocalValue("save")

    this should work as an auto save for any game with levels.

  • I still can't get it to work. I guess I need a sample file or a quick step by step. I must be the only one on this website that can't save a game, so if anyone would be so kind as to send me a sample project with a save game feature that would be wonderful.

  • Thanks for the response, that makes sense, but it's still not working for me. Does the output need to be on a server to save? Here is the we storage section of my event sheet:



                   <condition id="-2" name="On start of layout" type="System" />



                   <action id="0" name="Set local value" type="WebStorage">

                        <param id="0" name="Key">"save_level"</param>

                        <param id="1" name="Value">level_progress</param>




    Not sure if that helps. I set it the way you said. Should this happen "at the start of layout"?(meaning is that causing a problem?)

  • I've read the post about using web storage to save your game, but there are no instuctions on how to use that plugin. I have a global varibale"level_progress" and I'm setting the web storage to set session value to:



    on layout start.

    I'm guessing that I'm doing it wrong. Will it work on an offine output? or does it need to be posted to a server for the plugin to work?

  • Does anyone have an example of a multiplayer game in construct2? Could be turn based or realtime... anything would help.

  • Malwarebytes said 0 infections, I uninstalled a Yahoo & Bing toolbar, so I guess I will see if it still happens.

  • It seems to happen on any links, not just forum stuff, for example it just happened when I clicked the link to download the lastest software. But then I go back and click the same link and it works fine.

  • I just ran CCleaner. And this computer already had McAfee running I guess, so I scanned it again, nothing came up.

  • Okay. but please understand that this only happens on links... meaning no other websites do this on either computers.

  • I've bought the software, so how do I get an early adopters badge?

  • When I click on links(any) on the scirra website, randomly(maybe 5%) I get taken to a different local advertisement website. This is on Scirra website only and has happened to me at both home and work. Is this intensional? Do you have a virus of sorts?

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  • Nothing out of the ordinary, I think I was trying to drag a cloned sprite into the layout(from the object window). By the way that seems buggy in general, sometimes it drags in, other times it doesn't, seems to depend on if something else is selected in the layout. I have to select the clone in the project window to deselect the other object in the layout, then it will work. That my be why, two objects are selected at once.